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To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/24/25 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
Current Update:
More layers of harm are using Creator’s energy to convert it to darkness and feeding nasties throughout Everything have been found and eliminated.
Each step moves us closer to ‘Upliftment’.
We continue to pursue all needed for our ‘Upliftment’ 24/7.
The highest level of Creator’s light was pierced during the first arrival of darkness 13,000 years ago. This piercing has been inverting light to darkness at all levels directly or indirectly ever since and has now been eliminated taking with it all remaining darkness.
8 years and tens of thousands of dark removals have finally taken us to the root source of their continuance. Our continuing goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light… this is now in preparation.
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/17/25 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
Current Update:
Much progress continues removing groups of nasties, some in the trillions, are being found and eliminated. A major takedown of the highest level of inverters taking Creator’s lite and converting to darkness thus feeding the dark at all levels continues. This will ‘starve’ the remaining darkness allowing us to move forward to ‘Upliftment’.
We continue to pursue all needed for our ‘Upliftment’ 24/7.
The highest level of Creator’s light was pierced during the first arrival of darkness 13,000 years ago. This piercing has been inverting light to darkness at all levels directly or indirectly ever since and has now been eliminated taking with it all remaining darkness.
8 years and tens of thousands of dark removals have finally taken us to the root source of their continuance. Our continuing goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light… this is now in preparation.
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/10/25 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
Current Update:
Dozens more groups of nasties, some in the trillions, are being found and eliminated. A major takedown of the highest level of inverters taking Creator’s lite and converting to darkness thus feeding the dark at all levels has been completed. This will ‘starve’ the remaining darkness allowing us to move forward to ‘Upliftment’.
We continue to pursue all needed for our ‘Upliftment’ 24/7.
The highest level of Creator’s light was pierced during the first arrival of darkness 13,000 years ago. This piercing has been inverting light to darkness at all levels directly or indirectly ever since and has now been eliminated taking with it all remaining darkness.
8 years and tens of thousands of dark removals have finally taken us to the root source of their continuance. Our continuing goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light… this is now in preparation.
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/3/25 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
Current Update:
Major cleanup continues of darkness throughout Everything plus a replacement of remaining darkness to light. New energies of appreciation, gratitude and respect have been added to Everything.
The lessons learned and subsequent wisdom is now being transferred to our new Everything in preparation for our transition to the ‘Upliftment’. We continue to pursue all needed for our ‘Upliftment’ 24/7.
The highest level of Creator’s light was pierced during the first arrival of darkness 13,000 years ago. This piercing has been inverting light to darkness at all levels directly or indirectly ever since and has now been eliminated taking with it all remaining darkness.
8 years and tens of thousands of dark removals have finally taken us to the root source of their continuance. Our continuing goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light… this is now in preparation.
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
2/24/25 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
The dark is weakening on a daily basis. Their final assaults have been responded to and new potential challengers have been found and eliminated. Our goal is for Creator to initiate ‘Upliftment’ that will benefit Everything. For Creator to accomplish this, all remaining ‘blockers’ need to be eliminated and that is our mission. I believe we are very close to stopping these blockers keeping the 'upliftment' process from completing, freeing us from the grip of darkness. We continue to pursue these 24/7 often resolving 6 or more major invaders daily doing harm to everyone.
The highest level of Creator’s light was pierced during the first arrival of darkness 13,000 years ago. This piercing has been inverting light to darkness at all levels directly or indirectly ever since and has now been eliminated taking with it all remaining darkness.
8 years and tens of thousands of dark removals have finally taken us to the root source of their continuance. Our continuing goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light… this is now in preparation.
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
2/17/25 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
We continue to resolve dozens of very nasty energies harming humanity left behind by the dark. These energies promote unforgiveness, desire to fight and perpetuating fear as a few examples.
They also stop the 'upliftment' process from completing, freeing us from the grip of darkness. We continue to pursue these 24/7 often resolving 6 or more major invaders daily doing harm to everyone.
The highest level of Creator’s light was pierced during the first arrival of darkness 13,000 years ago. This piercing has been inverting light to darkness at all levels directly or indirectly ever since and has now been eliminated taking with it all remaining darkness.
8 years and tens of thousands of dark removals have finally taken us to the root source of their continuance. Our continuing goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light… this is now in preparation.
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
2/10/25 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
The highest level of Creator’s light was pierced during the first arrival of darkness 13,000 years ago. This piercing has been inverting light to darkness at all levels directly or indirectly ever since and has now been eliminated taking with it all remaining darkness.
8 years and tens of thousands of dark removals have finally taken us to the root source of their continuance. Our continuing goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light… this is now in preparation.
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
2/3/25 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
The dark has found ways to persist from its dark origins. These are being addressed. Both sentient and non-sentient nasties are being mopped up as discovered. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
1/27/25 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
As the multitude of layers of darkness have been identified and huge numbers have been terminated, finding all remaining nasties has been an endless pursuit. A new approach has been initiated reversing the polarity of the sentient darkness returning them to their origins where they are captured and extinguished. The non-sentient nasties are being mopped up in another manner. Together, our goal is to move us to upliftment with Creator’s light...
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
1/20/25 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
The dark have been relentless in their final days severely attacking 24/7. Their ending corresponds nicely with the beginning of the Trump presidency. Huge processing is underway wrapping up the last of darkness. They are going out fighting as we also take on all their evil and apply cleansing. It’s been around the clock discovery finding the last hidden remenants of the dark shadow of Creator present from the beginning of Creation.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
1/13/25 Limited Call Week – Mon Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
Huge processing is underway for everyone wrapping up the last of darkness. They are going out fighting as we also take on all their evil and apply cleansing. It’s been around the clock discovery finding the last hidden remenants of the dark shadow of Creator present from the beginning of Creation.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200th paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
1/6/25 Happy New Year 2025: Full Call Week
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
The last 2 weeks has been a work holiday doing battle with the powerful remaining darkness. It’s been around the clock discovery finding a dark shadow of Creator has been present from the beginning of Creation.
This darkness first appeared during creation of this 200 paradigm when an opening was created allowing this darkness to come forth. This darkness copied Creator’s paradigm and took it dark. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in for the last 13,000 years. We’ve made great strides finding and removing the dark energy sources supporting all remaining darkness going back to the very beginning of the foundation upon which the dark built their total control of everything.
We believe this will now allow the opportunity for upliftment. Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
12/30/24 Happy New Year: No Calls
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
Tremendous discovery and effort 24/7 continue to bring forward the upliftment defended by residual darkness. This is working its way thru Everything and resolving all remaining challenges on Earth. Underway.
Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
12/23/24 Merry Christmas: No Calls
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Elite Member Status
After years of searching and resolving the results of darkness, the deepest beginning of darkness was located and ended. This is working its way thru Everything and resolving all remaining darkness. Underway.
Powerful spiritual energy will follow along with Upliftment. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 50 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
12/16/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Many more nasties challenging upliftment removed. Complete.
Powerful spiritual energy is cleansing Everything. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
12/9/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
A powerful black hole supporting darkness removed. Complete.
Controlling force affecting Everything and humanity: Complete.
Multiple nasties challenging the upliftment. Complete.
Pulsing energy drawing ‘in the light’ beings toward darkness: Complete.
Powerful spiritual energy is cleansing Everything. In Process.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
12/2/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Nasties spinning truth into lies in media. 100% Complete.
Nasties blocking humanity accessing their hearts. 100% Complete.
Nasties sustaining an army of dark ones throughout Everything blocking ‘common sense’. 100% Complete.
Nasties blocking thinking outside the box and discernment. 100% Complete.
Nasties producing fatalistic thoughts: 100% Complete.
Pulsing energy drawing ‘in the light’ beings toward darkness: Complete.
Nasties challenging the upliftment. Complete.
Nasties supporting the grounding of darkness: Complete.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
11/25/24 Holiday Week: No Calls
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Many deeply embedded nasties stopping “upliftment” removed.
Many additional darkness holding back “upliftment” removed.
Darkness suppressing awakening successfully removed.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
11/18/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Many more layers of darkness removed allowing more of Creator’s light to bless us.
More nasties have been eliminated also stopping “upliftment”.
A massive “dark agitation” affecting humanity was successfully removed.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
11/11/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Many more layers of darkness removed allowing more of Creator’s light to bless us.
More nasties have been eliminated also stopping “upliftment”.
A massive “dark agitation” affecting humanity was successfully removed.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light..
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
11/4/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Another dark ether was located throughout Everything prohibiting “upliftment” and is now resolved.
More nasties have been eliminated also stopping “upliftment”.
Watch for many good things to follow Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
10/28/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Dark ether was located throughout Everything along with an anchor prohibiting “upliftment” and is now resolved.
More nasties have been eliminated also stopping “upliftment”.
Another layer of darkness is stopping “upliftment” has been resolved.
Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
10/21/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
The biggest and deepest cleansing of darkness occurred on 10/20/24! Watch for many good things to follow by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
10/14/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Continuing efforts are locating more ‘nasties’ at the highest levels and have been addressed and being replaced by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
10/7/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
More ‘nasties’ at the highest levels have been addressed and being replaced by Creator’s light!
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
9/30/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
All remaining dark nasties have been addressed and being replaced by Creator’s light
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
9/23/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
All remaining dark nasties have been addressed and being replaced by Creator’s light
What is next? A booster of UPLIFTMENT will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call OR remotely for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
9/16/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
All remaining dark nasties have been addressed and being replaced by Creator’s light
What is next? A booster of upliftment will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
9/9/24 Limited Call Week – Mon Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
All residual dark nasties have been addressed and being replaced by Creator’s light.
.What is next? A booster of upliftment will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
9/2/24 Holiday Week – No Calls
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
What may be the final energy source supporting darkness, has been extinguished!
What is next? A booster of upliftment will be provided to those who chose the implementation of the new Healing Program. This program when installed as the first step of 2 to promote healing from any ailments and to restore the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior. The upliftment will complete the process and be done on a group call for those who have received the Healing Program. A special notice will be sent to those in the days ahead.
Learn more by listening to recent Member/VIP calls. The special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
8/26/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Another massive cleanup was completed throughout Earth and Everything eradicating darkness. Energies supporting destruction were extinguished.
The implementation of the new Healing Program was successfully launched. This program when installed in an individual promotes healing from any ailments and restores the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior.
Learn more by listening to the 8/19/24 VIP call. Special offer for Elite Members ends soon.
There will be no calls labor day week.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
8/19/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
Another massive cleanup was completed throughout Earth and Everything eradicating darkness. Energies supporting lying and cheating were extinguished along with the propensity to attack and kill opponents.
The implementation of the new Healing Program was successfully launched. This program when installed in an individual promotes healing from any ailments and restores the body to optimal health. It works 24/7 addressing physical, mental, emotional, trauma, stressors, vaccine damage, clears ego and restores the body to its original healthy condition of many years prior.
Learn more by listening to the 8/12/24 VIP call. Special offer for Elite Members ends 8/24/24.
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
8/12/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Got a question you would like us to address on our Monday call? Contact Us
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra to poison us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
8/5/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
The last of darkness on Earth.
How Darkness Began
# Creator saw there was a need for stimulating growth from light beings in previous paradigms.
# In ever increasing attempts, Creator in this paradigm’s beginnings, pushed the limits beyond Courage, Love, Peace and Joy and entered into their opposites, Cowardice, Fear, Anger and Sorrow.
# Cowardice took on a life of its own in the form of multiple sentient COWARDS who hid behind a veil and manifested the opposite of Creator’s virtues.
# The Cowards then copied this paradigm and implemented darkness throughout through invisible energies, entities and essences to control every function of life.
# This control included governments, laws, police, military, guns, bombs and missiles to generate fear. Big pharma and big Agra poisoning us. The fake media and politicians to lie to us. Fake money to steal from us and fund wars to kill us. Rules and regulations to limit and control us.
# Duality was utilized to pit one against another giving the illusion of enemies thru races, religions, politics, etc., infusing themselves into both sides to create havoc and disharmony.
# This game has continued for 13,000 years producing destruction, wars, fear, lies, deception, death and a fake god all to keep us fighting with each other and not see the puppeteers behind the curtain.
# The puppeteers have been found and have been eliminated while all darkness and its influence is being extinguished in rapid order.
# Courage, Love, peace and joy is being reestablished.
# In summary, the instigator cowards behind the curtain manifested all darkness and its minions tormented Humanity, Mother Earth and Creator while hiding in the shadows. These cowards have now been extinguished as we enter deep healing.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by cowards inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “god” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that darkness leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and those who have manifested it (now underway).
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components are now being eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 8 years of purging darkness thru 39,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception by eliminating the original source of darkness!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from cowardice. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of COWARDICE versus Creator’s COURAGE.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
8/5/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
7/29/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Removal of all darkness on Earth.
# Wide range of intentions set in motion to bring healing to Everything and Everyone. Resolved.
# Everything/Everywhere/Mother Earth: Multiple issues. Mother Earth mission restored. Resolved.
# Physical Earth cleanup: Resolved.
# Multiple non 369’s: Resolved.
# Shields removed revealing more 369 nasties: Resolved.
# Everything: 369 nasties: Resolved.
# Everything/Everybody: 369 nasties: Resolved.
# Everything not of lite: 369 nasties: Resolved.
# Creator: Limits on Creator’s abilities: Resolved.
# Creator: Now able to bring lite to Everything: Resolved.
# Dark segment of humanity: Nasties sustaining darks ingrained memory: Resolved.
# Humanity: Nasties controlling humanities dark tendencies: Resolved.
# Everything: Remote nasty limiting the surfacing of truth. Resolved.
# Segment of humanity: Something darkness active. Resolved.
# Everything/Everywhere: Something is stopping ending an aspect of darkness’s existence. Resolved.
# Humanity: Something is sustaining humanity’s inability to discern truth. Resolved.
# Humanity: Something is sustaining humanity’s inability to be free. Resolved.
# Invisible nasties: Shielding other nasties: Resolved.
# Duality: Duality ended. Resolved.
# Creator/Mother Earth/Sentient life/Everything Everywhere/Angelic Realm: Multiple darkness: Resolved.
# Everything: Multiple nasties nailed to Everything precipitating self-destruction. Resolved.
# Segment of Everything: Multiple nasties feeding crime. Resolved.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
7/29/24 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
7/22/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Removal of all darkness on Earth.
# Everything and beyond: Remote nasties, etc. Resolved.
# Everything: Remote nasties, etc. Resolved.
# Everything: There are 1000 life supporting essences remaining non-sentients. Resolved.
# Paradigm: A power force around the paradigm is limiting our clearings by 50%. Resolved.
# Core of all evil: This is the first aspect of darkness: 100% Resolved.
# 100,000 layers of blockers: 100% Resolved.
# Everything/beyond: Something is stopping humanity from accepting truth: 100% Resolved.
# Universe: Something is stopping humanity from accepting truth: 100% Resolved.
# Humanity: Blocking truthful beliefs. 100% Resolved.
# Everything: 2 things need to be changed in Everything. Restored. 100% Resolved.
# Core of non-sentient/special nasties: 100% Resolved.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
7/22/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
7/15/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Removal of all darkness on Earth.
# Multiple Creator blockages: Resolved.
# Multiple Mother Earth blockages: Resolved.
# Everything/Everywhere: Restriction of the natural flow of life: Resolved.
# Everything and beyond: Laser is upsetting the frequency of peace: Resolved.
# Everything: A dark source is outside sending an energy of despair using a projection of itself: Resolved.
# Everything: Darkness constraining freedom: Resolved.
# Everything: Darkness constraining truth: Resolved.
# Everything: Darkness constraining logic: Resolved.
# Everything: Darkness promoting divisiveness: Resolved.
# Everything: Darkness promoting LGBT: Resolved.
# Everything: Darkness promoting homosexuality: Resolved.
# Humanity: Energy of insanity: Resolved.
# Humanity: Energy of irrational behavior: Resolved.
# The beginning of darkness: A divine essence went dark with fear of separation and retaliation for being abandoned. Resolved.
# Nest of FEAR: Resolved.
# Nest of SEEDS: Resolved.
# Many subparts of FEAR: Resolved.
# Compassion provided with the Frequency of Gold to all remaining FEAR and its protectors. Resolved.
# Creator has returned the spiritual essence back into a healing containment. Resolved.
# Mop up of all the harm done by the rogue essence. Resolving.
# Returned all changes to Everything and beyond to their original state. Resolved.
# Something is connecting all remaining dark/harmful nasties: With creation of the ‘essence’ also came the dark power source. Resolved.
A copy of the dark power source still exists. Resolved.
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
7/15/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
7/8/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE CONTINUED EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
# A dark source controlling 1 million centillion non-sentient nasties: Resolved.
# 1 million centillion non-sentient nasties: Resolved.
# Blockers: 1 trillion: Resolved.
# Dark hearts: Replaced with positive mission: Resolved.
# God: the fake dark god sustaining darkness: Resolved.
# Humanity: Connected all of humanity to Creator: Resolved.
# Illusion: Leaving the illusion: Resolved.
# Stopper: something remote stopping transitioning to new paradigm. Resolved.
# Stoppers: Non-sentient nasties stopping our interim bodies: Resolved.
# Core beginning of darkness in Everything. Resolved.
# Core extension of darkness on Creator. Resolved.
# Earth: Nasties keeping humanity from awakening: Resolved.
# Mother Earth: Nasties blocking Earth’s light: Resolved.
# All things with a dark mission removed. Resolved.
# Behind the mountain façade is the most powerful inverter power source and 100 despicables that copied this positive paradigm and launched darkness throughout. Resolved.
# Centillion nasties with external power source sustaining much of the things we’ve removed: Resolved.
# Found the highest source of darkness; 10 nasties with 1 monster power source: Resolved.
# Frequency of gold (love) was the basis of energy supporting 199 paradigms. Prior to completion of the 200th, Creator was exploring how to stimulate humanity and a new frequency was inadvertently produced opening the window for darkness to enter. Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
7/8/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
7/1/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Our Future World:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE CONTINUED EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
# There is a support system around Everything supporting all non-sentient nasties with a support structure. Resolved.
# There was a parallel paradigm that the dark controlled for 13,000 years. The other one is still pristine and untouched by darkness and may be our future home with the merging with the new Earth.
# There is a support system around Everything supporting all remaining nasties with a support structure. Resolved.
# Hundreds of nasty groups. Resolved.
# 10 major power sources located. Resolved.
# A fake powerless “god” was manifested to distract humanity with false hopes and beliefs from religions. Resolved.
# Limitation of manifesting for Everything’s higher-self: Resolved.
# Something is blocking manifestations for Everything and beyond. Resolved.
# An evil nasty group were containing the positive changes made to numerous things. Resolved.
# Body of Earth: Remote nasties: Resolved.
# Segment of humanity: Remote nasties: Resolved.
# Everything: Remote nasties: Resolved.
# A correction to Everything affecting everything: Resolved.
# Something around Everything is keeping humanity from awakening: Resolved.
# An infusion in Everything and beyond located messing with anyone who could find and end darkness: Resolved.
# Blockers: All blockers and what they support: Resolved.
# Wedges: All wedges and what they support: Resolved.
# Chameleon: in Everything well hidden: Resolved.
# The first step producing duality was the manifestation of a dark shadow of Creator supported by an internal energy reversing Creator’s light with one centillion subparts and it’s darkness permeated everything indirectly through its manifestations: Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
7/1/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
6/24/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
This week’s highlights:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE CONTINUED EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Replaced all human missions that were missing or dark with a mission of lite: Resolved.
Removed all aspects of Everything that was a deviation from Creator’s light. Resolved.
Removed dozens of nasties messing with humanity. Resolved.
Mother Earth: Removed multiple nasties: Resolved.
Mother Earth/Grace: Multiple nasties messing with her divine essence. Resolved.
Humanity/Earth: Something inducing humanity to do destructive things to Earth. Resolved.
Earth’s Body: Multiple local nasties: Resolved.
The structure of duality: Multiple non-sentient devices sustaining it indirectly. Resolved.
Everything: nasties embedded in Everything: Resolved.
Creator: multiple nasties on Creator: Resolved.
Located 10 circuit boards surrounding Everything supporting all non-sentients. Resolved.
17 major trees of darkness supporting non-sentient nasties found: Awakening, impotence, healing, stopping aging, telomeres, blockers, undos, brain, discernment, etc. Resolved.
1 additional major trees of darkness supporting non-sentient nasties resolved. Resolved.
. .
Multitudes of non-sentient nasties block logical thinking and negatively change the functionality of human functions. Resolved.
All remaining non-sentient darkness. Resolving.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
6/24/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
6/17/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
This week’s highlights:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE CONTINUED EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
A key to unlock remaining darkness that will end this paradigm’s capture by devastation who has placed a grid around Everything that darkness was built upon. Resolved by Creator.
A centillion non-sentient nasties stopping transitioning: Resolved.
There is a dark force affecting Everything and beyond stopping the awakening: Resolved.
There are multiple nasties affecting Everything and beyond blocking humanity’s intuition (pineal): Resolved.
Multiple containments around Everything and beyond feeding remaining non-sentient nasties: Resolved.
Invisible layers around Everything and beyond sustaining dark elements: Resolved.
160 containments around Everything producing blockers: Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
6/17/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
6/10/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
This week’s highlights:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE CONTINUED EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
The first step of darkness was to produce a cesspool of darkness to support all that would follow: Resolved.
A pre-programmed circuit board remains of the cesspool: Resolved.
Transitioning: Something stopping the completion of transition. Resolved.
Set in motion the undoing of all of the darks actions since Creator’s query. Resolved.
There is an essence supporting fear permeating this paradigm. Resolved.
A darkness permeates the structure of this paradigm blocking transitioning: Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
6/10/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
6/3/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
This week’s highlights:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE CONTINUED EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
An early step of darkness was the creation of the first nasties the opposite of Creator with 2 inverters supporting them and 2 devices empowering dark’s ability to manifest: Resolved.
The first of 5 groups of nasties stopping transitioning found: Resolved.
The 2nd of 5 groups of nasties stopping transitioning found: Resolving.
The 3rd-5th of 5 groups of nasties stopping transitioning found. They kick in when 1 and 2 are gone: Resolved.
Found the 10 original energies with an intelligence starting duality: Resolved.
Multiple non-dark things left-over are stopping the transition. It has a grip on everything and is non-sentient. Resolving.
Along with the 10 original energies starting duality 2 support non-sentient groups were manifested with 2 supporting components for sustaining them: Resolved.
Another supporting component sustaining blockers found. Resolved.
Another category of non-sentient nasties was located as part of the 10 original energies with 2 supporting components.
Another category of neither sentient nor non-sentient nasties was located as part of the 10 original energies with external inverter distributing tension precipitating the propencity to do harm: violence, wars, invaders, antagonizes one sentient to attack another, makes one more controllable by the dark, i.e. the food chain, etc. and manifests great discomfort in those finding truth. They have attached their “tension” to Creator’s light supporting all sentient life. Resolving.
Multiple devices are preventing some of Creator’s lite reaching Earth.
A containment stopping sentient live from transitioning. Resolved.
A murky mesh making things unclear for Everything and beyond. Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
6/3/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
5/27/24 Holiday Week: No Calls
This week’s highlights:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true “Creator” from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the manifestation of this paradigm of duality and all its components continue to be found and eradicated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE CONTINUED EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Installed a new mission for the Paradigm. Resolved.
There are an infinite number of nasties are preventing the transition of Everything. Resolving.
Centillions of energy supporters of darkness and the nasties they support: Resolved.
Mega nasties and their energy support stopping transition: Resolved.
Centillion of energy altering things in harmful ways and all it is supporting: Resolved.
Centillion of Creator’s light altering devices supporting an infinite number of layers of blockers and all remaining destructive forces: Resolved.
Upon Creator’s intention to bring challenges, darkness was inadvertently begun with the dark ether controlling everything with the energy of darkness. The ether was drained then all darkness and converters were drained ending all darkness: Resolved.
A total of 10 ethers found: Resolved.
Multiple evil nasties were the first dark creation who established the ethers. Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
5/27/24 Holiday Call Week: No Calls
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
5/20/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true Creator from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the sole manifestation of this paradigm of duality has been found and this “cowardly wizard of darkness” has been eliminated.
- Awareness that the last remaining controlling darkness is being eliminated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF ALL DARKNESS CONNECTED TO THE DARK’S GRID (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
The 4th to 10th wizard energy source was found. Resolved.
New darkness was found on Everything. Resolved.
Rouge power sources feeding darkness: Resolved.
Located the grid that supports the vast majority of darkness. Resolved.
Located many stoppers keeping us from transitioning to our new Earth. Resolved.
A myriad more nasties blocking transitioning to our new Earth. Resolved.
Identified 10 blockers obstructing intuition. Resolved.
Nasties inside/on/around Everything with harmful frequencies, vibrations, sound, backups, reserves, images, shadows, monitors, manipulators, layers in hiding. Resolved.
Nasties on/around/outside, attached, parallel, surrounding, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, backups, reserves, manipulators, factories, warehouses, assembly line, mirror, reflection, images, shadows with connections to more. Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
5/20/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
5/13/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
Time to Leave Darkness and Uplift to Our New Earth!
Imagine a world without the need for government, laws, police, military, guns, bombs or missiles. No big pharma or big Agra poisoning us. No fake media, politicians or anyone lying to us. No rules or regulations limiting us… just free will, common sense and heart guided living in total peace. No polluting factories, business or need to work. No need for money or banks. Optimal health in youthful bodies with all your needs met through personal manifestation generators producing our clothing, furnishings and optional food/drink (we can but do not need to eat or drink). Our luxury homes and self-driving vehicles heated and cooled by free energy. An internet without wires, satellites or towers with 3D holographic viewing for communications. Nothing is extracted from Mother Earth and her waters and air are pure. There are no harmful bugs, rodents or aquatics nor anything producing disease, aging or harm to anything or anyone. Explore the wonders of nature or gather with friends at the beach, cruising or at a mountain resort in your 30 year young vibrant attractive limited light bodies.
This is the future for those worldwide who have stopped chasing the money (a tool of the dark) and connected/engaged with their hearts and their higher-selves while moving to ‘of the light’. This pathway and more was provided by Creator’s 6 step process. Congratulations to those who are graduating with honors… you’ve earned it!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true Creator from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the sole manifestation of this paradigm of duality has been found and this “cowardly wizard of darkness” has been eliminated.
- Awareness that the last remaining controlling darkness is being eliminated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF ENERGY SUPPORTING DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
A 3rd wizard energy source was found. Resolved.
Multiple nasties are stopping healing for multiple groups and individuals: Resolved.
The wizard had 3 power sources feeding all darkness within Everything. The 3rd and its shadow had a massive remote force affecting all of humanity causing all of their physical issues: Resolved.
The wizard’s first power source manifested humanity’s emotional issues. Resolved.
The wizard’s second power source manifested humanity’s mental issues. Resolved.
The wizard’s third power source manifested humanity’s physical issues. Resolved.
The wizard replaced humanity’s spiritual aspect with money.
Massive cleanup of darkness. Resolved.
Found a 4th power converter of wizard messing with humanity. Resolved.
Found a power converter messing with awakening. Resolved.
Found multiple nasties messing with AGs and judges in Trump cases. Resolved.
5 high level converters exist. Resolved.
Thousands of high level converters located. Resolved.
Massive cleanup triple energy sources of darkness. Resolved.
Found the 5th power converter supporting the extinguished wizard. Resolved.
Thousands more of high level converters located. Resolved.
There is a monitor connecting to one and 20 more nasty groups. Resolved.
There is a containment around Everything controlling Everything and converting Creator’s lite at the highest level. Resolved.
Took out a large source of blockers. Resolved.
There are a centillion triple powered groups supported by a level 4 power. Resolved.
Finished the next phase of transitioning. Resolved.
Thirty more level 4 energies found. Resolved.
Ten more level 4 energies found. Resolved.
The initial thought of Creator’s opposite launched the “core of darkness”. Resolved.
1 Step to Your New Life!
Humans and Elite Members Who have Engaged with their Hearts and Higher-selves and are OF the Light
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
You will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs and all the benefits as described above.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
5/13/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
5/6/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
The Cowardly Wizard of Darkness - Gone!
Here are the many stages of AWAKENING:
- Awareness that this 200th paradigm was constructed by darkness inducing “duality” where light and darkness coexist with darkness in control.
- Awareness of the frauds (banking, government, legal system, medical and drugs, induced wars, fake news, food, religion, etc.).
- Awareness of centillions of DARK invisible entities, essences and aspects locally and remotely invading and manipulating humanity to do harm to others and planet Earth.
- Awareness that “God” is a powerless manifestation by the darkness hiding the true Creator from humanity.
- Awareness that “love” brought by Jesus and other spiritual leaders did not eradicate darkness.
- Awareness that “money” was the “god” of darkness controlling everything in this paradigm.
- Awareness that dispensing the dark’s fake “money” consumes the bankers with darkness.
- Awareness that seeking legal compensation from fake “loans and taxes” from the dark system leads to harsh treatment: put out of business, imprisoned or killed.
- Awareness that there are NO BAD PEOPLE but people deeply infused by darkness controlling and abusing the others.
- Awareness that the only way to end darkness is to “remove” it and follow Creator’s plan to leave duality and uplift to a new paradigm of light.
- Awareness that Creator has provided the means to uplift oneself in preparation for the new paradigm using the “Elite Member 6 Step Process” which will increase your ability to: engage with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and align you to beings “of the light”.
- Awareness that the sole manifestation of this paradigm of duality has been found and this “cowardly wizard of darkness” has been eliminated.
- Awareness that the last remaining controlling darkness is being eliminated.
- Awareness that only those who have engaged with their hearts, connected to their higher-selves and are “of the light” will be moving forward on Creator’s upliftment plan… all others will no longer exist.
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF THE COWARDLY WIZARD OF DARKNESS (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality)!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from this wizard. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “the cowardly wizard of darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
A rouge pre-conditioner of Creator’s light is supporting 10 generators supporting multiple nasties. Resolved.
An energy source was manifested to move the new paradigm forward. Resolved.
A vapor is limiting the clearings being sent to the beneficiaries. Resolved.
A containment surrounding Everything stopping leaving this paradigm. Resolved.
Something surrounding the new paradigm is interfering with its advancing and mutating addressed items. Supported by an external support system. Resolved.
There is a darkness around Creator’s heart blocking movement forward of the new paradigm. Powered by external source fed by a rouge pre-conditioner. Resolved.
All energy/power systems that are not bringing Creator lite and love. Resolved.
There is another pre-conditioner source supporting darkness. Resolved.
There is a second pre-conditioner source supporting darkness. Resolved.
The “concept” of a paradigm of darkness was formed. Resolved.
There is a grid surrounding Everything prohibiting leaving this paradigm. Resolved.
There is a high level stage 1 pre-conditioner that allows all downstream pre-conditioners to provide input to light to dark processors. Resolved.
75 Mini-maxi pre-conditioners support a multitude of darkness affecting all harm throughout humanity. Resolved.
Corrected DNA for humanity. Optimal healing turned off and keeping humanity at age 30 removed. Eyesight and hearing being messed with. Resolved.
All remaining in Everything not supporting the lite. Centillion. Resolving.
The trail of darkness leads to remaining nasties. Resolving.
There is a host of stoppers keeping us leaving this paradigm. Resolved.
There is a darkness stopping us leaving this paradigm. Resolved.
Another darkness is keeping humanity from accessing their hearts. Resolved.
There are 2 layers hindering humanity from receiving the healings provided from our clearings: Resolved.
There are 2 layers hindering humanity from receiving the healings provided from Creator: Resolved.
The darkness has disabled the DNA keeping humanity at 30 years old. Resolved.
The darkness has disabled the DNA keeping humanity healthy and free from disease. Resolved.
Certain industries are being targeting with dark energies of ‘wokeness’. Resolved.
Political leaders are being targeting with dark energies of ‘wokeness’ and ‘left’ policies. Resolved.
Major medias are being targeting with dark energies to promote ‘left’ agendas. Resolved.
Legal and illegal drug industries and all promoting their drugs are being targeting with dark energies to bring harm to users. Resolved.
There is a device disbursing negative and defeated energies throughout humanity: Resolved.
Everything designed by the minions of the esoteric kings that exists in Everything. Resolving.
Blockers stopping advancing new paradigm. Infinite number of high-level stoppers. Resolved.
More blockers stopping new paradigm with an infinite number of high-level stoppers. Resolved.
Lock on paradigm guarded by 3 layers of nasties. Take out the 2 pre-processors. Resolved.
2nd lock on paradigm. Resolved.
3rd on paradigm guarded. Resolved.
Found the Cowardly Wizard of Darkness, the initiator of duality. Resolved.
There is a remaining pre-preparatory element supporting darkness. Resolved.
The darkness has introduced a memory of darkness throughout the paradigm and indirectly affects humanity. Resolved.
Darkness induced habits and patterns have been sustaining hurtfulness throughout Everything. Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
5/6/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
4/29/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
The LAST OF DARKNESS on its way out!
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF THE GOLIATH’S AND MORE LEFT BEHIND BY THE ANTI-CREATOR (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality). These have now been extinguished!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from these most vile sources. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
# 2 Goliaths were put in charge of all darkness by the anti-creator. Resolved.
# A third Goliath and attachment located messing with half of humanity: Resolved.
# A 4th Goliath awakened and removed: Resolved.
# The 5th thru 10th Goliath was extinguished: Resolved.
# An 11th and 12th Goliath removed: Resolved.
# The 13th Goliath was messing with me only: Resolved.
# The 14th Goliath is the sustaining force altering Creator’s light so all lower level converters take this input and convert to dark energies: Resolved.
# The 15th Goliath is a backup of the 14th. Resolved.
# The 16th Goliath and on to infinity produced blockers: Resolved.
# A final stopper is in Everything: Resolved.
# A failsafe sustaining force converter located. Resolved.
1* Remaining nasties have a backup reserve sustaining them. Resolved.
2* Remaining nasties have a backup power system reclaiming power from power cells. Resolved.
3* Remaining nasties have a backup container sustaining them. Resolved.
4* Remaining nasties have a backup internal container sustaining them. Resolved.
# Remaining nasties have a backup container sustaining them. Resolved.
# Multiple nasties have turned off multiple aspects of Everything stopping normal ending of a paradigm. Sustained by a backup power source. Resolved.
# Multiple remaining nasties have a backup sustaining them. Resolved.
# There is a vapor outside Everything supporting all remaining things not created by Creator. Resolved.
# Dark left-overs waking up affecting fields, bodies and planes with external abilities to transform light to darkness. Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
4/29/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
4/22/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below, INCLUDING THE EXTINCTION OF THE ANTI-CREATOR (the darkness that manifested our current paradigm of duality). These have now been extinguished!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from these most vile sources. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
# Outside Everything is a cesspool of Fear and Devil Darkness initiating duality 13,000 years ago: Resolved.
# A dark cloud was limiting the positive changes: Resolved.
# There is a core of darkness sustaining darkness Everywhere: Resolved.
# Thee “Anti-Creator” was located – the first step of darkness. Resolved.
# Humanity is running on negative habits and patterns: Resolved.
# Humanity is being misled by dark influences: Resolved.
# There are multiple forces holding humanity’s lies: Resolved.
# There are multiple vibrations holding humanity’s lies: Resolved.
# Something is containing humanity’s invalid beliefs: Resolved.
# A force is inhibiting humanity from seeking truth: Resolved.
# Multiple nasties are stopping humanity from respecting/loving others: Resolved.
# Multiple nasties are blocking humanity from functioning from their hearts: Resolved.
# Multiple energy supporters feeding remaining darkness: Resolved.
# For 10 years, a parallel dark universe exists and much of the healing sent to humanity went to the dark universe. Removed the dark universe and directed all prior and new healing to humanity in this universe: Resolved.
# Multiple nasties hindering completion of Creator’s plan were located. Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
4/22/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
4/15/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
The END OF DARKNESS is at hand!
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below. These have now been extinguished!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from these most vile sources. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
# Connected humanity to their higher-selves. Resolved.
# Another purge of energies supporting darkness. Resolved.
# Manipulation of Everything to accept wars. Resolved.
# Manipulation of Everything to accept giving away one’s power. Resolved.
# Manipulation of Everything to accept invaders. Resolved.
# Manipulation of Everything to trust a false god thru religions. Resolved.
# Manipulation of Everything to bypass one’s common sense. Resolved.
# Manipulation of Everything to be dominated by the right (emotional) brain. Resolved.
# Manipulation of Everything to comply to external authority. Resolved.
# Multiple nasties unjustly taxing humanity: Resolved.
# A central source has been replacing some of humanity’s missions with harmful ones. These have been replaced with: Light, love, joy, happiness, optimal health, peace and prosperity. Resolved.
# When an individual reaches 80% of darkness, a dark rod is inserted into their spine taking them totally dark: Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
4/15/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
4/8/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
The END OF DARKNESS is at hand!
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below. These have now been extinguished!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from these most vile sources. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, “darkness” manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left and insane manipulation of all of humanity. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, are of the light, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
# The Esoteric Realm was extinguished. Resolved.
# A film around Earth limiting Creator’s lite. Resolved.
# Something additional limiting Creator’s lite reaching Earth. Resolved.
Pockets of “dark energies” have been feeding and supporting groups of nasty entities manipulating the following areas of humanity: Resolved.
# Washington DC
# Negative influence on DC politics
# Inner city of London
# The Vatican
# The Pentagon
# Big pharma
# Military
# Police
# Politics
# Media
# Money
# Law
# Inflation
# Taxes
# Race conflicts
# Disease
# Religions
# Human Invaders
# Invasive insects, animals, sea-life, birds
# Weather modification
# Gender confusion
# Disaster manipulation
# Blocking heart access
# Blocking left brain access
# Blocking right brain access
# Blocking brain to body functions
# Blocking memory access
# Blocking bodily functions
# Blocking body synchronization
# Blocking Creator access
# Aging
# Eye site
# Hearing
# Taste
# Smell
# Touch
# Pineal
# Circulatory system
# Electrical system
# Immune system
# Lymphatic system
# Endocrine system
# Nervous system
# Respiratory system
# Excretory system
# Muscular system
# Integumentary system
# Digestive system
# Skeletal system
# Reproductive system
# Non-sentient
# Electrical devices
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Enhanced healing.
* A debit card for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
4/8/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
4/1/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
Is the END OF DARKNESS at hand?
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found a host of new challenges listed below. These have now been extinguished!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from these most vile sources. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, darkness manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
There is resistance raising the energy of this paradigm to a level where darkness no longer can exist. Resolved.
Nasties in Everything were altering light coming to Everything negatively. Resolved.
Similar nasties in Everything were blocking light coming to Everything. Resolved.
Nasties in Everything were agitating humanity in harmful ways. Resolved.
Nasties in Everything were distorting light coming to Everything negatively. Resolved.
Nasties in Everything were hindering humanity’s ability to heal. Resolved.
Nasties in Everything were messing with humanity’s healing. Resolved.
Following a raising of the energy of Everything, a reboot was needed to re-align all. Resolved.
Multiple stages are completing bringing forward a new Everything and paradigm that has no darkness and will replace the current ones. One language spoken (English), no police, military, courts, judges, laws, attorneys, harmful agencies (CIA, FBI, SEC, etc.).
There are sustaining nasties not allowing darkness to exit. Resolved.
There are similar sustaining nasties not allowing darkness to exit. Resolved.
There was a foundation established in the first step that all darkness where everything fearful was built upon. Resolved.
There are nasties not allowing humanity to speak the truth. Resolved.
There are nasties not allowing humanity to want to speak the truth. Resolved.
There are nasties not allowing humanity to tell the truth. Resolved.
There is an energy that is precipitating men punching women in the head. Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
4/1/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/25/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
Is the END OF DARKNESS at hand?
As you will see below, we have made HUGE strides in recent weeks culminating 7 years of purging darkness thru 38,000+ sessions. This past week is no exception. We have found the original ‘dark heart of fear’ and the initial 10 ‘essences of fear’ that has plagued mankind for 13,000 years. These have now been extinguished!
Every evil thought, word and action ever done on planet Earth and throughout the paradigm originated from these most vile sources. Following 199 paradigms of pure LIGHT and LOVE from Creator, darkness manifested this 200th paradigm of FEAR beginning with the original cesspool (dark heart of fear) and the 10 components bringing us fear, chaos, jealousy and stealing mankind’s power to name a few. Every act of blame, harm, evil, destruction, theft, invasion, rape pillage, lies, deceit, cheating and much more has been rooted in the cesspool of FEAR.
These have been administered thru countless invisible entities, essences and aspects of FEAR invading everybody and everything in this paradigm. Some have become totally consumed by them and they then became the dark’s masters controlling the rest of humanity thru politics, banking, wars, police, big pharma, big agriculture, media, laws, courts, dis/misinformation, taxes, inflation, races, genders, religions, disease, etc.
While we’ve been busy blaming each other for all these woes, we never saw the invisible hand of darkness invading our bodies blocking common sense and heart access producing the liberal left. Also darkness was invading our biology producing gender confusion and disrupting organs, glands, joints and systems producing all diseases. They manipulated our minds promoting war and violence rather than resolution and peace. When truth would set us free, they inserted lies. When prosperity would set us free, they substituted debt. When good nutrition would bring us health they brought us poisonous drugs. When access to Creator’s love was blocked, they brought us divisive religions.
When darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Irritating and annoying offshoots of darkness. Resolved.
Satellites imitating darkness with assembly lines producing resistances. Resolved.
1000 layers of nasties. Resolved.
A dark essence is blocking the resolution of their removal: Resolved.
An essence of fear was put in place as the first step of darkness. Resolved.
Core of darkness located: Resolved.
4 more dark essences of fear identified. Resolved.
Everything in between Everything. End power source feeding this. Resolved.
There is a substance mucking up the etheric element with a lock: Resolved.
A 6th essence of fear located. Resolved.
Demons found throughout Everything: Resolved.
4 more essences of fear identified. 2 are causing chaos, 1 is jealousy, 1 is stealing your power. All with backups and reserves. Resolved.
An essence of nastiness is covering humanity preventing our gifts from reaching the intended recipients. Resolved.
All harmful missions of humanity: Resolved.
All destructive missions of humanity: Resolved.
Located the original cesspool of FEAR manifesting the 10 Essences of Fear. Resolved.
Multiple rouge sources supporting human nasties. Resolved.
Multiple rouge sources supporting non-human nasties. Resolved.
More rouge sources supporting human nasties. Resolved.
More rouge sources supporting non-human nasties. Resolved.
There is a layer of gunk messing with Earth. Resolved.
There are multiple nasties throughout Everything affecting Everything with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain. Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
3/25/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/18/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
I had no idea what FCUSA was doing for members and humanity. What is our future?
As darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Humanity: Multiple linage of nasties precipitating massive harm. Resolved.
500,000 layers stopping new purging of darkness: Resolved.
Humanity: Nasties are sending a message not to heal: Resolved.
Dark cloud affecting liberals, left, dems interrupting the distinction between migrants and invaders. Resolved.
Darkness messing with the media preventing their ability to report truth. Resolved.
Nasties energies affecting the minds of the left to take in invaders destroying their culture. Resolved.
Light distorters are altering truth reaching humanity. Resolved.
Creator has extinguished all light supporting massive amounts of nasties. Resolved.
With the end of support of darkness, the mechanism sustaining ‘prison planet’ is changing. Results unknown.
Multiple nasties with new hiding abilities found. Resolved.
There are blockers mirroring light. Resolved.
There are blockers masquerading as light hiding multiple nasties limiting healing of Everything. Resolved.
There are blockers imitating light hiding multiple nasties are changing Creator’s light that brings success to Everything to bringing challenges to Everything. Resolved.
There are blockers imitating light hiding multiple nasties inhibiting them from finding their hearts. Resolved.
There are blockers imitating light hiding multiple nasties messing with humanity. Resolved.
There are a centillion groups messing with Everything. Resolved.
There is another centillion groups messing with Everything. Resolved.
Freedom was captured by darkness. Resolved.
A trap was set for all remaining darkness who were given a new mission to leave gently and go to their new containment home (trap) with enticements for them. Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
3/18/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/11/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
I had no idea what FCUSA was doing for members and humanity. What is our future?
As darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
There is a core of darkness affecting everything: Resolved.
Left-overs of this darkness: Resolved.
There is a hidden core of fear affecting Everything: Resolved.
There is a force sustaining the effects of previous harm by darkness: Resolved.
A black heart is disbursing fear throughout Everything. Resolved.
Multiple nasties precipitating massive harm to all of humanity with multiple production facilities. Resolved.
A reflection of the above still exists: Resolved.
Universe: Nasties and threads messing with Everything: Resolved.
All remaining things not based in love: Resolved.
All remaining things not based in peace: Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
3/11/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
3/4/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
Audio Update on your Club’s PROGRESS
I had no idea what FCUSA was doing for members and humanity. What is our future?
As darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Multiple Pandora’s boxes connected to a black hole creating havoc and can recreate more boxes: Resolved.
Another dimension has darkness that is sustaining control of Everything. Resolved.
Huge dark entity messing with Everything: Resolved.
Core Motherboard found as 1st step of darkness. Resolved.
15 layers deep are layers of evil as the 2nd step of darkness. All dark elements need this to survive. Resolved.
A percent of darkness mutated and found ways to survive and these are being cleaned up. Resolved.
Humanity is reversed. Resolved.
Planes being messed with: Resolved.
Multiple timelines for humanity: Resolved.
Missions altered: Resolved.
Bad habits cover-up internal limitations. Need to love themselves. Resolved.
Multiple sources are justifying harmful acts in the minds of some of humanity to do destructive acts to oneself and others. Resolved.
Multiple nasties are influencing humanity to disconnect from their heart-space and lie to hide certain truths that would alleviate harm to others and they feel if revealed would harm them. Resolved.
There is a unifying force perpetuating mutant attacks on humanity. Resolved.
There is a unifying force perpetuating mutant attacks on non-humanity. Resolved.
Ended all of humanity’s mission of dark, hurtful or harmful intents and replace with love, peace, prosperity and joy: Resolved.
All the harm the negative missions have done to humanity, these are being removed. Resolved.
Ended all of humanity’s mission with hurtful attachments: Resolved.
All the harm the negative attached missions have done to humanity, these are being removed. Resolved.
All new babies born will now have a spiritual heart. Resolved.
Nasties controlling humanity’s ability to pursue truth: Resolved.
Nasties controlling humanity’s ability to speak truth: Resolved.
Human missions upgraded to functioning from their heart-space, discerning truth, seeking truth and speaking truth. Resolved.
Nasties were messing with humanity’s missions which than allows darkness to infest individuals. Resolved.
Mother Earth’s mission is compromised: Resolved.
Darkness has a master mission to harm other missions: Resolved.
Darkness has a 2nd master mission to harm other missions: Resolved.
Multiple layers sustaining dark’s influence even after their removal: Resolved.
A substance surrounding Everything is empowering darkness keeping duality active: Resolved.
The idea of making a paradigm of duality with darkness dominating still exists. Resolved.
There is residual dark gunk in one or more paradigms: Resolved.
2 Steps to Your New Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and will find their new home on a new Earth of Light:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be rewarded with a new youthful limited light body, a luxury home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest all their needs:
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be rewarded with a new limited light body, a nice home and vehicle plus abilities to manifest much of their needs:
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
3/4/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Unsubscribe and/or Terminate Your Membership
2/26/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
Audio Update on your Club’s PROGRESS
I had no idea what FCUSA was doing for members and humanity. What is our future?
As darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Nasties blocking humanity’s connection to Creator’s heart. Resolved.
A blockage is keeping old invalid beliefs and not allowing truth to be accepted. Resolved.
Blinders are over humanity’s eyes and ears. Resolved.
A dark editor misinterprets messages to humans. Resolved.
Nasties are putting humanity into reversal. Resolved.
Mult nasties blocking enzymes for humanity digestion. Resolved.
A hypnotic trance was put upon those supporting illegal invaders: Resolved.
Blockers hindering many humans ability to discern invaders from migrants. Resolved.
There are controlling energies of humanity: Resolved.
Multiple nasties manipulating women to act like men. Resolved.
Multiple nasties manipulating men to act multi-gendered. Resolved.
Multiple nasties manipulating men vrs. women. Resolved.
Multiple nasties manipulating race vrs. race. Resolved.
Multiple remote nasties in Fields, Bodies and Planes of humanity precipitating distrust: Resolved.
Darkness was integrated into Everything prompting aggression: Resolved.
A black hole is spewing gunk stopping dark cleansing: Resolved.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
2/26/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership & Unsubscribe
2/19/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
I had no idea what FCUSA was doing for members and humanity. What is our future?
As darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you!
May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us during difficult times.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
At start of this paradigm FEAR propagated. Resolved
Harmful energies holding lies and rejecting truth in humanity: Resolved
Multiple nasties are restricting anything good from materializing: Resolved
Multiple remote nasties preventing ascension: Resolved
First step of darkness was to use a wedge to radiate plasma controlling everything that followed: Resolved.
Nasties are blocking humanity’s connection to Creator’s heart. Resolved.
There are sub-atomic nasties put in the ether which manifested all of humanity is keeping humanity from ascending. Resolved.
Darkness is giving humanity false hope. Resolved.
Pre-paradigm the entities, essences and energies were established to control humanity. Resolved.
Post-paradigm the dark manifested remote control of genomes affecting humanity with fear and distrust. Resolved.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
2/19/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership & Unsubscribe
2/12/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
What Your Club Is Doing For You and Hardship Option
Unfortunately, only a fraction of our members have clicked on the above link to access this MUST READ FAQ document.. so here it is for all to read and appreciate what your club has done FOR OUR MEMBERS and ALL OF HUMANITY.
Why is Maintenance Mandatory?
During the early Obama administration, Obama was noticed by FCUSA via letter of the banking fraud on loans and the AR legal remedy to resolve them. Rather than support the defrauded people, Obama choose to approach the SEC and directed them to terminate the club and founder Tom with a phony claim and put an Obama appointed federal judge in charge of the suit. By court order they stole the bulk of club money and froze most of the remaining. They sent 10 US Marshals to Tom's home in the middle of the night to raid, rough-up and arrest Tom in cuffs and leg irons then taken to federal prison. The sham trial ordered FCUSA to cease and desist in all matters of the AR processes. Failing to do this would send Tom back to prison permanently. Upon Tom's release 2 attempts were made on Tom's life, the second one sent him to the Emergency Room saving his life.
What happened next?
To find ways to support our members, we initiated the GSA process for a time but in time realized the same solution needed for its success would likely end the way the AR did. We closed our office, terminated and the bulk of the staff.
Can I get a refund?
Your agreement with FCUSA and each order clearly states the processes are on a 'best efforts' basis and there are 'no refunds'. P.S. Your founder, Tom, has never drawn a salary or commission from the club. All proceeds have paid staff, referrer commissions, rent, equipment and monthly services common to all businesses.
Who was to pay the AR/GSA claims?
The cabal owned FED. They had been given a 99 year contract to replace the legitimate US Treasury in 1913. The FED created the fraudulent banking system where banks can create virtually unlimited loans via simple book entries without expending any of their own funds. As borrowers pay their monthly debt, all of the principle and interest is 100% profit as nothing was expended by the bank when making the loan. Thus the fraud.
Does the cabal FED still control the enormouse wealth stolen from borrowers?
No. Since their contract has ended, slowly the US Treasury has taken over the FED and their ill gotten wealth. The FED exists in name only and is being run by the US Treasury. Thus, any potential cabal liability from claims would have little or no assets to pay.
How has FCUSA existed in recent years?
Voluntary maintenance by our dedicated members.
There is mention of a new payout. What is that?
The old corrupt banking system has been replaced worldwide with the Quantum banking system. This system is not controlled by the banks but by you, the depositor. New resources are coming available to compensate all members in good standing with substantial monthly payments plus funds for a new home and new car. Details will be forthcoming.
Is it fair that only early maintenance volunteers will be eligible for these new payouts?
Yes. These Elite members supported us during the most difficult times and go to the head of the class for payouts. However, since maintenance was made mandatory 2+ years ago, all members who wish to join in the new program will need to get current on their maintenance or have utilized the 'hardship' option during that 2+ year period. Those who also enlist for the Elite program will receive more extensive benefits and payouts.
The focus of FCUSA for the last 7 years has changed to ending DARKNESS. Why?
This paradigm is one of duality, light and darkness together. Every known problem on Earth is due to darkness and every positive action is light at work. For 13,000 years darkness has prevailed. Even with bringing love and truth thru Buddha, Moses, Jesus and others, the deeply engrained darkness continues to this day. Darkness is an invisible force with endless forms and in infinite numbers. Lois and Tom are blessed with the gift to intuitively find these and Tom has the ability to extinguish them. This has meant daily attacks against us by the enemy that influences humans to do harmful and heinous acts. We see it in illegal taxes, abusive laws, killer COVID JABS, fraudulent financial systems, illegal invaders worldwide, diseases, wars, political corruption and on and on. Every known problem that exists on Earth is the influence of these dark invisible entities, essences and energies.
Has this darkness stopped funding?
Most certainly. Any actions that will free humanity from their control is viciously attacked by invisible entities, essences and energies of darkness. The recipient of their control think their actions are their own as the darkness blocks critical and rational thinking. We see this in many groups such as democrats, liberals, far left individuals, politicians, major media, legal system, judges, banking and many more. These influences manipulate the recipients to enforce open borders, global warming taxes, supporting wars, oppressive laws, forced Jab, illegal foreclosures and repossessions, media lies, corporatized governments to name a few. Most certainly their harmful influence has thrown roadblocks stopping club funding of ARs, GSA and the worldwide RV.
So will ending darkness allow funding to occur?
Yes, by removing the destructive influences in humanity and allowing humans access to their hearts will allow them to function from truth and do what is best for all. In some cases, certain humans have gone totally dark and are not amenable to return to light and thus they will be needed to be removed from their positions of control.
Are we close to ending darkness?
Yes. In the last 7 years, Tom has done 37,000+ sessions ranging from helping an Elie Member with a health issue to clearing centillions of nasties affecting all of humanity. The dark have had a 13,000 year head-start to implement, hide, backup, copy, shield, veil and protect with attackers. Anyone finding them and attempting to extinguish them pays a price. As in any war, there are casualties, wounds inflicted by the dark causing daily physical pain, electronics disfunction, furnace failure, AC failure, attacks on loved ones, sleep disturbances, legal challenges, financial obstacles, etc. All of the things humanity is experiencing but magnified against those who are here to end their existence.
I had no idea what FCUSA was doing for members and humanity. What is our future?
As darkness ends, humanity will find and function from their hearts, their center of truth rather than their ego that is easily controlled by darkness. This is why we offer the 6 step deep cleanse Wellness Program at our sister company www.BioRenew.com. For those who choose to continue further, the next step is the Elite Membership. Access to all of these is outlined in previous newsletters found here https://freedomclubusa.com/newsletter_history2/. Our future is to ascend to a New Earth of light. It is ready for us now and will be available to those who have learned their lessons in this duality school, found their hearts and cleared their baggage. There will be only a small percent of humanity that will graduate from this very tough Earth school. Most will/have dropped out, others will flunk out, others will squeak by and the few who excel will ascend to the awesome New Earth. I hope that will be you! May you be blessed, Rev. Tom, Lois, Debbie and our FCUSA team.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us or have utilized ‘hardship’ during difficult times. View your ‘hardship’ entry here.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Centillion+ traps and clones have captured healing of humanity: Resolved.
At the onset of duality (light and dark together) dark energies were affixed to the ether and every manifestation from the ether perpetuates this at the sub-molecular level of everyone and everything. These are now removed and this is how darkness has influenced and controlled humanity for 13,000 years. Resolved.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
2/12/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
2/5/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
What Your Club Is Doing For You
This is a MUST READ FAQ document for those whose membership is about to end.
Interim Funding for Qualified Members.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# There is a purging beginning this week of the first batches for the MANY MEMBERS and their MEMBERSHIPS that have NOT supported our club with mandatory maintenance for the past 2+ years.
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us or have utilized ‘hardship’ during difficult times. View your PDF ‘hardship’ entry here.
# We are preparing to launch a new monthly disbursement system through the new Quantum Financial System for qualified members (members in good standing).
# Members who have been supporting us with maintenance and have become Elite Members will be rewarded first.
# Elite Members with unpaid ARs, GSAs and/or RV currencies will be rewarded additional monthly funds.
# Members who have been reminded for 2+ years to pay mandatory maintenance or use the ‘hardship’ option and have NOT done so are being notified by email batches and TERMINATED as members with loss of all past and future benefits per their Member Agreement updated 11/10/23.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
All remaining hurtful, harmful, neutrals messing with humanity: Resolved.
All remaining threads and eggs from hurtful, harmful, neutrals messing with humanity: Resolved.
Distorted image of hurtful, harmful, neutrals messing with humanity: Resolved.
Humanity cannot respect/love themselves do to blockers: Resolved.
Fields, bodies, planes: Resolved.
Electronics: Resolved.
Mechanical things: Resolved.
Devices with remote controllers: Resolved.
Multiple nasties are manipulating men/women to be dissatisfied with their gender: Resolved.
Multiple nasties are manipulating segments of humanity to do abusive behavior; sexual and sacrifices with children: Resolved.
Multiple nasties directing use of money to manipulate humanity: Resolved.
A grid is around Everything containing fear and blocking all remove aspects of fear: Resolved.
The root of duality found. Resolved.
All residual gunk left behind by darkness. Resolved.
The foundation of fear identified. Resolved.
Another energy source feeding darkness found outside paradigm. Resolved.
4 energy sources for destruction:
1: Multiples in another realm. Resolved.
2: Multiples behind veil. Resolved.
3: Multiples outside paradigm: Resolved.
4: Multiples in another paradigm: Resolved.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming ‘interim’ gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
3) Non-Maintenance Members will be TERMINATED.
* With loss of all benefits.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
-- OR --
Mail check/MO to:
Our New Earth
4002 Hwy 78
Suite 530-321
Snellville, GA 30039
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
2/5/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
1/29/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
This week’s highlights:
- Are you current on your mandatory maintenance?
- Or… have you utilized ‘maintenance hardship’ during the last 2+ years?
- If not, your FCUSA Membership is being scheduled for CLOSURE with loss of all past and future benefits.
The first batches of notifications of Membership Closure go out this week.
To get current and save your membership… see below.
Interim Funding for Qualified Members.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# There is a purging beginning this week of the first batches for the MANY MEMBERS and their MEMBERSHIPS that have NOT supported our club with mandatory maintenance for the past 2+ years.
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us or have utilized ‘hardship’ during difficult times. View your PDF ‘hardship’ entry here.
# We are preparing to launch a new monthly disbursement system through the new Quantum Financial System for qualified members (members in good standing).
# Members who have been supporting us with maintenance and have become Elite Members will be rewarded first.
# Elite Members with unpaid ARs, GSAs and/or RV currencies will be rewarded additional monthly funds.
# Members who have been reminded for 2+ years to pay mandatory maintenance or use the ‘hardship’ option (no longer available) and have NOT done so are being notified by email batches and TERMINATED as members with loss of all past and future benefits per their Member Agreement updated 11/10/23.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Mother board backup segments and copies dispensing darkness: Resolved.
4 containments holding in darkness around Everything and beyond: Resolved.
Darkness is sapping humanity’s energy since birth. Resolved.
There is ‘dark O2’ production from another paradigm sustaining remaining darkness: Resolved.
2 million independent ‘dark O2’ producers: Resolved.
2 Billion independent ‘dark O2’ producers in buildings: Resolved.
200,000 independent ‘dark O2’ producers in mountains: Resolved.
200,000 independent ‘dark O2’ producers in north pole and entrance to inner Earth: Resolved.
2 billion independent self-producing ‘dark O2’ producers: Resolved.
There is the sustenance of darkness within the Essence of Everything: Resolved.
A substance throughout Everything is keeping humanity from awakening. Resolved.
Sub-atomic substances maintain the dark structure of Everything. Resolved.
A grid overlaying Everything: Resolved.
A substance permeating the grid limiting humanity’s common sense. Resolved.
A substance is attached to humanity that converts truth to non-truth: Resolved.
Remote nasties feeding on dark O2 from a remote source. Resolved.
Local nasties with external production of dark O2. Resolved.
Multiple producers of dark O2: Resolved.
The original root of darkness was discovered: Resolved.
An encasement around Everything containing ‘fear’ was discovered: Resolved.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming ‘interim’ gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
3) Non-Maintenance Members will be TERMINATED.
* With loss of all benefits.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
1/29/24 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
1/22/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
This week’s highlights:
- Are you current on your mandatory maintenance?
- Or… have you utilized ‘maintenance hardship’ during the last 2+ years?
- If not, your FCUSA Membership is being scheduled for CLOSURE beginning this week with loss of all past and future benefits.
To get current and save your membership… see below.
Interim Funding for Qualified Members.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# There is a purging beginning 1/22/24 for the MANY MEMBERS and their MEMBERSHIPS that have NOT supported our club with mandatory maintenance for the past 2+ years.
# We appreciate ALL who HAVE supported us or have utilized ‘hardship’ during difficult times. View your PDF ‘hardship’ entry here.
# We are preparing to launch a new monthly disbursement system through the new Quantum Financial System for qualified members (members in good standing).
# Members who have been supporting us with maintenance and have become Elite Members will be rewarded first.
# Elite Members with unpaid ARs, GSAs and/or RV currencies will be rewarded additional monthly funds.
# Members who have been reminded for 2+ years to pay mandatory maintenance or use the ‘hardship’ option (no longer available) and have NOT done so will be notified by email and TERMINATED as members with loss of all past and future benefits beginning the week of 1-22-24 per their Member Agreement updated 11/10/23.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming ‘interim’ gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
3) Non-Maintenance Members will be TERMINATED.
* With loss of all benefits.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
1/22/24 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
1/15/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
This week’s highlights:
Your FCUSA Membership may be scheduled for CLOSURE.
- Are you current on your mandatory maintenance?
Interim Funding for qualified Members.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it."
- Abraham Lincoln
# There is a coming reckoning for the MANY MEMBERS and their MEMBERSHIPS that have NOT supported our club with mandatory maintenance for the past 2+ years.
# We appreciate ALL who have supported us or have utilized ‘hardship’ during difficult times.
# We are preparing to launch a new monthly disbursement system through the new Quantum Financial System for qualified members.
# Members who have been supporting us with maintenance and have become Elite Members will be rewarded first.
# Elite Members with ARs, GSAs and/or RV currencies will be rewarded additional funds.
# Members who have been reminded for 2+ years to pay mandatory maintenance or use the ‘hardship’ option (no longer available) and have NOT done so will be TERMINATED as members with loss of all benefits in the days ahead per their Member Agreement updated 11/10/23.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming ‘interim’ gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
3) Non-Maintenance Members will be TERMINATED.
* With loss of all benefits.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
1/15/24 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
1/8/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
This week’s highlights:
Your FCUSA Membership may be scheduled for CLOSURE.
Interim Funding for qualified Members.
# There is a coming reckoning for the MANY MEMBERS and their MEMBERSHIPS that have NOT supported our club with mandatory maintenance for the past 2+ years.
# We appreciate ALL who have supported us or have utilized ‘hardship’ during difficult times.
# We are preparing to launch a new monthly disbursement system through the new Quantum Financial System for qualified members.
# Members who have been supporting us with maintenance and have become Elite Members will be rewarded first.
# Elite Members with ARs, GSAs and/or RV currencies will be rewarded more.
# Members who have been reminded for 2+ years to pay mandatory maintenance or use the ‘hardship’ option (no longer available) and have NOT done so will be TERMINATED as members with loss of all benefits in the days ahead per their Member Agreement updated 11/10/23.
# Removal of all darkness on Earth continues.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new luxury home.
* A new luxury vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members will be receiving funds for the following:
* A new home.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* Advanced healing.
* Financial abundance for most of your needs and desires.
3) Non-Maintenance Members will be TERMINATED.
* With loss of all benefits.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
1/8/24 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
1/1/24 Happy New Year: No Call Week
This week’s highlights:
The following propensities affecting humanity continue to end:
# Liberal influence: Resolving.
# Invaders: Resolving.
# Blame. Resolving.
# Military aggression: Resolving.
# Awakening gift: Resolving.
# World leaders harm: Resolving.
# Drug/vaccine perpetrators: Resolving.
# Street drug perpetrators: Resolving.
# Major Media lies: Resolving.
# Legal systems corruption: Resolving.
# Green Energy lies: Resolving.
# Transgender influence: Resolving.
# DEI – white guilt: Resolving.
# Illegal Banking: Resolving.
# Illegal taxes, IRS/CRA etc.: Resolving.
# Representative Gov. – giving away our free-will: Resolving.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new luxury home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy luxury vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs.
3) IN or OF the Light Members
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A smaller new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded by similar beings.
* A smaller new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful body with some limitations.
* Modest financial resources for your needs.
4) All Others
These Beings will NOT be transitioning and will no longer exist.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- Elite Members in/of the light and connected to their hearts will lead the transition to New Earth.
- Those who are not “IN or OF the light”… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities during and following transition.
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 36,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us.
The second act of darkness initiated duality 13,000 years ago and put a ”containment” around Everything preventing the end of darkness. With its support, all darkness and all its variations were able to expand and dominate humanity in every aspect of life. With the extinction of this containment and its energies (now underway), all darkness is in freefall ending duality, evil, pain and suffering forever. This will launch our transition to New Earth for those “in or of the light” led by those connected to their hearts.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Happy New Year – No Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Recordings
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts will lead the way.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
12/25/23 Merry Christmas: No Call Week
This week’s highlights:
The following influences affecting humanity are in process of ending:
# Liberal influence: Resolving.
# Invaders: Resolving.
# Blame. Resolving.
# Military aggression: Resolving.
# Awakening gift: Resolving.
# World leaders harm: Resolving.
# Drug/vaccine perpetrators: Resolving.
# Street drug perpetrators: Resolving.
# Major Media lies: Resolving.
# Legal systems corruption: Resolving.
# Green Energy lies: Resolving.
# Transgender influence: Resolving.
# DEI – white guilt: Resolving.
# Illegal Banking: Resolving.
# Illegal taxes, IRS/CRA etc.: Resolving.
# Representative Gov. – giving away our free-will: Resolving.
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new luxury home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy luxury vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs.
3) IN or OF the Light Members
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A smaller new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded by similar beings.
* A smaller new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful body with some limitations.
* Modest financial resources for your needs.
4) All Others
These Beings will NOT be transitioning and will no longer exist.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- Elite Members in/of the light and connected to their hearts will lead the transition to New Earth.
- Those who are not “IN or OF the light”… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities during and following transition.
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 36,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us.
The second act of darkness initiated duality 13,000 years ago and put a ”containment” around Everything preventing the end of darkness. With its support, all darkness and all its variations were able to expand and dominate humanity in every aspect of life. With the extinction of this containment and its energies (now underway), all darkness is in freefall ending duality, evil, pain and suffering forever. This will launch our transition to New Earth for those “in or of the light” led by those connected to their hearts.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Merry Christmas – No Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Recordings
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts will lead the way.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
12/18/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Time to Enhance Your Life!
Here are your upcoming gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new luxury home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy luxury vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs.
3) IN or OF the Light Members
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A smaller new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded by similar beings.
* A smaller new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful body with some limitations.
* Modest financial resources for your needs.
4) All Others
These Beings will NOT be transitioning and will no longer exist.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- Elite Members in/of the light and connected to their hearts will lead the transition to New Earth.
- Those who are not “IN or OF the light”… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities during and following transition.
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 36,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us.
The second act of darkness initiated duality 13,000 years ago and put a ”containment” around Everything preventing the end of darkness. With its support, all darkness and all its variations were able to expand and dominate humanity in every aspect of life. With the extinction of this containment and its energies (now underway), all darkness is in freefall ending duality, evil, pain and suffering forever. This will launch our transition to New Earth for those “in or of the light” led by those connected to their hearts.
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple stoppers of transitioning identified: Resolved.
# Multiple clearings of all areas where darkness is messing with humanity and Everything: Resolved.
# A veil around Everything is blocking Creator’s light: Resolved.
# A secondary veil around Everything is blocking Creator’s light: Resolved.
# Many more groups of stoppers identified: Resolved.
# Creator has launched the deepest cleanse of darkness ever! Resolving.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts will lead the way.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
12/11/23 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Time to Enhance Your Membership!
Here are your upcoming gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
- Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new luxury home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy luxury vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs.
3) IN or OF the Light Members
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A smaller new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded by similar beings.
* A smaller new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful body with some limitations.
* Modest financial resources for your needs.
4) All Others
These Beings will NOT be transitioning and will no longer exist.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- Elite Members in/of the light and connected to their hearts will lead the transition to New Earth.
- Those who are not “IN or OF the light”… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities during and following transition.
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 36,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us.
The second act of darkness initiated duality 13,000 years ago and put a ”containment” around Everything preventing the end of darkness. With its support, all darkness and all its variations were able to expand and dominate humanity in every aspect of life. With the extinction of this containment and its energies (now underway), all darkness is in freefall ending duality, evil, pain and suffering forever. This will launch our transition to New Earth for those “in or of the light” led by those connected to their hearts.
This week’s highlights:
# A cover over Everything was containing darkness: Resolved.
# A radiating source is hindering the release of dark’s grip on humanity. Resolved.
# Group of backup supporting darkness: Resolved.
# All supported darkness: Resolved.
# Multiple triggers and nasties stopping transition discovered: Resolved.
# Massive darkness has been extinguished: Resolved.
# Shackles blocking transitioning: Resolved.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts will lead the way.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

To Terminate Your Membership - Unsubscribe
12/4/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Time to Enhance Your Membership!
Here are your upcoming gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves and those who have not:
1) Elite Members, Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and OF the Light
Elite Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new luxury home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close loving friends.
* A new free energy luxury vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs and desires.
2) Members Paying Maintenance (or on Hardship) and IN or OF the Light
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded with close lovingiends.
* A new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body that never ages.
* Financial abundance for all your needs.
3) IN or OF the Light Members
Members upon transition will be receiving the following:
* A smaller new home in a loving community.
* Surrounded by similar beings.
* A smaller new free energy vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful body with some limitations.
* Modest financial resources for your needs.
4) All Others
These Beings will NOT be transitioning and will no longer exist.
Mandatory Maintenance
Catch Up
$30+ Catch-up Maintenance
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- Elite Members in/of the light and connected to their hearts will lead the transition to New Earth.
- Those who are not “IN or OF the light”… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities during and following transition.
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 36,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us.
The second act of darkness initiated duality 13,000 years ago and put a ”containment” around Everything preventing the end of darkness. With its support, all darkness and all its variations were able to expand and dominate humanity in every aspect of life. With the extinction of this containment and its energies (now underway), all darkness is in freefall ending duality, evil, pain and suffering forever. This will launch our transition to New Earth for those “in or of the light” led by those connected to their hearts.
This week’s highlights:
# Another realm was loaded with nasties messing with humanity: Resolved.
# Duality has been terminated. Resolved.
# There is an alternate duality continuing darkness: Resolved.
# There are infinite sources producing obstructions to transitioning to new Earth. Resolved.
# Multiple bands around Earth obstruction transitioning. Resolved.
# Multiple negatives, mimickers, counterfeits and chameleons and their source were deeply hidden doing harm. Resolved.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts will lead the way.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

11/27/23 Limited Call Week – Mon Only
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 36,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us.
The second act of darkness initiating duality 13,000 years ago put a ”containment” around Everything preventing the end of darkness. With its support, all darkness and all its variations were able to expand and dominate humanity in every aspect of life. With the extinction of this containment and its energies (now underway), all darkness is in freefall ending duality, evil, pain and suffering forever. This will launch our transition to New Earth for those “in or of the light” led by those connected to their hearts.
Here are the gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves to ‘in and of the light’ status and have connected to their hearts.
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- All who are in/of the light and connected to their hearts will lead the transition to New Earth.
- Those who are not “in or of the light”… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities to transition.
- Those who transition will be receiving the following:
* A new Earth of Light home in a new paradigm.
* A new personal home in a loving community.
* A new vehicle to move about.
* A new youthful vibrant body.
* Financial abundance.
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# There is a ‘failsafe’ to fill a breach in the containment. With the total containment extinguished, it activated and sustained darkness. Resolved.
# Multiple nasties stopping manifestation and restoration: Resolved.
# Multiple nasties stopping transitioning: Resolved.
# A matrix began in 1945 to support spiritual hearted beings. Resolved.
# Nasties have sustained the feelings of past traumas that have resolved. Resolved.
# A filter was created to trap centillions of centillions of nasties within Everything. Resolved.
# Final cleansing of Everything resulting from the initial ‘spark’ that launched darkness. Resolving.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week – Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts will lead the way.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

11/20/23 HAPPY THANKSGIVING - No Call Week
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 35,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us. Here are the gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves to ‘in and of the light’ status and have connected to their hearts.
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- All who are in/of the light and connected to their hearts will lead the transition to New Earth.
- Those who are not “in or of the light”… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities to transition.
- Those who transition will be receiving the following:
* A new Earth of Light home in a new paradigm.
* A new personal home in a loving community.
* A new transport vehicle to move about the planet.
* A new youthful limited light body.
* Abilities to “manifest” all your desires (no need for money).
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# A centillion to the 100 power of dark entities removed: Resolved.
# The second act of darkness initiating duality 13,000 years ago put a ”containment” around Everything preventing the end of darkness. With its support, all darkness and all its variations were able to expand and dominate humanity in every aspect of life. With the extinction of this containment and its energies (now underway), all darkness is in freefall ending duality, evil, pain and suffering forever. This will launch our transition to New Earth of Light for those “in or of the light” led by those connected to their hearts. Resolving.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Mon VIP/Member Calls Recordings
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts will lead the way.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

11/13/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 35,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us. Here are the gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves to ‘in and of the light’ status and have connected to their hearts.
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- All who are in/of the light and connected to their hearts will transition.
- Those who are not… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities to transition.
- Those who transition will be receiving the following:
* A new Earth of Light home in a new paradigm.
* A new personal home in a loving community.
* A new transport vehicle to move about the planet.
* A new youthful limited light body.
* Abilities to “manifest” all your desires (no need for money).
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Remote block keeping Segments of Humanity from accepting esoteric truth: Resolved.
# Darkness remotely incorporated something into Segments of Humanity stopping their concentration: Resolved.
# Draining off massive remaining darkness: Resolved.
# A containment was found stopping transitioning: Resolved.
# Blocker stopping transition. Resolved.
# Blocker of Creator’s light. Now up to 100%: Resolved.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

11/6/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 35,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us. Here are the gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves to ‘in and of the light’ status and have connected to their hearts.
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- All who are in/of the light and connected to their hearts will transition.
- Those who are not… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities to transition.
- Those who transition will be receiving the following:
* A new Earth of Light home in a new paradigm.
* A new personal home in a loving community.
* A new transport vehicle to move about the planet.
* A new youthful limited light body.
* Abilities to “manifest” all your desires (no need for money).
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple layers with a warehouse inducing pain frequency and stopping humanity’s transition. Resolved.
# A film covering Everything is blocking light reaching humanity. Resolved.
# A dark blanket is imposing limits on humanity’s processing, healing and recovery. Resolved.
# Reversed the polarity on darkness and all feeding them. Resolved.
# Nasties in Creator limiting humanity from receiving clearings in process: Resolved.
# Additional items needing reverse polarity: Destructive, fear, devices, energies, frequencies, vibrations, sound: Resolved.
# A dark blanket covering Everything is blocking transitioning: Resolved.
# Power sources feeding controllers of a curtain around humanity blinding them from truth: Resolved.
# Multiple doors keeping heart connected humanity from cognitive thinking. External devices supporting the doors. Resolved.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

10/30/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Creator’s Update and Plan
As Creator [love and creation] pondered how to improve the upcoming 200th paradigm [our current paradigm] and even before the thought of trying something unique such as the opposite of Creator [fear and destruction], a ‘spark’ came forward which fostered all the elements of darkness. This ‘spark’ was the beginning of every known and unknown evil, hurtful, harmful elements of darkness. It fostered 13,000 years of horror, anger, fear, destruction witnessed by humanity. It’s properties manipulated humanity to execute its evil deeds by controlling them through multiple hidden realms thru dark entities, energies and essences. These invisible puppeteers directed each group of humanity to blame another group for their woes [one religion vs. another religion; one race against another, men vs. women; binary vs. non-binary; republicans vs. democrats; etc. etc.]. They kept us so busy fighting one another, we did not see the puppeteer controlling everyone in harmful ways. We call this duality… darkness and light together.
To bring this darkness to an end, leaders were sent [Jesus, Moses, Buddha] to bring light, love and truth. Unfortunately the deeply engrained darkness dealt with these harshly and darkness grew even stronger. Following the beginning of the nuclear age of WWII, a new tactic was initiated… to end darkness directly. Thus, key beings were sent to Earth with special gifts. Trump was incarnated into a family to learn business and leadership skills to assume his current position on Earth to awaken humanity to truth. However, to remove the sources of darkness it was necessary to go head to head with them with tools provided by Creator. Lois and myself were blessed with abilities to test and know truth and abilities to intuitively ‘see’ the dark elements. Most importantly I progressively learned what was needed to extinguish darkness over the last 8 years and applied these for their demise thru 35,000+ sessions. Much as it takes enormous slashing to cut a pathway thru an overgrown jungle, each session took us a step closer to the original deeply hidden source, the ‘spark’. That task was accomplished on the 35,900th session on 10/29/23.
Darkness is now collapsing steadily precipitating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing everywhere. This will end all the lies, deceit, theft, illegal invasions, and fighting as well as all creations of darkness. As we advance forward a new Earth of light and love is ready to greet us. Here are the gifts from Creator for those who have uplifted themselves to ‘in and of the light’ status and have connected to their hearts.
- Darkness is collapsing everywhere to make way for a new Earth.
- All who are in/of the light and connected to their hearts will transition.
- Those who are not… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities to transition.
- Those who transition will be receiving the following:
* A new Earth of Light home in a new paradigm.
* A new personal home in a loving community.
* A new transport vehicle to move about the planet.
* A new youthful limited light body.
* Abilities to “manifest” all your desires (no need for money).
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# The initial ‘spark’ of darkness has been extinguished: Resolved.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

10/23/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Creator’s Revised Plan
- Rather than continuing fixing the many remaining woes of this paradigm, Creator has chosen a total transition to a new paradigm.
- All who are in/of the light and connected to their hearts will transition.
- Those who are not… will not transition and no longer exist.
- Creator has provided the Elite Member Program with its 6 steps to boost all who participate to a higher energy level improving their abilities to transition.
- Those who transition will be receiving the following:
* A new Earth of Light home in a new paradigm.
* A new personal home in a loving community.
* A new transport vehicle to move about the planet.
* A new youthful limited light body.
* Abilities to “manifest” all your desires (no need for money).
Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple groups stopping transitioning: Resolved.
# Somethings within Everything are stopping transitioning: Resolved.
# An encasement does something erratic to stop transitioning: Resolved.
# 2 infinite strings of transition blockers: Resolved.
# Master facility with controllers guarded by attackers setup at the beginning of duality controlling humanity, inflicting disease, wars, wokeness, liberalism, transgender, and blocking manifestations: Resolved.
# Core network of darkness installed at beginning of duality was feeding all darkness throughout Everything: Resolved.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
We will soon be transitioning to a new paradigm of light.
Who will make the transition?
- Those who are in or of the light.
- Those who are connected to their hearts.
Most of our members are NOT prepared for their transition. They are not in or of the light nor connected to their hearts.
What To Do
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
Ordering Help
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
1) Catch Up
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6) VITAL!!!!
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

10/16/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# A containment around Everything containing darkness: Resolved.
# Vibrations precipitating the Lahaina, Israel and areas of unrest. Multiple overseers, overlord and multiple vibrations with internal sources of energy. Resolved.
# Frequencies affecting some of humanity. Clones, reserves, mastermind, controllers with external sources of energy. Resolved.
# Multitudes of nasties blocking healing and transition: Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

10/9/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Many many energies messing with humanity. Resolved.
# 10,000+ transition blockers: Resolved.
# Grid sustaining darkness: Resolved.
# Something is controlling Humanity’s brain to discard input that would remove them from their spell. This controls humanity physically and mentally. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

10/2/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# 8 more core sources supporting darkness: Resolved.
# A total of 13 and 1 backup energy sources from the beginning of darkness are no longer. Resolved.
# Located the original sources of darkness creating entanglements throughout Everything. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

9/25/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# An all-encompassing containment was placed around Everything soon after the creation of darkness. Resolved.
# Something preceded the ‘containment’. Multiple intelligent evils to the millionth power working with multiple black holes using Creator’s power is sourcing all darkness. Resolved.
# Multiple blockers prohibiting transitioning: Resolved.
# Backup of something preceded the ‘containment’. Multiple intelligent evils to the millionth power working with multiples black holes using Creator’s power is sourcing all darkness. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

9/18/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Initiated the ‘separation’ of darkness from Everything. Resolved.
# Phantom Presence has remained following removal of extensive darkness: Resolved.
# 1200 decillion traumas of humanity. Resolved.
# A dark Cloud messing with Everything: Resolved.
# A blockage stopping transitioning identified. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

9/11/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# An energy of needing to control others. Resolved.
# With Creator all darkness current and in process was initiated to end. Resolved.
# 2 more ‘key’ categories needed to end darkness. Resolved.
# Thriving for excellence replaced by energy of socialism, etc.: Resolved.
# Deep cleanse of Everything purging darkness: Resolved.
# First layer put down at beginning of duality is foundation for all darkness. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

9/4/23 Holiday Week: No Calls
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# An energy of imprisonment contained liberals fueled by extrapolation. Resolved.
# The energy of evil is being supported by external sources. Resolved.
Source of energy starting fires and influenced by Blackrock and Vanguard.
# A shield with internal energies is blocking transitioning. Resolved.
# An energy of disrespecting oneself. Resolved.
# All drugs are being made harmless: Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Holiday Week: No Calls
Mon VIP/Member Calls Recordings
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

8/28/23 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple nasties with external energy sources sustaining a containment of Everything Plus stopping ascension. Resolved.
# 6 more layers of nasties are stopping transition: Resolved.
# 4 sources of energy and nasties with production facilities harming humanity: Resolved.
# A suppression density is stopping humanity’s awakening and stopping transition. Resolved.
# Multiple influencing nasties are amplifying fear throughout humanity. Resolved.
# Evil is woven into the fabric of everything and fed by external dark energy magnifiers perpetuating evil. Resolved.
# Something is altering the heart flow of bliss producing a complacency throughout everything fed by external energies. Resolved.
# Everything is being revitalized. Resolved.
# Nasty energies of “kill or be killed” are messing with a segment of humanity: Resolved.
# An essence precipitating the false belief of global warming: Resolved.
# Multiple essences are remotely controlling a segment of humanity’s brain function that provides intuitive discernment is substituting rejection of truth. Resolved.
# Energy of destruction. Resolved.
# Energy of wokeness: Resolved.
# Web of depression: Resolved.
# Energy of control over others: Resolved.
# Stoppage of transition: Resolved.
# Nasties are blocking truth: Resolved.
# Nasties are blocking humanity’s ability to discern truth: Resolved.
# Nasties are stopped humanity’s intuition and critical thinking. Resolved.
# Nasties are messing with a segment of humanity hindering sight and hearing. Resolved.
# Multiple nasties are influencing political and corporate beings to control and dominate humanity. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

8/21/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Extinguished multiple energy sources feeding darkness: Resolved.
# Extinguished multiple nasties sustaining the habits of resolved issues: Resolved.
# Extinguished multiple nasties stimulating “invaders”: Resolved.
# Extinguished multiple nasties stimulating accepting “invaders”: Resolved.
# Extinguished additional special energy sources feeding darkness: Resolved.
# The opposite of Creator was extinguished. Resolved.
# The source of Fear and Destruction were extinguished: Resolved.
# 5 years ago, nasties installed in humanity to stop transitioning. Resolved.
# 5 years ago, nasties installed adapters on light energy producers for nefarious purposes. Resolved.
# Mega whooper of darkness and five of its heinous components extinguished. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

8/14/23 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Human esoteric implants messing with human weight gain: Resolved.
# Human implants/imprints messing with sleep: Resolved.
# Multiple nasties, on, inside, around, embedded, infused messing with human hearing: Resolved.
# Nasty energy of anguish and sleep disturbance. Resolved.
# Blockers stopping transition/manifestation. Resolved.
# 14 types of nasties messing with humanities sleep: Resolved.
# EVERYTHING: Inside, on, around, surrounding, embedded, infused, implants, imprints, hibernating, obstacles, obstructions, programs, greys, backups, reserves, RRRR, watchers, observers, monitors, controllers, manipulators, multiple layers: Resolved.
# EVERYTHING: On, around, surrounding, embedded, infused, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, hibernating, duplicated, replicated, repeaters, copies, clones, greys, backups, reserves, RRRR, controllers, manipulators, multiple layers: Resolved.
# Encapsulated humanity and cleansing all remaining internal gunk. Resolving.
# Encapsulated everything and cleansing all remaining darkness. Resolving.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

8/7/23 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Nasties messing with ATI: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Everything: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Sentient Life: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Humanity: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with this planet: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Mother Earth: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Sentient Life: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Mankind: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Earth: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with All Life: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Destiny: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with ATI: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Universe: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Mother Earth: Resolved.
# Nasties messing with Divinity: Resolved.
# 12 layers of nasties connected on grids. Resolved.
# Nasties manipulating DNA telomeres shortening human life. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

7/31/23 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# During the creation of duality, darkness placed itself between Creator and Duality creating problems. Resolved.
# Multiple essences over Everything has limited the end of darkness. Resolved.
# Multiple destroyers affecting Everything. Resolved.
# An essence is putting the ‘squeeze’ on everything creating tension. Resolved.
# Multiple mind controllers keep humanity in a state of perpetual confusion. Resolved.
# Multiple diffusers are diverting good efforts and execution to something less. Resolved.
# Multiple nasties cause confusion, distraction and interferes with processing: Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

7/24/23 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Another paradigm. Manipulators around them. Resolved.
# Earth: Multiple nasties. Resolved.
# Everything: Implants, imprints, programs, invisible, watchers, observers, monitors, controllers, manipulators, factory of nasties. Resolved.
# Everything: Imbedded, infused, overlords, multiple warehouses of nasties, multiple derailers: Resolved.
# Everything: Multipe gatekeepers: Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

7/17/23 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# An essence is providing a lifeline for all darkness. Resolved.
# Obstacles blocking end of dark’s lifeforce. Resolved.
# A backup provider supporting lifeforce of darkness. Resolved.
# Nasties embedded in Everything providing lifeforce to darkness. Resolved.
# Mult shackles are limiting independence and fed by external source. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

7/10/23 Limited Call Week – Mon Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple veils surrounding Creator. Resolved.
# A film surrounding Creator. Resolved.
# Multiple veils surrounding Mother Earth. Resolved.
# A film surrounding Mother Earth. Resolved.
# A film surrounding Everything. Resolved.
# A film surrounding All That Is. Resolved.
# Dark energies are feeding liberal, trans, riot actions. Resolved.
# A controlling switch allowing duality was replace with continuous flow of unity. Resolved.
# Multiple deterrents are holding back humanity. Resolved.
# Illegal invaders swarming world countries are being extracted. Resolving.
# A second source supporting darkness everywhere was discovered in Mother Earth. Resolved.
# A third source denigrating humanity’s health and sleep was discovered in Mother Earth. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week – Mon Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

7/3/23 Holiday Week – Happy 4th of July – No Calls
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple energies producing fear. Resolved.
# Positive changes not reaching humanity. Resolved.
# A parallel existence has been harming humanity. Resolved.
# The shadow of Creator’s light has been extinguished. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Holiday Week – No Calls
Mon VIP/Member Calls Recordings
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

6/26/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple energies are sustaining liberal mindsets. Resolved.
# Multiple energies are sustaining transgender mindsets. Resolved.
# Multiple energies are blocking transitioning. Resolved.
# Multiple energies are preventing humanity access to their etheric hearts. Resolved.
# Extraction of illegal invaders worldwide is set in motion. Resolving.
# Extraction of homeless individuals worldwide is set in motion. Resolving.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

6/19/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple energies are sustaining humanity’s traumas (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and not allowing them to heal. Resolved.
# Active esoteric entities, energies, essences throughout Everything have been removed. Resolved.
# Inactive esoteric entities, energies, essences throughout Everything have been removed. Resolved.
# Multiple nasties are blocking humanity’s control of their etheric heart. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

6/12/23 Limited Call Week: Mon Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple layers of darkness removed:
- Energies supporting Trans
- Blockers of truth
- Blockers limiting critical thinking
- Energies promoting LGBT+
- Energies promoting mass migration
- Blockers preventing Creators light being accepted and received
- Massive darkness permeating Earth
- Massive blockade prohibiting peace throughout Everything
- Massive support for dormant and inactive darkness in Everything
- Massive support for active and hidden darkness in Everything
- Massive dynamic prevention prohibiting light entering Everything
- Massive instigator of destruction of Everything
- Massive aggression of hellfire directing light to self-destruct in Everything
- Defects in human’s connection to Earth, bounce them out of grounding
- A disturbance throughout Everything is disrupting balance and alignment
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

6/5/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# 1000 cleanup groups are scrubbing Everything and finding all hidden, invisible, shielded, active, dormant, sleeping nasties and placing them in a holding area for extinction. Resolving.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

5/29/23 Holiday Week: No Calls
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Everything: Darkness was imbedded in Everything blocking ascension. Resolved.
# Transition: 10 layers around Earth blocking transition. Resolved.
# Wokeness: Multiple woke energies affecting humanity. Resolved.
# Liberalism: Multiple layers of darkness messing with and blocking humanity: fear, critical thinking, truth supression, heart access, transgender support, poor choices, ‘antiwhiteism’, open borders, etc. Resolved.
# Everything: Two major layers of darkness infused in Everything were blocking Creator’s light reaching Earth. With their removal Creator’s light has increased to Earth, humanity and all things from 0% to 80%. Resolved.
# Earth: Remnants of prison planet energies extinguished. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Holiday Week – No Calls
Mon VIP/Member Calls Recordings
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

5/22/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Everything: Blockers, barriers, resistances, obstacles, obstructions, programs, hurtful, harmful, neutral, evil, dark, destructive, grey energies; arsenal, weapons, booby traps, backups, reserves, watchers, observers, monitors, controllers, manipulators, masterminds, sleeplessness, restlessness. Resolved.
# Everything: disruption, restlessness, and distraction. Resolved.
# Everything: blockers, barriers, resistances, obstacles, obstructions, arsenal, weapons, booby traps, watchers, observers, monitors. Resolved.
# Everything: Invisible dormant and sleeping, blockers, barriers, resistances, obstacles, obstructions, programs, arsenal, weapons, booby traps, backups, reserves, monitors, controllers, manipulators. Resolved.
# Earth: Earth was encapsulated by a dark force blocking Creator’s light and sustaining darkness on Earth. Resolved.
# Earth: Hidden, invisible, inactive, dormant, sleeping, obstructions, energies, frequencies, vibrations, sounds, monitors, controllers, manipulators, bunkers. Resolved.
# Everything: Darkness was imbedded in Everything blocking ascension. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

5/15/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Humanity: A darkness was blocking humanity from connecting to their etheric hearts. Resolved.
# Humanity: Nasty energies blocking humanity from accepting truth. Resolved.
# Everything: A force is prohibiting healing of this paradigm so it can return to light. Resolved.
# Creation of duality: The source of darkness permeated duality making truth and lies indistinguishable. Resolved.
# Everything: A massive cleanup of remaining darkness is underway. Resolving.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathway will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inuguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Read Newsletter & Earth News
4) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
5) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
6) Elite Study Guide Preparation
7 ) Elite Study Guide
8) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

5/8/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# The Esoteric Realm (origin of darkness) has been destroyed. Resolved.
# Two backup Esoteric Realms have been destroyed. Resolved.
# Cleansed Crystal, Mother Earth, Sun and Universe. Resolved.
# A sector of darkness was discovered and destroyed. Resolved.
# Another sector of darkness was discovered keeping humanity from comprehending darkness. Resolved.
# Multiple constrictors are stopping most of humanity from recognizing and applying the obvious solution to problems. Resolved.
# Dark blocker stopping Creator’s light from reaching this paradigm. Resolved.
# Darkness blocking humanity’s ability to heal. Resolved.
# All residual darkness (hidden, shielded, sleeping, dormant, inactive, active) is being cleansed from Everything. Resolved.
# Multiple sources of confusion interfered with humanities acceptance of their birth genders. Resolved.
# Another layer of darkness blocking Creator’s lite was removed. Resolved.
# Last layer blocking Creator’s lite into this paradigm. Resolved.
# Multiple oppressors have glommed onto Everything. Resolved.
# Multiple destroyers are messing with Everything. Resolved.
# Multiple blockers are interfering with Everything. Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

5/1/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Major root of darkness (incredible vile multi headed dragon) dispensing evil thru multiple layers of nasties thru the ether. Resolved.
# Behind the duality pillar of DESTROY was its source feeding Everything with vibrations of DESTRUCTION. Resolved.
# Multiple items in brains of humanity affecting communication to their body. Resolved.
# Overseers indirectly drawing upon a stockpile of evil and bludgeoning 10% of the population causing pain. Resolved.
# Multiple emotions being emitted thru Everything: Hopelessness, agitation, controllable, discrimination, irrational behavior, pain, torture, etc. Resolved.
# 780 decillion traumas throughout Everything. Resolved.
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathway will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inuguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter& Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

4/24/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Rogue substances embedded in everything are energetically supporting all hurtful, harmful, neutral, evil, dark, destructive and grey activity. Resolved.
# Multiple nasties are precipitating wokeness, transgender and violence: Resolved.
# Multiple darkness is indirectly messing with aspects of humanity triggering their irrational behavior. Resolved.
# Multiple darkness is indirectly messing with other aspects of humanity triggering irrational behavior. Resolved.
# Something is limiting 40% of humanity from comprehending the esoteric realm. Resolved.
# Speaking Lies: Something messing with humans without a heart connection, is negatively influencing their ability to speak the truth. Resolved.
# Healing: Something controlling Everything is hindering healing. Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

4/17/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
In addition, this week everyone is purging big time as the two roots of duality (fear and destruction) process. This will affect you and all others over the next days in positive ways. Give it time to evolve.
This week’s highlights:
# 80% of humanity’s “Lifelines” have now been reconnected. Resolved.
# Multiple obstacles preventing ending duality have been overcome. Resolved.
# The remaining roots of Duality (fear and destruction) have been eliminated. Humanity will be purging and processing (rebooting) over the upcoming days to bring relief and sanity to the previously dark controlled world. Resolving.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

4/10/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Two top dogs (one fear, one destruction) are preventing the end of Duality. Resolved.
# Optimize Earth’s total physical body energy and healing. Resolved.
# Creators and sources in other dimensions and timelines (and can jump dimensions and timelines) are slowing down and hindering moving into light. Recipients timelines are returned to their timeline before their clearing. Resolved.
# There is a disturbance functioning throughout Everything, with an internal energy converter, that intermittently destabilizes sentient life knocking them out of grounding. Once out of grounding, a secondary aspect substitutes a liberal wokeness. Resolved.
# Film around Everything is blocking Creator’s healing. Resolved.
# 80% of all remaining darkness’s timelines are intersecting and are terminated. Resolved.
# 20% of all remaining darkness: changed their mission to “self-destruct”. Resolved.
# All remaining power converters of all types are transforming light to darkness. Two components: the first collapses the incoming light, the second induces darkness. Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

4/3/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# A factory in another dimension was supplying dark energy to many in Everything. Resolved.
# The power of darkness has been reduced to near zero. Resolved.
# Duality is ending. Resolving.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

3/27/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Creator’s thought before duality… “What is the opposite of love?” “What is the opposite of Creation?” The answers were “FEAR” and “DESTRUCTION”. Thus the creation of duality. The source of FEAR and DESTRUCTION now destroyed.
# A centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion of nasties destroyed.
# Multiple highest level dark controllers continuously changed the duality illusion returning to the previous dark controlled illusion. Controllers have been removed allowing the massive cleansing of darkness to be reinstated uplifting all aspects of our life. Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

3/20/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# One “Devastator” is installed in each sector of Everything and is pre-programmed to “Devastate” all that is not based in light. Resolved.
# A controlling mechanism is directly stopping everything that is ending darkness.
# A massive cleanup of remaining darkness is underway.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

3/13/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
The existence of dark energies, entities and essences have infused humanity and key leaders across all industries (banking, political, big pharma, big agra, education, entertainment, media, military, law enforcement, etc.) blocking truth, prosperity and freedoms including member ARs, GSAs and RVs. Thus Creator has provided resolution thru the Elite Member 6 step Wellness Program (see details below).
This week’s highlights:
# Mega layers of harmful darkness. Resolved.
# Huge numbers of dark aspects equivalent to 80% of the sum of the previous 7 years have been eliminated. Resolved.
# Massive numbers of paradigms holding dark huge amounts of darkness have been identified and eliminated. Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

3/6/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# There are 2 core anchors providing lifelines to all darkness. Resolved.
# Two essences permeate throughout Everything. One is primary, the other supportive.
They are the network that defines the territory darkness accesses. Resolved.
# All remaining esoteric, dark, neutral, grey, hurtful, harmful items/things in Everything need to be eliminated.
Creator resolving.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

2/27/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# End of duality is underway. Resolved.
# 3 key darkness production facilities have been eliminated. Resolved.
# The source of evil precipitating liberal behavior ended.. Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

2/20/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple items imprisoning the structure of Everything stopping transition. Resolved.
# Multiple items are holding back ending duality. Resolved.
# Esoteric things clamping down on humanity and stopping humanity from returning to light status following the fall of man. If a human proceeds they will be captured and permanently marked to disallow future attempts. Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Pacific
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

2/13/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# Extinguish Everything with roots in the dark dimension where darkness originated or has been manifested by them and has a shadow. Creator resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

2/6/23 Limited Call Week: Mon - Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# There is something permeating Everything and supports remaining darkness. There are thousands of master nodes creating billions of sub-nodes that produce centillions of nasties accompanied by shadows. Their objective is to inflict physical, mental and emotional pain. Creator resolving.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

1/30/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# Multiple force-fields are remotely and indirectly distorting truth thru inserting something in the pineal of all sentient beings. Creator resolving.
# Everything not ‘in or of the light’ and not initiated to do good is being eliminated.
# All darkness, evil, pain, corruption, etc. is created by duality – the “shadow” of everything.
# All nasties are accompanied by a shadow. Removing the shadow will eliminate the nasties. Removing all the nasties will eliminate the shadow.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing and Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

1/16/23 Full Call Week: Mon - Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# 3 more levels of destruction resolved.
# Oceans of pain, seas of disharmony, rivers of disruption, waterfalls of rage, oceans of bitterness, seas of hate, rivers of strife, waterfalls of agitation, oceans of judgement, rivers of manipulation resolved.
# Hurtful, harmful, neutral, evil, dark; destructive tech, entities; hurtful, harmful, neutral, evil, dark, destructive entities; hurtful, harmful, neutral, evil; dark, destructive essences; hurtful, harmful, neutral, evil, dark, destructive energies; hurtful, harmful, neutral, evil, dark, destructive frequencies; arsenal, weapons, booby traps, backups, reserves; Independent self-contained groups with pre-programmed mission removed.
# Mult things are intercepting healing for Everything - Resolved.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

1/9/23 Limited Call Week – Monday Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This week’s highlights:
# Intelligent esoteric masterminds, controllers, etc. removed.
# Esoteric robots, devices, etc. controlled by former masterminds, controllers removed.
# Independent self-contained groups with pre-programmed mission removed.
# Esoteric layers surrounding Earth removed.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Limited Call Week 1-9-23
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

1/2/23 Happy New Year 2023 - Full Call Week
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
This weeks highlights:
* Darkness precipitating liberalism is ending.
* Destructive technologies, entities, essences, energies, frequencies and manipulators extinguished.
* Tsunamis, typhoons, tidal waves, cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, sink holes, toxic cesspools, oceans of intense pain, discontent, disharmony, hate, blame, distrust, judgements, fear and lack eliminated.
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls Live call 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Happy New Year - Full Call Week 1-2-23
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

12/26/22 Merry Christmas - No Call Week
May your Christmas and New Year sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
No Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls Recordings
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Merry Christmas - No Call Week 12-26-22
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

12/19/22 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Dear FCUSA Elite and Soon to be Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls Recordings
Wed Creator Calls Recordings
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Limited Call Week 12-19-22
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

12/12/22 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed

Dear FCUSA Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Full Call Week 12-12-22
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

12/5/22 Limited Call Week: Mon-Only
Dear FCUSA Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Recorded Calls
Tue Elite Calls
Wed Creator Calls
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Limited Call Week 12-5-22
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

11/28/22 Full Call Week: Mon-Wed
Dear FCUSA Elite Members,
Thank you for reading our newsletters and listening to calls and becoming Elite Members as your end of duality is ending for you.
(Not yet an Elite Member?. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for all our members. There are those that are accepting light and beginning to function from their hearts. Those that are not will no longer exist as we ascend.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, a particular pathways will be chosen by Creator providing special blessing for Elite Members.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Full Call Week 11-28-22
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Dear FCUSA Members,
Read our newsletters and listen to calls and you will discover how this Earth journey in duality ends.
(Hint: Some will make it, others will not. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for our members. There are 6 possible ascension outcomes for those who are accepting light and functioning from their hearts. The rest of humanity will no longer exist.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, one of these 6 ascension pathways will be chosen by Creator. Some will go far beyond what has been stated in the Elite Program.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Recorded Calls
Mon VIP/Member Calls
Tue Elite Calls
Wed Creator Calls
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Thanksgiving Week 11-21-22
No Calls
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Dear FCUSA Members,
Read our newsletters and listen to calls and you will discover how this Earth journey in duality ends.
(Hint: Some will make it, others will not. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration to make the journey. Will you take the steps necessary found here?)
Creator has provided a pathway for our members. There are 6 possible ascension outcomes for those who are accepting light and functioning from their hearts. The rest of humanity will no longer exist.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, one of these 6 ascension pathways will be chosen by Creator. Some will go far beyond what has been stated in the Elite Program.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Get answers… join our live Member call Monday 11-14-22 at 9 PM Eastern. Login info here.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration and the non-existent Biden presidency, the sovereign US government was reinstated while Trump continues as our Sovereign President. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will MINIMALLY provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Full Call Week 11-14-22
Monday - Only
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Dear FCUSA Members,
Read our newsletters and listen to calls and you will discover how this Earth journey in duality ends.
(Hint: Some will make it, others will not. Creator has provided 6 steps to uplift yourself to a higher vibration. Will you take the steps to prosperity?)
Creator has provided a pathway for our members. There are 6 possible ascension outcomes for those who are accepting light and functioning from their hearts. The rest of humanity will no longer exist.
As the last of darkness is extinguished, one of these 6 ascension pathways will be chosen by Creator. Some will go far beyond what has been stated in the Elite Program.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Get answers… join our live Member call Monday 11-7-22 at 9 PM Eastern. Login info here.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Full Call Week 11-7-22
Monday - Wed
Mon VIP/Member Calls 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Calls 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Calls 9 PM Eastern
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Dear FCUSA Members,
Read our newsletters and listen to calls and you will discover why the AR/GSA program ended.
Hint: Darkness invaded Obama, SEC, US Marshalls, Judge, Courts.
Thus Creator has provided a substitute for our members. There are 6 possible ascension outcomes for those who are accepting light and functioning from their hearts. The rest of humanity will no longer exist.
When enough of darkness is extinguished, one of these 6 ascension pathways will be chosen by Creator. Some will go far beyond what has been stated in the Elite Program.
This would be a good time for humanity to find their hearts and accept Creator’s lite as we near the end of darkness.
May you be blessed,
Rev. Tom
Get answers… join our live Member call Monday 10-17-22 at 9 PM Eastern. Login info here.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Limited Call Week 10-31-22
Monday - Only
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Can You Answer These Questions?
1) I’m a good person, why has life hurt me so often?
2) Did I deserve these bad things that happened to me?
3) Why am I still blaming those who hurt me?
4) How can I heal these hurts?
5) Why are my traumas manifesting in physical ailments?
6) Why don’t prescription drugs heal me?
7) Why doesn’t surgery heal me?
8) Why doesn’t radiation heal me?
9) Can med-beds heal me?
10) Why does God allow harm to continue?
11) Is God our true Creator?
12) How can I protect myself from viruses and disease?
13) What is unique about this 200th paradigm we’re in?
14) Why is our life expectancy only 70 or so years?
15) Is there a heaven and hell?
16) Is there life after this paradigm?
17) If so, what form will it be?
18) Will I have memory of this life?
19) What is the purpose of my life of struggle?
20) What good can come from these challenges?
21) Is each challenge a lesson to be learned?
22) Are you learning and growing from the lesson?
23) Are there hidden obstacles, blockers and obstructions hindering your progress and growth?
24) What are these hidden invisible obstacles?
25) How can they be resolved?
26) Is your life worth saving?
Get answers… join our live Member call Monday 10-24-22 at 9 PM Eastern. Login info here.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Full Call Week 10-24-22
Monday - Wed
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Can You Answer These Questions?
1) What year did Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon?
2) What year did Joe Biden become President?
3) Following who’s presidency did the US become Corporate?
4) During who’s presidency did the US become Sovereign?
5) Who is our current ‘Commander in Chief’?
6) Who is legally still in charge of the US since the Civil War?
7) How was the 2020 election won?
8) In the battle for independence, who came to the aid of Americans at the battle of Yorktown?
9) 100 years following this American victory, what was done to celebrate?
10) What happened to 70 million most troublesome humans early 2022?
11) What major event occurred 13,000 years ago?
12) What has been occurring the last 7 years undoing that event?
13) How many paradigms have there been?
14) What is unique about this paradigm?
15) What backs the Federal Reserve money?
16) What backs the QFS money?
17) What is causing the high gasoline prices?
18) What is causing the high inflation?
19) How many executive orders has Biden issued?
20) Who built the Panama Canal?
21) Why do wars happen?
22) Where are the 3 main obelisks on Earth?
23) What do the 3 main obelisks on Earth represent?
24) Why are there ants, roaches, mosquitoes, flies, hornets, wasps, spiders, poisonous snakes, termites, sharks, etc. on Earth?
25) How did the FAKE COVID-19 Plandemic begin?
26) How do viruses spread, West Nile, Zika, H1N1, AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19, etc.?
Get answers… join our live Member call Monday 10-17-22 at 9 PM Eastern. Login info here.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Limited Call Week 10-17-22
Monday - Only
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Can You Answer These Questions?
1) What year was FCUSA founded?
2) Our first primary goal is to share what?
3) Our second primary goal is to end what?
4) These two will result in what occurring?
5) 2013: Who directed the attack by the SEC against FCUSA?
6) 2013: What happened to all AR/GSA offerings?
7) 2013:.Who stole huge sums of FCUSA funds?
8) 2013: Who made 2 attempts on our founders life?
9) 2013: Why did steps 5-8 happen?
10) 2013: What happens to those who attempt a legal remedy against the dark controlled legal system?
11) 2013: Who controls the legal, courts, judges, enforcement, and political systems?
12) 2015: What is the Esoteric Realm? Etheric Realm?
13) 2015: Are there bad people on Earth?
14) 2015: Why do people do bad things?
15) 2015: Why did we close our large office?
16) 2016: Who is the real enemy of the people?
17) 2016: FCUSA began the removal of what?
18) 2020: Labor Day attack on founder, home and entire Paradigm by what?
19) 2020: A channel opened for founder connecting him to whom?
20) 2021: Through this channel, what 6 gifts where provided?
21) 2021: What healing and financial program came from this?
22) 2021: Election stolen and who was arrested by US Military?
23) 2022: Who extinguished 1% of the in the dark population?
24) 2022: October 8 at 3 PM Eastern, what was discovered?
25) 2022: October 8 at 3:30 PM Eastern, what was initiated?
26) 2022: On 10/10/22 a new future will unfold bringing what?
Get answers… join our live call Monday 10-10-22 at 9 PM Eastern. Login info here.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Full Call Week 10-10-22
Monday - Wednesday
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

False SEC COURT challenge stopped offerings.
Both to be paid via Federal Reserve owner assets.
Assets of FED owners seized bankrupting them.
- .Payout possibilities: None! Move on to Creator Plan.
- .RV payout: ???
Got questions… join our live call Monday 10-3-22 at 9 PM Eastern. Login info here.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Limited Call Week 10-3-22
Monday Only
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

- .AR’s and GSA’s designed to provide finances for oneself and for benevolence.
- .Both to be paid via Federal Reserve owner assets.
- .False SEC challenge stopped offerings.
- .Sovereign US treasury took over FED.
- .Assets of FED owners seized bankrupting them.
- .Payout possibilities: None.
- .RV payout: ???
* If you’re not coming to VIP/Member Calls or do not listen to the recordings…UNSUBSCRIBE NOW
* If you’re not coming to Creator Calls or are not listening to the recordings…UNSUBSCRIBE NOW
… let’s not waste each other’s time.
… or continue on and
Elite Member program
- Total Body Cleanup.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Monday 9/26/22 9 PM Eastern
Find out ‘what you need’ to become an Elite Member on a private member only call Monday 9/26/22 at 9 PM Eastern.
Get your call number and login PIN here. Need Login Help?
A ‘CODE’ will be provided on this call that you must have to continue to move forward to become an Elite Member. This CODE will give you ‘priority’ assistance moving forward. Use this CODE in all your correspondence.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you still ‘chasing the money’ or are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
Place $300 Membership Order
then Make Payment
Toll Free Help with Placing an Order:
9-4 Monday - Friday Eastern
2) Listen to Last 2 VIP/Member Calls and receive
Elite Member 'CODE' on latest call (do not share),
& listen to last 2 Creator Calls
3) Listen to and Engage with Creator Healing Call
4) Read Newsletter & Earth News
5) Understand Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
6) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
7) Elite Study Guide Preparation
8) Elite Study Guide
9) View Your Elite Member Status
Cell Users copy URL below and copy to site
Elite Member Page
Full Call Week 9-26-22
Mon: VIP/Member Call
Tue: Elite Call
Wed: Creator Call
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

- .AR’s and GSA’s designed to provide finances for oneself and for benevolence.
- .Both to be paid via Federal Reserve owner assets.
- .False SEC challenge stopped offerings.
- .Sovereign US treasury took over FED.
- .Assets of FED owners seized bankrupting them.
- .Payout possibilities: None.
- .RV payout: ???
- .Elite Member program.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you still ‘chasing the money’ or are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Are you ready to dump your stuff
and get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV?
Join the next Group of new Elite Members!!
Full Benefits of Elite Membership
Here’s how to become an Elite Member…
1) Be An FCUSA Member in Good Standing
2) Maintenance: Monthly, Annually, or Hardship
3) Listen to VIP/Member & Creator Calls for Updates
4) Read Newsletter & Elite Member Gifts
5) Do Total Cleanup (1-6)
6) Do Elite Study Guide Preparation
7) Do Elite Study Guide
View Your Elite Member Status (Elite Login Required)
Elite Member Page (Elite Login Required)
Limited Call Week 9-19-22
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz

Elite Membership Requirements
- .AR’s and GSA’s designed to provide finances for oneself and for benevolence.
- .Both to be paid via Federal Reserve owner assets.
- .False SEC challenge stopped offerings.
- .Sovereign US treasury took over FED.
- .Assets of FED owners seized bankrupting them.
- .Payout possibilities: None.
- .Elite Member program.
- .Paid New Home.
- .Paid New Car.
- .Debit Card with Monthly Compensation
- .Monthly Bonus for unpaid AR’s, GSA’s and RV currencies.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system and bankrupting the FED owners. This has extinguished all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) plus the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing the challenges of the ‘OLD PLAN’, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete the steps you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
Are you still ‘chasing the money’ or are you ready to accept your destiny, first by cleansing your internal challenges then trusting Creator to provide your abundance?
Rev. Tom
Will you be part of the Next 100 Elite Members?
Are ready to dump your stuff
and get PAID for your
AR, GSA and RV+
This next Group Closes when we reach 100 new Elite Members!!
How to Become an Elite Member
Full Call Week 9-12-22
Listen to prior calls...
VIP/Member Calls
Elite Calls
Creator Calls
Creator Healing Call
Creator Grounding Call
Earth News - Take the Quiz
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 8-15-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Home Page
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
Why is FCUSA here?
To remove darkness and awaken the sleeping from the grip of darkness.
This will allow healing and abundance in everything to emerge...
physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
Why are YOU here?
What is your life's purpose?
What are your primary goals?
How have these changed over the years?
Have you become more heart-centered?
How has this impacted your life?
What is still needed in your life?
How has FCUSA helped you?
Recent Benefits from Calls
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. If you have placed an order, subscribed, unsubscribed, contact us or used another form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Should "unsubscribe" not work properly, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Should "unsubscribe" not work properly, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.
(Click for) FCUSA Home Page
Limited Call Week
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 8-8-22 & Archives
Creator Healing Call of 8-3-22
Creator Grounding Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Why is FCUSA here?
To remove darkness and awaken the sleeping from the grip of darkness.
This will allow healing and abundance in everything to emerge...
physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
Why are YOU here?
What is your life's purpose?
What are your primary goals?
How have these changed over the years?
Have you become more heart-centered?
How has this impacted your life?
What is still needed in your life?
How has FCUSA helped you?
Recent Benefits from Calls
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. If you have placed an order, subscribed, unsubscribed, contact us or used another form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Should "unsubscribe" not work properly, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Should "unsubscribe" not work properly, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 8-1-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Home Page
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
Why is FCUSA here?
To remove darkness and awaken the sleeping from the grip of darkness.
This will allow healing and abundance in everything to emerge...
physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
Why are YOU here?
What is your life's purpose?
What are your primary goals?
How have these changed over the years?
Have you become more heart-centered?
How has this impacted your life?
What is still needed in your life?
How has FCUSA helped you?
Recent Benefits from Calls
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. If you have placed an order, subscribed, unsubscribed, contact us or used another form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Should "unsubscribe" not work properly, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Should "unsubscribe" not work properly, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 7-25-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Why is FCUSA here?
To remove darkness and awaken the sleeping from the grip of darkness.
This will allow healing and abundance in everything to emerge...
physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
Why are YOU here?
What is your life's purpose?
What are your primary goals?
How have these changed over the years?
Have you become more heart-centered?
How has this impacted your life?
What is still needed in your life?
How has FCUSA helped you?
Recent Benefits from Calls
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. If you have placed an order, subscribed, unsubscribed, contact us or used another form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Should "unsubscribe" not work properly, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 7-18-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
Why is FCUSA here?
To remove darkness and awaken the sleeping from the grip of darkness. This will allow healing and abundance in everything to emerge... physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
Why are YOU here?
Recent Benefits from Calls
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. If you have placed an order, subscribed, unsubscribed, contact us or used another form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 7-11-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Why is FCUSA here?
To remove darkness and awaken the sleeping from the grip of darkness. This will allow healing and abundance in everything to emerge... physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
Recent Benefits from Calls
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. If you have placed an order, subscribed, unsubscribed, contact us or used another form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
The American Revolution
In the waning years of their lengthy lives, former presidents (and Founding Fathers) John Adams and Thomas Jefferson reconciled the political differences that had separated them for many years and carried on a voluminous correspondence. One of the purposes behind their exchange of letters was to set the record straight regarding the events of the American Revolution, for as author Joseph J. Ellis noted, they (particularly Adams, whom history would not treat nearly as kindly as Jefferson) were keenly aware of the “distinction between history as experienced and history as remembered”:
Adams realized that the act of transforming the American Revolution into history placed a premium on selecting events and heroes that fit neatly into a dramatic formula, thereby distorting the more tangled and incoherent experience that participants actually making the history felt at the time. Jefferson’s drafting of the Declaration of Independence was a perfect example of such dramatic distortions. The Revolution in this romantic rendering became one magical moment of inspiration, leading inexorably to the foregone conclusion of American independence.
Evidently Adams was right: So great is our need for simplified, dramatic events and heroes that even the real-life biographies of the fifty-six men who risked their lives to publicly declare American independence are no longer compelling enough. Through multiple versions of pieces like the one quoted below, their lives have been repeatedly embellished with layers of fanciful fiction to make for a better story:
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? What fates befell them for daring to put their names to that document?
Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died.
Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, another had two sons captured.
Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.
They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
What kind of men were they?
Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.
Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.
Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.
John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year, he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later, he died from exhaustion and a broken heart.
Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.
Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more.
Standing talk straight, and unwavering, they pledged: “For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
They gave you and me a free and independent America. The history books never told you a lot about what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn’t fight just the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government!
Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn’t.
So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July Holiday and silently thank these patriots. It’s not much to ask for the price they paid. Remember: Freedom is never free!
I hope you will show your support by please sending this to as many people as you can. It’s time we get the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games.
This is why FCUSA is here.
Continuing to awaken the sleeping from the grip of darkness.
Recent Benefits from Calls
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 7-4-22 & Archives
Holiday Call Week – Happy 4th of July!!
Special Creator Healing Call
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. If you have placed an order, subscribed, unsubscribed, contact us or used another form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Those Who Joined our Recent VIP/Member, Elite and Creator Calls Received…
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Start contributing to maintenance and receive all FCUSA benefits including live and recorded calls.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 6-27-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. We believe this is now resolved. If you have placed an order, subscribe, unsubscribe, contact us or other form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Those Who Joined our Recent VIP/Member, Elite and Creator Calls Received…
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Start contributing to maintenance and receive all FCUSA benefits including live and recorded calls.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 6-20-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. We believe this is now resolved. If you have placed an order, subscribe, unsubscribe, contact us or other form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Those Who Joined our Recent VIP/Member, Elite and Creator Calls Received…
- Permanent: “Grounding, Heart Centering and Connection to Receive Creator’s Healing”.
- Permanent: “Self-Respect and Intuition”.
- Elite Members: “Funding and Total Healing Pathway”.
Start contributing to maintenance and receive all FCUSA benefits including live and recorded calls.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
Yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 6-13-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Note: Just as darkness is messing with our entire planet and its residents, we too have been attacked in many ways including www.FreedomClubUSA.com and www.BioRenew.com. Forms have been compromised and submissions in many cases have been blocked. We believe this is now resolved. If you have placed an order, subscribe, unsubscribe, contact us or other form and NOT received a response or confirmation, you may need to resubmit again. Thank you.
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
What Would You Do With More Life?

More MENTAL power to process challenges!

More EMOTIONAL power to stabilize your life!

More PHYSICAL power to process your days!?

More SPIRITUAL power for your upliftment!

More DISCERNMENT in your decisions!

You could spend years training, learning, working, meditating and struggling…
or spend 44 minutes in a quiet place and receive the critical foundational piece for total life regeneration!
It’s FREE…

Important FCUSA Funding Update on VIP/Member Call 6/6/22
You must be present on the call for questions.
If you have not been contributing to maintenance or accepted for hardship… you are SUSPENDED from all FCUSA benefits including live and recorded calls. No information from the call will be shared in any other form.
Get reinstated and join calls
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 6-6-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Special Creator Healing Call
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Most came for the Money!
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA…
yet we continue and the darkness wanes!
Only a Few will see the
Money and Healing!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know how ONLY ELITE MEMBERS will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 5-30-22 & Archives
No Live Call – Enjoy the Memorial Day Holiday
Special Creator Healing Call
Earth News – Take the Quiz
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Most came for the Money!
The dark ones forcefully protect their money
thru laws, courts, prisons and politicians.
Those who tread on their domain are either:
1) put out of business
2) put in prison or
3) are dead.
They tried all 3 on FCUSA… but we continue!
Only a Few will see the
Money and Healing!
Creator is bypassing the dark ones and their obstacles.
The WISE ones who come to calls know ONLY ELITE MEMBERS
will be blessed with upliftment and funding!
Few will become Elite Members.
Most who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
“A radical is one who speaks the truth.”
~ Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 5-23-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
The WISE will click, read and comprehend the Newsletter below.
Few will do so.
Fewer will act and become Elite Members.
Most of those who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
"Great things are done by a series of small things
brought together."
~ Vincent Van Gogh
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 5-16-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
The WISE will click, read and comprehend the Newsletter below.
Few will do so.
Fewer will act and become Elite Members.
Most of those who do will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
Mark Twain
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 5-9-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be FUNDED and an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
Few will click the Newsletter below.
Fewer will read it.
Fewer will act and become Elite Members.
Most of these will reach "Of the Light" status.
Most of these will act from their hearts.
Only these will receive Funding and Creator's Healing.
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
Mark Twain
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 5-2-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
All of humanity that were Dark (1%) have now been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Soros, Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
Mark Twain
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 4-25-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
Mark Twain
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 4-18-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself into everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT and processing from your heart. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions or Contact Us.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
Mark Twain
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 4-11-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
They have discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
Mark Twain
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 4-4-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
1) Your Pathway to Optimal Health
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
2) Your Pathway to Financial Freedom
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
Why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members?
Are they so clogged with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth?
Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
They have discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [This will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection."
Mark Twain
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 3-28-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News – Take the Quiz
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
What do you REALLY Know???
Take the quiz… you will be surprised!
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Be FIRST to receive payouts.
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
- Financial payouts
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [Will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for early ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
14% of those who receive this notice will click on this newsletter.
Of those, many are truth seekers.
Of those, many are ‘of the light’.
Of those, many are Elite Members.
Of those, most are functioning from their hearts.
Of those, ALL are now ready for PAYOUTS.
All the rest have not completed their Complete Wellness.
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 3-21-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Earth News
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- Be FIRST to receive payouts.
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
- Financial payouts
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come?) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear. The next step up is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Fauci, Gates, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts can be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds while still contaminated! [Will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for early ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
WHEN ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern or when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
“We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive. But we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.”
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 3-14-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
You can get everything you want with Creator’s blessings!
Are You “Of the Light” and Processing from your Heart?
This is what it takes to be an FCUSA Elite Member?
- FIRST to receive payouts.
- Including:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
- Financial abundance
- Will you still be waiting for your payouts and total health, while Elite Members have received their gifts?
The first to receive their payouts and total health will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark together)? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone and everything… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings (with more to come) because their hearts were closed resulting in their being dominated by fear (the opposite of love)? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category and many with closed hearts functioning from fear are to be removed soon. The next category is IN THE LIGHT beings and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings that are functioning from their hearts and will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [Will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You can ONLY get what you want with Creator’s 5 step blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
You Must Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for early ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team
“We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive. But we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.”
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 3-7-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Earth News
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
You can get everything you want with Creator’s blessings!
Why Become an FCUSA Elite Member?
- FIRST to receive payouts.
- Includes:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
- Financial abundance
- Will you still be waiting for your payouts, while Elite Members are being paid?
The first to receive their payouts will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light” and being guided by their hearts. These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark) together? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com?
Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL beings because they would not accept Creator light and healing? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category… what is their fate? Next are IN THE LIGHT and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings when functioning from their hearts will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success in every way.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News

** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, MS-13, drug cartels, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [Will not happen!]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You can ONLY get what you want with Creator’s 5 step blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts…
You Must Do Your Cleansing…
Then Become An Elite Member.
Listen to VIP/Member Calls and Read Below.
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for early ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team

This newsletter only applies to the few that are ready to receive!
(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 2-28-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Only Those In Their Hearts Become FCUSA Elite Members.
- They will Be the FIRST to receive payouts.
- Including:
- Physical healing
- Mental wellness
- Emotional freedom
- Spiritual awakening
- Financial abundance
- Will you still be waiting for your payouts, while Elite Members are being paid?
The first to receive their payouts will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light”.
These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not… but you can’t get what you want without Creator’s blessings.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creator’s healing and accepting Creator’s financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark) together? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com? Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen, however, Creator has provided resolution directly to Elite Members who follow their heart and take certain proactive steps.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) and 100,000 NEUTRAL being because they would not accept Creator light and healing? That leaves remaining NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category… what is their fate? Next are IN THE LIGHT and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings when functioning from their hearts will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are SEEKING THE LIGHT will find success, those who ARE NOT will not.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those SEEKING THE LIGHT and functioning from their hearts will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [NOT]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP/Member call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Then listen to VIP/Member Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for early ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member Calls Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator Calls Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team

(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 2-21-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Earth News
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
VICTORY Goes to Prepared Elite Members!
You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Only the Best Can Become an FCUSA Elite Member
Will you be waiting for your AR/GSA payout while Elite Members are being paid?
Will you be waiting for your RV payout while Elite Members are being paid?
Are you working proactively with Creator to assure your payouts: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health PLUS Financial Abundance?
The first to receive their payouts will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light”.
These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creators healing thus also providing financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark) together? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com? Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen until their darkness or they are removed.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) because they would not accept Creator light and healing? That leaves NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category… what is their fate? Next are IN THE LIGHT and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings who will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are OF THE LIGHT will find success, those who ARE NOT will not.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those OF THE LIGHT will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [NOT]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Then listen to VIP/Member Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team

(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 2-14-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Earth News
Mon VIP/Member Call 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Call 9 PM Eastern
Wed Creator Call 9 PM Eastern
VICTORY Goes to the Elite Members Who Have Prepared!
You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings as an Elite Member!
Why Are YOU an FCUSA Member?
Are you waiting for your AR/GSA payout?
Are you waiting for your RV payout?
Are you working proactively with Creator to assure your payouts of: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health PLUS Financial Abundance?
Did you know the first to receive their payouts will be Elite Members who are “Of the Light”.
These “special” payouts will come directly from Creator without human intervention.
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creators healing thus also providing financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark) together? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com? Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen until their darkness or they are removed.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) because they would not accept Creator light and healing? That leaves NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category… what is their fate? Next are IN THE LIGHT and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings who will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are OF THE LIGHT will find success, those who ARE NOT will not.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those OF THE LIGHT will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [NOT]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Then listen to VIP/Member Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Creator call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team

(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 2-7-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member 9 PM Eastern
VICTORY Goes to the Elite Members Who Have Prepared!
You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings as an Elite Member!
Why Become an Elite Member?
We’ve had Gold, Silver, Early Bronze members for years. Each chose to participate at opportune times.
The same is true for those who now choose to become Elite Members. In this instance ALL Gold, Silver and Early Bronze members and any new arrivals can become Elite Members… the world is invited. This is an open invitation! Accept it or not.
Perhaps the real question is why haven’t all of our members become Elite Members, perhaps they have not kept up with calls, newsletters and Earth News. Or they themselves are clogged up with darkness and do not see (or are ignoring) the light and truth. Our club and awakened members have evolved from chasing the money to finding truth and accepting Creators healing thus also providing financial abundance.
Have you discovered we live in duality (light and dark) together? Do you understand darkness has infused itself in everyone to one degree or another? Do you understand the last 6 years of our club have been devoted to removing darkness for our members and everyone… even those you call your enemy? Have you utilized QE, the Balloon Exercise now evolved to Creator’s 6 Wellness programs at www.BioRenew.com? Do you think the dark ones controlling the financial, political and legal system are going to just give you funds? We learned the hard way, this will not happen until their darkness or they are removed.
Creator’s mission is to return Earth and it’s residents to light. Did you know Creator has removed ALL the DARK beings on the planet (70 million) two weeks ago because they would not accept Creator light and healing? That leaves NEUTRAL beings in the bottom category… what is their fate? Next are IN THE LIGHT and the highest category is OF THE LIGHT beings who will be blessed in every way by Creator.
All our members have the free will choice to accept Creator’s gifts and accept Creator’s cleansing. Some will listen to their hearts and others will listen to the darkness trying to hold them back. First do your homework then make your choice. If finances are a challenge to do the processes, listen to our VIP/Member calls for solutions. No sincere member in good standing will be left behind.
Those who are OF THE LIGHT will find success, those who ARE NOT will not.
Explore: www.BioRenew.com and www.FreedomClubUSA.com.
May you be blessed,
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those OF THE LIGHT will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [NOT]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Then listen to VIP/Member Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5 and 6)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls at 9 PM Eastern when announced.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team

(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 1-31-22 & Archives
Full Call Week
Mon VIP/Member 9 PM Eastern
Tue Elite Member 9 PM Eastern
Wed Prosperity 9 PM Eastern
VICTORY Goes to the Elite Members Who Have Prepared!
You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings as an Elite Member!
A special Elite Member call will be on 2/1/22 for FCUSA Elite Members ONLY can be heard on the Elite Member Page, providing an overview of the Elite Member program. DEEP HEALING calls from Creator in live mode will be announced as available. FCUSA Elite Members will be provided a special PIN, number and date to attend on their Elite Member Page as well as by email (not to be shared except with other Elite Members). Some calls will NOT be recorded – you must be present to receive Creator’s healing gifts. These calls will also provide details on Creator’s Financial Gifts.
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
** "I feel so blessed to belong to Freedom Club. Access to so much information and if I need help I can go on Contact Us and explain what the problem is. Within a short time Tom you return with an explanation. Creator, Lois and Tom I am so grateful to your dedication in making this world and we who live on it a safer and better place." Martha
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those OF THE LIGHT will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [NOT]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Then listen to VIP/Member Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and your entire support team

(Click for) FCUSA Newsletter 1-24-22 & Archives
Limited Call Week
Mon VIP/Member 9 PM Eastern
VICTORY Goes to the Elite Members Who Have Prepared!
You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings as an Elite Member!
A special call on 1/18/22 for FCUSA Elite Members ONLY can be heard on the Elite Member Page, providing an overview of the Elite Member program. DEEP HEALING calls from Creator in live mode will be announced as available. FCUSA Elite Members will be provided a special PIN, number and date to attend on their Elite Member Page as well as by email (not to be shared except with other Elite Members). Some calls will NOT be recorded – you must be present to receive Creator’s healing gifts. These calls will also provide details on Creator’s Financial Gifts.
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** 1% of humanity (the Dark ones) have been REMOVED from Earth by Creator.
** "I feel so blessed to belong to Freedom Club. Access to so much information and if I need help I can go on Contact Us and explain what the problem is. Within a short time Tom you return with an explanation. Creator, Lois and Tom I am so grateful to your dedication in making this world and we who live on it a safer and better place." Martha
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark (now gone), Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those OF THE LIGHT will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [NOT]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Then listen to VIP/Member Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
EVERY WEEK: Join our VIP/Member call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
TO BE ANNOUNCED: Join our Elite Calls at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and your entire support team

FCUSA Newsletter 1-17-22: Archives
Special Call Week
Mon VIP/Member 9 PM Eastern
Tues Elite 9 PM Eastern
Wed Prosperity 9 PM Eastern
VICTORY Goes to the Elite Who Have Prepared!
Elite Member’s ONLY Page
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
** "I feel so blessed to belong to Freedom Club. Access to so much information and if I need help I can go on Contact Us and explain what the problem is. Within a short time Tom you return with an explanation. Creator, Lois and Tom I am so grateful to your dedication in making this world and we who live on it a safer and better place." Martha
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark, Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The 1% of Dark ones have recently been REMOVED from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Trudeau, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creative has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 5% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 50% are IN THE LIGHT. 45% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those OF THE LIGHT will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! [NOT]. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing.
Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Then listen to VIP Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
Special calls will begin on 1/18/22 for FCUSA Elite Members ONLY, providing DEEP HEALING from Creator in live mode and some additional sessions recorded. FCUSA Elite Members will be provided a special PIN, number and date to attend (not to be shared except with other Elite Members). Some calls will NOT be recorded – you must be present to receive Creator’s healing gifts.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP/Member call Monday and our Elite call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP/Member call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and your entire support team

FCUSA Newsletter 1-10-22: Archives
Limited Call Week
Mon Only 9 PM Eastern
If you want your $$$, you better read this ENTIRE notice!
Elite Member Page
Letter to FCUSA Members
New Year's Message
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** Trouble reading our site on your cell phone. This is best done on a tablet, laptop or PC. Here are some inexpensive tablets to consider.
Our New Year 2022 – Time to ACT
There are 4 categories of humanity: Dark, Neutral, In the light and Of the light.
The Dark ones have recently been removed from Earth by Creator. Any videos of them are computer graphics or dynamic animation: Examples – Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Pelosi, Trudeau, Schumer, Brennen, Podesta, Newsome, Lightfoot, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Schwab, Q Elizabeth, cabal heads, etc.
To receive Creator’s financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts, one must be OF THE LIGHT. To get there, Creator has provided the 5 steps plus the Study Guide. Most completing these steps are now OF THE LIGHT. The few who are not are being helped by Lois, Myself and Creator.
There is no shortcut and one cannot fool Creator. 10% of our newsletter recipients are NEUTRAL. 30% are IN THE LIGHT. 40% are OF THE LIGHT. ONLY those OF THE LIGHT will be gifted by Creator.
Some want to skip the cleansing thinking they will receive funds and healing while still contaminated! NOT. This is the dark influencing them knowing that cleansing would be the dark’s demise. One must listen to one’s heart, however, most don’t because they are blocked by darks influence and not grounded, nor in their hearts with hearts closed and not receiving or accepting Creators healing. Do you get it now?!!! You cannot get what you want without Creator’s blessings!
Which road will you choose? A cleansed pathway to a new body and lavished with abundance in every way or the dark’s path of struggle and pain?
Start your cleansing at www.BioRenew.com and bring your questions to the VIP call or Contact Us.
To Receive Creator’s Gifts You Must Be An Elite Member
Listen to VIP & Member Calls for Instructions
Requirements for Creator's Financial/Healing Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Check Your Elite Member Status
If you bypass this opportunity – you are letting darkness control you! Take control, it’s your time to WIN!
If you are financially challenged to do the Clean-up, the calls and recordings have the answers.
May you be blessed,
Over the last 6 years, 32,000 sessions with Creator have removed enormous layers of darkness to restore light to our planet. With each day, Creator has taken care of a preponderance of challenges for Earth, humanity, paradigm and beyond.
The source of all light and dark human actions are rooted in duality (both light and dark together). This is the only paradigm of 199 prior paradigms with this uniqueness. We have co-existed with darkness for 13,000 years precipitating wars, plagues, famine, poverty, assaults+++ initiated from darkness. For what purpose have we been subjected to incredible emotional, mental, physical and spiritual distress? So we can overcome unimaginable challenges bringing truth, love, compassion, learning, growth and awakening we could not achieve in pure light environments.
Lois and I have been the eyes and ears for Creator identifying the effects of darkness and rooting out the esoteric origin of darkness’s actions. These invisible invaders come in hundreds of forms and in countless groups and layers with multiple levels of controllers and dark energy sources feeding them. They in turn invaded every living being precipitating every evil, heinous act known. All of these were fed by the original dark waterfall of darkness from the original construct of duality… the exact opposite of Creator side by side with the purest of Creator’s light and love.
In recent times darkness has put up its final assault upon humanity and all-that-is. We see the effects with liberalism, government overreach, major media propaganda, trans-genders, right is wrong and wrong is right everywhere. We also see the non-existent COVID promoted by dark controlled agencies/organizations pushing a genocide jab to extinguish 80-90% of humanity. Sadly, much of humanity has been influenced by elements of darkness making them compliant and accepting the many horrors manipulated by darkness.
We have seen this most noticeably in liberals, politicians or anyone who blindly accepts propaganda without doing critical thinking.
Additionally centillions (1 followed by 600 zeros) of harmful entities, energies and essences ravaging Earth and all sentient life precipitating every disease, mental issue, emotional, financial or spiritual challenge is in resolution. The final step of removing duality is now underway leaving only unity, light and love.
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com. Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
Special calls will begin for FCUSA Elite Members ONLY, providing DEEP HEALING from Creator in live mode and some additional sessions recorded. FCUSA Elite Members will be provided a special PIN, number and date to attend (not to be shared except with other Elite Members). These calls will NOT be recorded – you must be present to receive Creator’s healing gifts.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and your entire support team

FCUSA Newsletter 1-3-22: Archieves
Happy New Year 2022!
Full Call Week
Mon-Wed 9 PM Eastern
Letter to FCUSA Members
New Year's Message
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
Happy New Year 2022
Over the last 6 years, 32,000 sessions with Creator have removed enormous layers of darkness to restore light to our planet. With each day, Creator has taken care of a preponderance of challenges for Earth, humanity, paradigm and beyond.
The source of all light and dark human actions are rooted in duality (both light and dark together). This is the only paradigm of 199 prior paradigms with this uniqueness. We have co-existed with darkness for 13,000 years precipitating wars, plagues, famine, poverty, assaults+++ initiated from darkness. For what purpose have we been subjected to incredible emotional, mental, physical and spiritual distress? So we can overcome unimaginable challenges bringing truth, love, compassion, learning, growth and awakening we could not achieve in pure light environments.
Lois and I have been the eyes and ears for Creator identifying the effects of darkness and rooting out the esoteric origin of darkness’s actions. These invisible invaders come in hundreds of forms and in countless groups and layers with multiple levels of controllers and dark energy sources feeding them. They in turn invaded every living being precipitating every evil, heinous act known. All of these were fed by the original dark waterfall of darkness from the original construct of duality… the exact opposite of Creator side by side with the purest of Creator’s light and love.
In recent times darkness has put up its final assault upon humanity and all-that-is. We see the effects with liberalism, government overreach, major media propaganda, trans-genders, right is wrong and wrong is right everywhere. We also see the non-existent COVID promoted by dark controlled agencies/organizations pushing a genocide jab to extinguish 80-90% of humanity. Sadly, much of humanity has been influenced by elements of darkness making them compliant and accepting the many horrors manipulated by darkness. Below are some of the recent clearings set in motion to resolve these:
“Before input from one’s eyes and ears are received by the brain, a dark gatekeeper intercepts the input and sends the brain a scramble signal instead of the truth. Thus the information is lost and the truth teller’s message is lost never giving the recipient’s heart (their truth accessor) an opportunity to evaluate.” Gatekeeper Totally Extinguished.
We have seen this most noticeably in liberals, politicians or anyone who blindly accepts propaganda without doing critical thinking.
Here are a few more very recent cleanups that improve much of humanity’s behavior:
“Darkness messing with humanity’s critical thinking.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness messing with humanity’s accepting responsibility.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness messing with humanity’s accepting their gender.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness producing humanity’s liberal thinking.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness infusing compliance on humanity stopping access to their third eye’s intuition.” Totally Extinguished.
Additionally centillions (1 followed by 600 zeros) of harmful entities, energies and essences ravaging Earth and all sentient life precipitating every disease, mental issue, emotional, financial or spiritual challenge is in resolution. The final step of removing duality is now underway leaving only unity, light and love.
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com.
Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com. Learn more here to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
Special calls will begin for FCUSA Elite Members ONLY, providing DEEP HEALING from Creator in live mode only. FCUSA Elite Members will be provided a special PIN, number and date to attend (not to be shared except with other Elite Members). These calls will NOT be recorded – you must be present to receive Creator’s healing gifts.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and your entire support team

FCUSA Newsletter 12-27-21
Merry Christmas - Happy New Year
No Call Week
Christmas Letter for FCUSA Members
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
Merry Christmas and Greetings to All in the Spirit of the Holidays
Over the last 6 years, 32,000 sessions with Creator have removed enormous layers of darkness to restore light to our planet. With each day, Creator has taken care of a preponderance of challenges for Earth, humanity, paradigm and beyond.
The source of all light and dark human actions are rooted in duality (both light and dark together). This is the only paradigm of 199 prior paradigms with this uniqueness. We have co-existed with darkness for 13,000 years precipitating wars, plagues, famine, poverty, assaults+++ initiated from darkness. For what purpose have we been subjected to incredible emotional, mental, physical and spiritual distress? So we can overcome unimaginable challenges bringing truth, love, compassion, learning, growth and awakening we could not achieve in pure light environments.
Lois and I have been the eyes and ears for Creator identifying the effects of darkness and rooting out the esoteric origin of darkness’s actions. These invisible invaders come in hundreds of forms and in countless groups and layers with multiple levels of controllers and dark energy sources feeding them. They in turn invaded every living being precipitating every evil, heinous act known. All of these were fed by the original dark waterfall of darkness from the original construct of duality… the exact opposite of Creator side by side with the purest of Creator’s light and love.
In recent times darkness has put up its final assault upon humanity and all-that-is. We see the effects with liberalism, government overreach, major media propaganda, trans-genders, right is wrong and wrong is right everywhere. We also see the non-existent COVID promoted by dark controlled agencies/organizations pushing a genocide jab to extinguish 80-90% of humanity. Sadly, much of humanity has been influenced by elements of darkness making them compliant and accepting the many horrors manipulated by darkness. Below are some of the recent clearings set in motion to resolve these:
“Before input from one’s eyes and ears are received by the brain, a dark gatekeeper intercepts the input and sends the brain a scramble signal instead of the truth. Thus the information is lost and the truth teller’s message is lost never giving the recipient’s heart (their truth accessor) an opportunity to evaluate.” Gatekeeper Totally Extinguished.
We have seen this most noticeably in liberals, politicians or anyone who blindly accepts propaganda without doing critical thinking.
Here are a few more very recent cleanups that improve much of humanity’s behavior:
“Darkness messing with humanity’s critical thinking.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness messing with humanity’s accepting responsibility.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness messing with humanity’s accepting their gender.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness producing humanity’s liberal thinking.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness infusing compliance on humanity stopping access to their third eye’s intuition.” Totally Extinguished.
Additionally centillions (1 followed by 600 zeros) of harmful entities, energies and essences ravaging Earth and all sentient life precipitating every disease, mental issue, emotional, financial or spiritual challenge is in resolution. The final step of removing duality is now underway leaving only unity, light and love.
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com.
Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com. Learn more here to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Merry Christmas
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and your entire support team

FCUSA Newsletter 12-20-21
Christmas Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
No Calls Week of 12-27-21, MERRY CHRISTMAS
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Latest News
** If you missed reactivating your Membership and all Benefits following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline, click here "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
Merry Christmas and Greetings to All in the Spirit of the Holidays
Over the last 6 years, 32,000 sessions with Creator have removed enormous layers of darkness to restore light to our planet. With each day, Creator has taken care of a preponderance of challenges for Earth, humanity, paradigm and beyond.
The source of all light and dark human actions are rooted in duality (both light and dark together). This is the only paradigm of 199 prior paradigms with this uniqueness. We have co-existed with darkness for 13,000 years precipitating wars, plagues, famine, poverty, assaults+++ initiated from darkness. For what purpose have we been subjected to incredible emotional, mental, physical and spiritual distress? So we can overcome unimaginable challenges bringing truth, love, compassion, learning, growth and awakening we could not achieve in pure light environments.
Lois and I have been the eyes and ears for Creator identifying the effects of darkness and rooting out the esoteric origin of darkness’s actions. These invisible invaders come in hundreds of forms and in countless groups and layers with multiple levels of controllers and dark energy sources feeding them. They in turn invaded every living being precipitating every evil, heinous act known. All of these were fed by the original dark waterfall of darkness from the original construct of duality… the exact opposite of Creator side by side with the purest of Creator’s light and love.
In recent times darkness has put up its final assault upon humanity and all-that-is. We see the effects with liberalism, government overreach, major media propaganda, trans-genders, right is wrong and wrong is right everywhere. We also see the non-existent COVID promoted by dark controlled agencies/organizations pushing a genocide jab to extinguish 80-90% of humanity. Sadly, much of humanity has been influenced by elements of darkness making them compliant and accepting the many horrors manipulated by darkness. Below are some of the recent clearings set in motion to resolve these:
“Before input from one’s eyes and ears are received by the brain, a dark gatekeeper intercepts the input and sends the brain a scramble signal instead of the truth. Thus the information is lost and the truth teller’s message is lost never giving the recipient’s heart (their truth accessor) an opportunity to evaluate.” Gatekeeper Totally Extinguished.
We have seen this most noticeably in liberals, politicians or anyone who blindly accepts propaganda without doing critical thinking.
Here are a few more very recent cleanups that improve much of humanity’s behavior:
“Darkness messing with humanity’s critical thinking.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness messing with humanity’s accepting responsibility.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness messing with humanity’s accepting their gender.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness producing humanity’s liberal thinking.” Totally Extinguished.
“Darkness infusing compliance on humanity stopping access to their third eye’s intuition.” Totally Extinguished.
Additionally centillions (1 followed by 600 zeros) of harmful entities, energies and essences ravaging Earth and all sentient life precipitating every disease, mental issue, emotional, financial or spiritual challenge is in resolution. The final step of removing duality is now underway leaving only unity, light and love.
What is left is your final cleanup of the residual in, on, around, embedded, infused and attached to each individual.
Creator has provided all of the remedies with the Total Wellness Cleanup at www.BioRenew.com.
Further, Creator has special gifts for those who have completed their Total Wellness Cleanup and Study Guide becoming Elite Members at www.FreedomClubUSA.com. Learn more here to resolve your personal and financial challenges. If you have financial challenges affording the Total Wellness Cleanup, come to our live calls or recordings for solutions.
From our hearts to yours, may you be blessed.
Merry Christmas
Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and our entire team
** “I have recently done 1-6, actually I did wellness checkup a few months ago and then 2-5 last week and I can honestly say I felt the difference the next day. Felt so much lighter like a lot of the weight had been lifted and also noticed less judgement of others. Then 2 days later went dancing on the beach for 4 hours and had so much energy I could have kept going. I am active and in good physical condition but nothing ike I felt that day and attribute it to having done these processes. Highly recommend doing them all. Thank you so much Tom and Lois”
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick and your entire support team

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 12-13-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Please check out site changes: www.FreedomClubUSA.com
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
"If we do not feel grateful for what we already have,
what makes us think we'll be happy with more?"
Latest News
** Suspension of Delinquent Memberships and all Benefits has Begun Following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline. If you missed the deadline click on "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
** As the end of duality and darkness is being purged from Earth and beyond and from all its inhabitants, humanity will be going through a massive amount of internal revelations sorting truth from lies.
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- Do you REALLY understand the ELITE MEMBERS message below? Read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership. Consider adding Ego Cleansing!
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end duality and darkness in everything/everywhere. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become Members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 12-6-21
Limited Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
"If we do not feel grateful for what we already have,
what makes us think we'll be happy with more?"
Latest News
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships and all Benefits has Begun Following the 5/15/21 Midnight Deadline. If you missed the deadline click on "Reinstating Maintenance" to restore your Membership.
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- The ELITE MEMBERS message below may look the same but read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership.
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls, newsletter, Earth News and become members following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV monthly compensation for ELITE MEMBERS.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Monday-Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 11-29-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world."
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Awesome News
President Trump's Thanksgiving Message
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal – it is the courage to continue that counts.”
~ Winston Churchill
“New Beginnings are Disguised as Painful Endings.”
As the end of darkness is being purged from Earth and beyond and from all its inhabitants, humanity will be going through a massive amount of internal revelations sorting truth from lies.
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- The ELITE MEMBERS message below may look the same but read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership.
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls and Earth News following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV compensation.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
Monday 667-770-1476
Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 11-22-21
Limited Call Week
Happy Thanksgiving
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Awesome News
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal – it is the courage to continue that counts.”
~ Winston Churchill
“New Beginnings are Disguised as Painful Endings.”
As the end of darkness is being purged from Earth and beyond and from all its inhabitants, humanity will be going through a massive amount of internal revelations sorting truth from lies.
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- The ELITE MEMBERS message below may look the same but read CAREFULLY AGAIN, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership.
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"I had the Ego cleanup last night and woke up feeling so peaceful. Incredible. I don't seem to get "triggered" emotionally like I used to. Things roll off my back, seems easier to not allow things to affect me. Thanks."
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we have provided an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) or the RV could be unresponsive or untimely.
Recognizing these possibilities, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If you have active paid uncompensated AR and/or GSA processes and/or have RV currencies unprocessed, additional compensation will be added to your discretionary funds each month for each. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls and Earth News following the release of ELITE MEMBER’S gifts. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive basic Creator's blessings as you did but without the additional AR/GSA/RV compensation.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
Monday 667-770-1476
Tuesday 667-770-1476
Wed and International call numbers are unchanged
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 11-15-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Awesome News
“New Beginnings are Disguised as Painful Endings.”
As the end of darkness is being purged from Earth and beyond and from all its inhabitants, humanity will be going through a massive amount of internal revelations sorting truth from lies.
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- The ELITE MEMBERS message below may look the same but read CAREFULLY, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership.
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
"Tom - the ego tuneup is amazing! I'm inclined to be nice (kill her with kindness) and it feels so good!!! Also chanting for her true nature to come through. Thank you again!"
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP below and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we will be providing you an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths you have uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) and in such an event, monthly compensation is an option provided thru Creator. Should the RV be unresponsive, monthly compensation is also an option provided thru Creator. We will pursue all available options for our ELITE MEMBERS.
Recognizing this, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If AR, GSA and/or RV monthly compensation is applicable, it will add these to your discretionary funds. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls and Earth News. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Creator's blessings as you did.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
Monday 712-775-7035
Tuesday 667-770-1476
All Mon & Tue Calls 11/16/21 and after 667-770-1476
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 11-8-21
Limited Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Awesome News
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Complete All Requirements for Creator's Financial Gifts
Do Total Cleanup, then do…
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Applicants,
- The ELITE MEMBERS message below may look the same but read CAREFULLY, there are some important updates you will like.
- You must FIRST complete the 5 Wellness processes, THEN the STUDY GUIDE to be eligible for Elite Membership.
- You must also be in “good standing”, participating in Maintenance or in Hardship.
Did you know, darkness can only harm you thru your EGO?
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP below and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest " ELITE MEMBERSHIP ".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we will be providing you an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths you have uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
ELITE MEMBERS – Monthly Compensation
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) and in such an event, monthly compensation is an option provided thru Creator. Should the RV be unresponsive, monthly compensation is also an option provided thru Creator. We will pursue all available options for our ELITE MEMBERS.
Recognizing this, Creator is providing very unique financial gifts for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. If AR, GSA and/or RV monthly compensation is applicable, it will add these to your discretionary funds. These gifts are NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls and Earth News. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Creator's blessings as you did.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 11-1-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Awesome News
Elite Members
Listen to VIP & Member Calls
Creator's Financial Gifts
Total Cleanup
Elite Study Guide Preparation
Elite Study Guide
Elite Member Status
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP below and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest "ELITE MEMBERSHIP".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we will be providing you an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths you have uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) but provide compensation from NESARA. We will continue to pursue all available options.
Recognizing this, Creator is providing a very unique financial gift for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. This gift is NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls and Earth News. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Creator's blessings as you did.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 10-25-21
Limited Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Awesome News
For the last 6 years and 32,000+ sessions, Lois and myself have worked systematically with Creator removing centillions of dark entities and energies plaguing our paradigm. As society has been busy blaming one another for their personal and world woes, the darkness ever so quietly has been inserting its presence into every living being, homes, buildings and objects for 13,000 years.
As part of duality (light and dark together) the darks mission is to destroy, harm, divide and pit humanity against one another (race vs. race; men vs. women; democrats vs. republicans; liberals vs. conservatives; countries vs. countries; cultures vs. cultures; religions vs. religions; truth vs. lies; etc. Every part of society has been contaminated creating discord, separation, including wars. Even disease is the result of infestations of darkness in organs, glands and joints. Not just physical, but all mental, emotional and spiritual challenges are simply an infusion of countless types of invisible dark entities and energies embedded in humanity and all sentient life.
While humanity has been chasing the symptoms of society’s ills, applying laws, drugs, harsh measures, bullets and bombs to solve its problems, the roots have been hidden from us until now.
There are NO BAD PEOPLE on Earth (yes, read it again)… only deeply controlled beings by invisible esoteric darkness administering the intents of darkness created 13,000 years ago. Since darkness cannot manifest in physical form, they must invade humanity to do their bidding and have done so with no one noticing the dark puppeteer playing one group against the other… precipitating every kind of disruption we are seeing. This includes the current attempted genocide of humanity with a fake COVID-19 enemy and a jab that is the real killer. When you block enough of humanity from critical thinking they will obey even the most absurd nonsense (wear a mask, social distance and take the poisonous jab).
To remedy this, after removing incredible amounts of darkness for 6 years, Creator has now located the “LIFELINE” of all darkness. Without this “LIFELINE” all remaining darkness is on a pathway to extinction and gradually collapsing to non-existence. You will be noticing an ever increasing movement toward and acceptance of truth everywhere. You will notice more heart centered actions occurring in society. You will be seeing the propensity of crime diminishing and truth will be coming from the most unexpected places worldwide.
A new world of love and light is forming and you are an important part of it.
Light’s mission is to restore harmony, peace, cooperation and love to every aspect of life. Here’s how you can help yourself and others.
Total cleanup
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themselves and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP below and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) are eligible for our newest "ELITE MEMBERSHIP".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we will be providing you an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths you have uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
C. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (now ready) and
D. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) but provide compensation from NESARA. We will continue to pursue all available options.
Recognizing this, Creator is providing a very unique financial gift for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a substantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. This gift is NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls and Earth News. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B, C and D above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Creator's blessings as you did.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
The Pretend Biden Admin
Keep in mind the Biden administration does not exist. Virtually all and congress is in prison. Thus, Trump is playing the media exposing what the Biden admin would have done… thus shocking America.
The wall did finish, the pipeline continues, the border is secure, the Taliban is toast and has NOT taken over Afghan, we did NOT leave behind weapons. A total HOAX. These false narratives is what the Dems controlled by darkness would have done to hide the forensic audits that would easily give the 2020 election to Trump.
Also keep in mind , Trump ended the corporate USA just before the fake Biden inauguration and became the first sovereign president since shortly after the civil war… and still is the US Sovereign President working a worldwide “sting” operation with the US Military. All videos of Biden are advance computer graphics or dynamic animation. None of his alleged executive orders were ever recorded in the Federal Register. No congress has been in session since the stolen election either. All smoke and mirrors leading up to the worldwide “sting” operation when all is revealed.
“The Devil Made Me Do It” (Flip Wilson, 1970’s)
Right after the “fall of man”, 13,000 years ago the darkness superimposed a very dark illusion upon Creator’s plan for a learning experience in a duality paradigm. Duality was intended to teach us to feed ourselves (instead of living on light) and creating shelters (instead of manifesting them as light beings) and overcoming the challenges of nature and friendly competition without bringing harm or disease to ourselves or another. Through these experiences and overcoming challenges we would grow and learn lessons not possible as beings of light. However, the “darkness” created by Creator to present obstacles to overcome, cheated and took full control of the paradigm by overlaying their own dark paradigm on top of Creator’s and took dominion over everyone and everything. Thus, humanity was mercilessly invaded by darkness ever since… “The Devil Made Me Do It” came to stay.
Here are some examples of how darkness has manipulated mankind:
GROUP 1: Imposed the effects of fear onto 80% of humanity.
GROUP 2: Precipitated a minority of humans to do great dark harm (big pharma, behind the scenes world leaders, Soros, Castro, etc).
GROUP 3: Infused certain leaders with destructive aspects (Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Fauchi, Gates, Clintons, Trudeau, Queen, Macron, Rockefellers, drug cartels).
GROUP 4: Controlled the fiat banking cartel through Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.
GROUP 5: Infested certain Governors, Mayors, CDC, WHO, FDA to impose fearful restrictions on people.
GROUP 6: Totally governed the Vatican, Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Did Flip Wilson have it right?
Human souls were created in the image of Creator as pure light, now residing in limited DNA bodies for the purpose of experiencing challenges. They could not possibly do horrid acts against humans, sentient life or Earth… unless the “devil” (darkness) was in control! Darkness takes on many forms and infest themselves in many ways to control everyone… even you. Ever had pain, disease, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness, rage, confusion, worthlessness, sorrow, loneliness, hatefulness? This is darkness at work.
Here are some the NASTIES that have been controlling your life since birth:
Devils, demons, invaders, attackers, parasites, avengers, destroyers, desecrators, demolishers, punishers, assailants, interrupters, disruptors, chains, resistances, obstacles, programs, interference and hundreds more manipulating humanity with...
Barriers, blankets, walls, film, fog, mist, mesh, netting, webbing, armor, anchors, chains, head-bangers, within, on, around, outside, attached, parallel, between, below, surrounding, embedded, infused, detached, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, clones, duplicators, replicators, copies, backups, reserves, habits, patterns and many more.
How many of you have blamed “liberals, democrats, politicians, vaccinated, unvaccinated, government, Fauci, Gates, Obama, certain religions, countries, men, women, imagined genders, banks, IRS, CRA, wars, disease, GMOs, Chemtrails, inlaws, outlaws, etc., etc.”? Do you now understand each of these beings or groups are simply controlled by the “darkness” in its many forms?
This is NOT removing your responsibility for your shortcomings or the shortcoming of others. You have done harm to others and others have done harm to you. Absolutely! Now you know why.
Blaming others or yourself is NOT the solution, it only continues the manipulation by the darkness and the game continues without end.
Creator is working continually removing the sources of darkness and it is your job to remove your own.
You NOW have the means to cleanup your darkness and even gift others: Total cleanup
We are not born with an ego. Ego is a product of darkness initiated by early trauma (physical harm, emotional upset, mental ordeal, suffering, pain, distress, shock, fear, etc.). These initial disturbances establish a foothold for dark entities and energies to manipulate you the rest of your life. It also leaves the door open for future invaders to continue their harmful control of your emotions.
Do you ever wonder why some people are "super sensitive" and overreact to criticism? Others are aggressive, manipulative, dishonest, deceitful, arrogant, mean, cruel, insecure, fearful, heartless, destructive, harsh, paranoid, etc. We see these in politicians, con artists, thieves but it is just as prevalent in acquaintances, friends, husbands, wives and siblings often leading to divorce, rivalries and broken relationships.
We easily see these faults in others and often blame them for our own ego short-comings. All of us have a corrupted ego which now can be easily remedied. As you change for the better, the world around you changes too.
A quick look at world leader/failures will put this in perspective on a scale of 0-10:
0 is no ego, 10 is total ego.
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Bush Sr
K Harris
Mexican Drug Cartel
Adrenochrome Makers
Body Parts Providers
Human Sacrificers
Q Elizabeth-Philip-Charles
Coumo-de Blasio
R Paul
J Jordan
Princess Di
P. Francis
Big Pharma
A Jones
MSM-Social Media
T Cruz
John Roberts
Bush Jr.
Planned Parenthood
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from voter fraud and COVID Truth.
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 10-18-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Hot Topics
Who Runs the World?
The Pretend Vaccine
CV-19 Hosp Protocols are Murdering Americans
Living creature inside the vaccine
Dr. Northrup - Death In the Vax
HORRIFIC FINDINGS after examining Jab vials
Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW!
Intentional Genocide
The Pretend Biden Admin
Keep in mind the Biden administration does not exist. Virtually all and congress is in prison. Thus, Trump is playing the media exposing what the Biden admin would have done… thus shocking America.
The wall did finish, the pipeline continues, the border is secure, the Taliban is toast and has NOT taken over Afghan, we did NOT leave behind weapons. A total HOAX. These false narratives is what the Dems controlled by darkness would have done to hide the forensic audits that would easily give the 2020 election to Trump.
Also keep in mind , Trump ended the corporate USA just before the fake Biden inauguration and became the first sovereign president since shortly after the civil war… and still is the US Sovereign President working a worldwide “sting” operation with the US Military. All videos of Biden are advance computer graphics or dynamic animation. None of his alleged executive orders were ever recorded in the Federal Register. No congress has been in session since the stolen election either. All smoke and mirrors leading up to the worldwide “sting” operation when all is revealed.
The real truth about 911
“The Devil Made Me Do It” (Flip Wilson, 1970’s)
Right after the “fall of man”, 13,000 years ago the darkness superimposed a very dark illusion upon Creator’s plan for a learning experience in a duality paradigm. Duality was intended to teach us to feed ourselves (instead of living on light) and creating shelters (instead of manifesting them as light beings) and overcoming the challenges of nature and friendly competition without bringing harm or disease to ourselves or another. Through these experiences and overcoming challenges we would grow and learn lessons not possible as beings of light. However, the “darkness” created by Creator to present obstacles to overcome, cheated and took full control of the paradigm by overlaying their own dark paradigm on top of Creator’s and took dominion over everyone and everything. Thus, humanity was mercilessly invaded by darkness ever since… “The Devil Made Me Do It” came to stay.
Here are some examples of how darkness has manipulated mankind:
GROUP 1: Imposed the effects of fear onto 80% of humanity.
GROUP 2: Precipitated a minority of humans to do great dark harm (big pharma, behind the scenes world leaders, Soros, Castro, etc).
GROUP 3: Infused certain leaders with destructive aspects (Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Fauchi, Gates, Clintons, Trudeau, Queen, Macron, Rockefellers, drug cartels).
GROUP 4: Controlled the fiat banking cartel through Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.
GROUP 5: Infested certain Governors, Mayors, CDC, WHO, FDA to impose fearful restrictions on people.
GROUP 6: Totally governed the Vatican, Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Did Flip Wilson have it right?
Human souls were created in the image of Creator as pure light, now residing in limited DNA bodies for the purpose of experiencing challenges. They could not possibly do horrid acts against humans, sentient life or Earth… unless the “devil” (darkness) was in control! Darkness takes on many forms and infest themselves in many ways to control everyone… even you. Ever had pain, disease, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness, rage, confusion, worthlessness, sorrow, loneliness, hatefulness? This is darkness at work.
Here are some the NASTIES that have been controlling your life since birth:
Devils, demons, invaders, attackers, parasites, avengers, destroyers, desecrators, demolishers, punishers, assailants, interrupters, disruptors, chains, resistances, obstacles, programs, interference and hundreds more manipulating humanity with...
Barriers, blankets, walls, film, fog, mist, mesh, netting, webbing, armor, anchors, chains, head-bangers, within, on, around, outside, attached, parallel, between, below, surrounding, embedded, infused, detached, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, clones, duplicators, replicators, copies, backups, reserves, habits, patterns and many more.
How many of you have blamed “liberals, democrats, politicians, vaccinated, unvaccinated, government, Fauci, Gates, Obama, certain religions, countries, men, women, imagined genders, banks, IRS, CRA, wars, disease, GMOs, Chemtrails, inlaws, outlaws, etc., etc.”? Do you now understand each of these beings or groups are simply controlled by the “devil” in its many forms?
This is NOT removing your responsibility for your shortcomings or the shortcoming of others. You have done harm to others and others have done harm to you. Absolutely! Now you know why.
Blaming others or yourself is NOT the solution, it only continues the manipulation by the darkness and the game continues without end.
Creator is working continually removing the sources of darkness and it is your job to remove your own.
You NOW have the means to cleanup your darkness and even gift others: Total cleanup
We are not born with an ego. Ego is a product of darkness initiated by early trauma (physical harm, emotional upset, mental ordeal, suffering, pain, distress, shock, fear, etc.). These initial disturbances establish a foothold for dark entities and energies to manipulate you the rest of your life. It also leaves the door open for future invaders to continue their harmful control of your emotions.
Do you ever wonder why some people are "super sensitive" and overreact to criticism? Others are aggressive, manipulative, dishonest, deceitful, arrogant, mean, cruel, insecure, fearful, heartless, destructive, harsh, paranoid, etc. We see these in politicians, con artists, thieves but it is just as prevalent in acquaintances, friends, husbands, wives and siblings often leading to divorce, rivalries and broken relationships.
We easily see these faults in others and often blame them for our own ego short-comings. All of us have a corrupted ego which now can be easily remedied. As you change for the better, the world around you changes too.
A quick look at world leader/failures will put this in perspective on a scale of 0-10:
0 is no ego, 10 is total ego.
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Bush Sr
K Harris
Mexican Drug Cartel
Adrenochrome Makers
Body Parts Providers
Human Sacrificers
Q Elizabeth-Philip-Charles
Coumo-de Blasio
R Paul
J Jordan
Princess Di
P. Francis
Big Pharma
A Jones
MSM-Social Media
T Cruz
John Roberts
Bush Jr.
Planned Parenthood
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from voter fraud and COVID Truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 10-11-21
Limited Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Hot Topics
Who Runs the World?
The Pretend Vaccine
Dr. Northrup - Death In the Vax
HORRIFIC FINDINGS after examining Jab vials
Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW!
Intentional Genocide
The Pretend Biden Admin
Keep in mind the Biden administration does not exist. Virtually all and congress is in prison. Thus, Trump is playing the media exposing what the Biden admin would have done… thus shocking America.
The wall did finish, the pipeline continues, the border is secure, the Taliban is toast and has NOT taken over Afghan, we did NOT leave behind weapons. A total HOAX. These false narratives is what the Dems controlled by darkness would have done to hide the forensic audits that would easily give the 2020 election to Trump.
Also keep in mind , Trump ended the corporate USA just before the fake Biden inauguration and became the first sovereign president since shortly after the civil war… and still is the US Sovereign President working a worldwide “sting” operation with the US Military. All videos of Biden are advance computer graphics or dynamic animation. None of his alleged executive orders were ever recorded in the Federal Register. No congress has been in session since the stolen election either. All smoke and mirrors leading up to the worldwide “sting” operation when all is revealed.
The real truth about 911
“The Devil Made Me Do It” (Flip Wilson, 1970’s)
Right after the “fall of man”, 13,000 years ago the darkness superimposed a very dark illusion upon Creator’s plan for a learning experience in a duality paradigm. Duality was intended to teach us to feed ourselves (instead of living on light) and creating shelters (instead of manifesting them as light beings) and overcoming the challenges of nature and friendly competition without bringing harm or disease to ourselves or another. Through these experiences and overcoming challenges we would grow and learn lessons not possible as beings of light. However, the “darkness” created by Creator to present obstacles to overcome, cheated and took full control of the paradigm by overlaying their own dark paradigm on top of Creator’s and took dominion over everyone and everything. Thus, humanity was mercilessly invaded by darkness ever since… “The Devil Made Me Do It” came to stay.
Here are some examples of how darkness has manipulated mankind:
GROUP 1: Imposed the effects of fear onto 80% of humanity.
GROUP 2: Precipitated a minority of humans to do great dark harm (big pharma, behind the scenes world leaders, Soros, Castro, etc).
GROUP 3: Infused certain leaders with destructive aspects (Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Fauchi, Gates, Clintons, Trudeau, Queen, Macron, Rockefellers, drug cartels).
GROUP 4: Controlled the fiat banking cartel through Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.
GROUP 5: Infested certain Governors, Mayors, CDC, WHO, FDA to impose fearful restrictions on people.
GROUP 6: Totally governed the Vatican, Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Did Flip Wilson have it right?
Human souls were created in the image of Creator as pure light, now residing in limited DNA bodies for the purpose of experiencing challenges. They could not possibly do horrid acts against humans, sentient life or Earth… unless the “devil” (darkness) was in control! Darkness takes on many forms and infest themselves in many ways to control everyone… even you. Ever had pain, disease, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness, rage, confusion, worthlessness, sorrow, loneliness, hatefulness? This is darkness at work.
Here are some the NASTIES that have been controlling your life since birth:
Devils, demons, invaders, attackers, parasites, avengers, destroyers, desecrators, demolishers, punishers, assailants, interrupters, disruptors, chains, resistances, obstacles, programs, interference and hundreds more manipulating humanity with...
Barriers, blankets, walls, film, fog, mist, mesh, netting, webbing, armor, anchors, chains, head-bangers, within, on, around, outside, attached, parallel, between, below, surrounding, embedded, infused, detached, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, clones, duplicators, replicators, copies, backups, reserves, habits, patterns and many more.
How many of you have blamed “liberals, democrats, politicians, vaccinated, unvaccinated, government, Fauci, Gates, Obama, certain religions, countries, men, women, imagined genders, banks, IRS, CRA, wars, disease, GMOs, Chemtrails, inlaws, outlaws, etc., etc.”? Do you now understand each of these beings or groups are simply controlled by the “devil” in its many forms?
This is NOT removing your responsibility for your shortcomings or the shortcoming of others. You have done harm to others and others have done harm to you. Absolutely! Now you know why.
Blaming others or yourself is NOT the solution, it only continues the manipulation by the darkness and the game continues without end.
Creator is working continually removing the sources of darkness and it is your job to remove your own.
You NOW have the means to cleanup your darkness and even gift others: Total cleanup
We are not born with an ego. Ego is a product of darkness initiated by early trauma (physical harm, emotional upset, mental ordeal, suffering, pain, distress, shock, fear, etc.). These initial disturbances establish a foothold for dark entities and energies to manipulate you the rest of your life. It also leaves the door open for future invaders to continue their harmful control of your emotions.
Do you ever wonder why some people are "super sensitive" and overreact to criticism? Others are aggressive, manipulative, dishonest, deceitful, arrogant, mean, cruel, insecure, fearful, heartless, destructive, harsh, paranoid, etc. We see these in politicians, con artists, thieves but it is just as prevalent in acquaintances, friends, husbands, wives and siblings often leading to divorce, rivalries and broken relationships.
We easily see these faults in others and often blame them for our own ego short-comings. All of us have a corrupted ego which now can be easily remedied. As you change for the better, the world around you changes too.
A quick look at world leader/failures will put this in perspective on a scale of 0-10:
0 is no ego, 10 is total ego.
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Bush Sr
K Harris
Mexican Drug Cartel
Adrenochrome Makers
Body Parts Providers
Human Sacrificers
Q Elizabeth-Philip-Charles
Coumo-de Blasio
R Paul
J Jordan
Princess Di
P. Francis
Big Pharma
A Jones
MSM-Social Media
T Cruz
John Roberts
Bush Jr.
Planned Parenthood
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from voter fraud and COVID Truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 10-4-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
New Additions
The Pretend Vaccine
Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW!
Intentional Genocide
The Pretend Biden Admin
Keep in mind the Biden administration does not exist. Virtually all and congress is in prison. Thus, Trump is playing the media exposing what the Biden admin would have done… thus shocking America.
The wall did finish, the pipeline continues, the border is secure, the Taliban is toast and has NOT taken over Afghan, we did NOT leave behind weapons. A total HOAX. These false narratives is what the Dems controlled by darkness would have done to hide the forensic audits that would easily give the 2020 election to Trump.
Also keep in mind , Trump ended the corporate USA just before the fake Biden inauguration and became the first sovereign president since shortly after the civil war… and still is the US Sovereign President working a worldwide “sting” operation with the US Military. All videos of Biden are advance computer graphics or dynamic animation. None of his alleged executive orders were ever recorded in the Federal Register. No congress has been in session since the stolen election either. All smoke and mirrors leading up to the worldwide “sting” operation when all is revealed.
The real truth about 911
“The Devil Made Me Do It” (Flip Wilson, 1970’s)
Right after the “fall of man”, 13,000 years ago the darkness superimposed a very dark illusion upon Creator’s plan for a learning experience in a duality paradigm. Duality was intended to teach us to feed ourselves (instead of living on light) and creating shelters (instead of manifesting them as light beings) and overcoming the challenges of nature and friendly competition without bringing harm or disease to ourselves or another. Through these experiences and overcoming challenges we would grow and learn lessons not possible as beings of light. However, the “darkness” created by Creator to present obstacles to overcome, cheated and took full control of the paradigm by overlaying their own dark paradigm on top of Creator’s and took dominion over everyone and everything. Thus, humanity was mercilessly invaded by darkness ever since… “The Devil Made Me Do It” came to stay.
Here are some examples of how darkness has manipulated mankind:
GROUP 1: Imposed the effects of fear onto 80% of humanity.
GROUP 2: Precipitated a minority of humans to do great dark harm (big pharma, behind the scenes world leaders, Soros, Castro, etc).
GROUP 3: Infused certain leaders with destructive aspects (Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Fauchi, Gates, Clintons, Trudeau, Queen, Macron, Rockefellers, drug cartels).
GROUP 4: Controlled the fiat banking cartel through Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.
GROUP 5: Infested certain Governors, Mayors, CDC, WHO, FDA to impose fearful restrictions on people.
GROUP 6: Totally governed the Vatican, Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Did Flip Wilson have it right?
Human souls were created in the image of Creator as pure light, now residing in limited DNA bodies for the purpose of experiencing challenges. They could not possibly do horrid acts against humans, sentient life or Earth… unless the “devil” (darkness) was in control! Darkness takes on many forms and infest themselves in many ways to control everyone… even you. Ever had pain, disease, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness, rage, confusion, worthlessness, sorrow, loneliness, hatefulness? This is darkness at work.
Here are some the NASTIES that have been controlling your life since birth:
Devils, demons, invaders, attackers, parasites, avengers, destroyers, desecrators, demolishers, punishers, assailants, interrupters, disruptors, chains, resistances, obstacles, programs, interference and hundreds more manipulating humanity with...
Barriers, blankets, walls, film, fog, mist, mesh, netting, webbing, armor, anchors, chains, head-bangers, within, on, around, outside, attached, parallel, between, below, surrounding, embedded, infused, detached, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, clones, duplicators, replicators, copies, backups, reserves, habits, patterns and many more.
How many of you have blamed “liberals, democrats, politicians, vaccinated, unvaccinated, government, Fauci, Gates, Obama, certain religions, countries, men, women, imagined genders, banks, IRS, CRA, wars, disease, GMOs, Chemtrails, inlaws, outlaws, etc., etc.”? Do you now understand each of these beings or groups are simply controlled by the “devil” in its many forms?
This is NOT removing your responsibility for your shortcomings or the shortcoming of others. You have done harm to others and others have done harm to you. Absolutely! Now you know why.
Blaming others or yourself is NOT the solution, it only continues the manipulation by the darkness and the game continues without end.
Creator is working continually removing the sources of darkness and it is your job to remove your own.
You NOW have the means to cleanup your darkness and even gift others: Total cleanup
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from voter fraud and COVID Truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 9-27-21
Limited Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
New Additions
The Pretend Vaccine
"A friend of mine, has a sister that works at Moderna in their vaccination production center. She says that they are all paid huge amounts of money to keep their mouth shut about what’s in the vaccine and what its meant to do to the vaccinated person. She was talking about millions of USD that they each get + having to sign confidentiality agreements and more legal agreements. So, nobody will ever talk about it all. In short: Once you take the jab and in a matter of minutes, a "plastic-like", synthetic, microscopic structure is spreading throughout the body and it invades the capillaries. It attaches itself to the most fragile, weakened internal organs you have. There, it RADIATES the organ and the whole body, 24/7. Until it gets significantly damaged. As a result, some people with heart issues will get myocarditis or a heart attack, others with benign ovarian issues will get ovarian cancer, or lungs, kidney, prostate malign issues. She said to us that the introduction of this structure is DELIBERATE. No design error, no accident, but it is done with the exact purpose of radiating you, similar to plutonium but slower/ impossible to detect. This explains why Geiger EMF devices pick up higher levels of radiation in vaxxed people compared to those not vaccinated. This also explains why being around vaxxed people or having intimate contact with them does influence you at EM field level and you get sick, you bleed or have migraines and have "radiation-like" symptoms which we call "shedding". Pretty much the PERFECT bio weapon. The same applies to ALL other MRNA vaccines.”
The Pretend Biden Admin
Keep in mind the Biden administration does not exist. Virtually all and congress is in prison. Thus, Trump is playing the media exposing what the Biden admin would have done… thus shocking America.
The wall did finish, the pipeline continues, the border is secure, the Taliban is toast and has NOT taken over Afghan, we did NOT leave behind weapons. A total HOAX. These false narratives is what the Dems controlled by darkness would have done to hide the forensic audits that would easily give the 2020 election to Trump.
Also keep in mind , Trump ended the corporate USA just before the fake Biden inauguration and became the first sovereign president since shortly after the civil war… and still is the US Sovereign President working a worldwide “sting” operation with the US Military. All videos of Biden are advance computer graphics or dynamic animation. None of his alleged executive orders were ever recorded in the Federal Register. No congress has been in session since the stolen election either. All smoke and mirrors leading up to the worldwide “sting” operation when all is revealed.
Keep this in mind as Trump plays the crowd and most importantly, the major media exposing a future without patriotic leadership. You will like how the end of darkness will right the wrongs on planet Earth. Stay tuned.
Trump Rally in Perry, GA
The real truth about 911
“The Devil Made Me Do It” (Flip Wilson, 1970’s)
Right after the “fall of man”, 13,000 years ago the darkness superimposed a very dark illusion upon Creator’s plan for a learning experience in a duality paradigm. Duality was intended to teach us to feed ourselves (instead of living on light) and creating shelters (instead of manifesting them as light beings) and overcoming the challenges of nature and friendly competition without bringing harm or disease to ourselves or another. Through these experiences and overcoming challenges we would grow and learn lessons not possible as beings of light. However, the “darkness” created by Creator to present obstacles to overcome, cheated and took full control of the paradigm by overlaying their own dark paradigm on top of Creator’s and took dominion over everyone and everything. Thus, humanity was mercilessly invaded by darkness ever since… “The Devil Made Me Do It” came to stay.
Here are some examples of how darkness has manipulated mankind:
GROUP 1: Imposed the effects of fear onto 80% of humanity.
GROUP 2: Precipitated a minority of humans to do great dark harm (big pharma, behind the scenes world leaders, Soros, Castro, etc).
GROUP 3: Infused certain leaders with destructive aspects (Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Fauchi, Gates, Clintons, Trudeau, Queen, Macron, Rockefellers, drug cartels).
GROUP 4: Controlled the fiat banking cartel through Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.
GROUP 5: Infested certain Governors, Mayors, CDC, WHO, FDA to impose fearful restrictions on people.
GROUP 6: Totally governed the Vatican, Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Did Flip Wilson have it right?
Human souls were created in the image of Creator as pure light, now residing in limited DNA bodies for the purpose of experiencing challenges. They could not possibly do horrid acts against humans, sentient life or Earth… unless the “devil” (darkness) was in control! Darkness takes on many forms and infest themselves in many ways to control everyone… even you. Ever had pain, disease, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness, rage, confusion, worthlessness, sorrow, loneliness, hatefulness? This is darkness at work.
Here are some the NASTIES that have been controlling your life since birth:
Devils, demons, invaders, attackers, parasites, avengers, destroyers, desecrators, demolishers, punishers, assailants, interrupters, disruptors, chains, resistances, obstacles, programs, interference and hundreds more manipulating humanity with...
Barriers, blankets, walls, film, fog, mist, mesh, netting, webbing, armor, anchors, chains, head-bangers, within, on, around, outside, attached, parallel, between, below, surrounding, embedded, infused, detached, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, clones, duplicators, replicators, copies, backups, reserves, habits, patterns and many more.
How many of you have blamed “liberals, democrats, politicians, vaccinated, unvaccinated, government, Fauci, Gates, Obama, certain religions, countries, men, women, imagined genders, banks, IRS, CRA, wars, disease, GMOs, Chemtrails, inlaws, outlaws, etc., etc.”? Do you now understand each of these beings or groups are simply controlled by the “devil” in its many forms?
This is NOT removing your responsibility for your shortcomings or the shortcoming of others. You have done harm to others and others have done harm to you. Absolutely! Now you know why.
Blaming others or yourself is NOT the solution, it only continues the manipulation by the darkness and the game continues without end.
Creator is working continually removing the sources of darkness and it is your job to remove your own.
You NOW have the means to cleanup your darkness and even gift others:
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
New Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from voter fraud and COVID Truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 9-20-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
New Additions
The real truth about 911
“The Devil Made Me Do It” (Flip Wilson, 1970’s)
Right after the “fall of man”, 13,000 years ago the darkness superimposed a very dark illusion upon Creator’s plan for a learning experience in a duality paradigm. Duality was intended to teach us to feed ourselves (instead of living on light) and creating shelters (instead of manifesting them as light beings) and overcoming the challenges of nature and friendly competition without bringing harm or disease to ourselves or another. Through these experiences and overcoming challenges we would grow and learn lessons not possible as beings of light. However, the “darkness” created by Creator to present obstacles to overcome, cheated and took full control of the paradigm by overlaying their own dark paradigm on top of Creator’s and took dominion over everyone and everything. Thus, humanity was mercilessly invaded by darkness ever since… “The Devil Made Me Do It” came to stay.
Here are some examples of how darkness has manipulated mankind:
GROUP 1: Imposed the effects of fear onto 80% of humanity.
GROUP 2: Precipitated a minority of humans to do great dark harm (big pharma, behind the scenes world leaders, Soros, Castro, etc).
GROUP 3: Infused certain leaders with destructive aspects (Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Fauchi, Gates, Clintons, Trudeau, Queen, Macron, Rockefellers, drug cartels).
GROUP 4: Controlled the fiat banking cartel through Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.
GROUP 5: Infested certain Governors, Mayors, CDC, WHO, FDA to impose fearful restrictions on people.
GROUP 6: Totally governed the Vatican, Hitler, Stalin, etc.
Did Flip Wilson have it right?
Human souls were created in the image of Creator as pure light, now residing in limited DNA bodies for the purpose of experiencing challenges. They could not possibly do horrid acts against humans, sentient life or Earth… unless the “devil” (darkness) was in control! Darkness takes on many forms and infest themselves in many ways to control everyone… even you. Ever had pain, disease, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness, rage, confusion, worthlessness, sorrow, loneliness, hatefulness? This is darkness at work.
Here are some the NASTIES that have been controlling your life since birth:
Devils, demons, invaders, attackers, parasites, avengers, destroyers, desecrators, demolishers, punishers, assailants, interrupters, disruptors, chains, resistances, obstacles, programs, interference and hundreds more manipulating humanity with...
Barriers, blankets, walls, film, fog, mist, mesh, netting, webbing, armor, anchors, chains, head-bangers, within, on, around, outside, attached, parallel, between, below, surrounding, embedded, infused, detached, hooks, cords, threads, tentacles, feelers, eggs, implants, imprints, clones, duplicators, replicators, copies, backups, reserves, habits, patterns and many more.
How many of you have blamed “liberals, democrats, politicians, vaccinated, unvaccinated, government, Fauci, Gates, Obama, certain religions, countries, men, women, imagined genders, banks, IRS, CRA, wars, disease, GMOs, Chemtrails, inlaws, outlaws, etc., etc.”? Do you now understand each of these beings or groups are simply controlled by the “devil” in its many forms?
This is NOT removing your responsibility for your shortcomings or the shortcoming of others. You have done harm to others and others have done harm to you. Absolutely! Now you know why.
Blaming others or yourself is NOT the solution, it only continues the manipulation by the darkness and the game continues without end.
Creator is working continually removing the sources of darkness and it is your job to remove your own.
You NOW have the means to cleanup your darkness and even gift others:
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
New Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from voter fraud and COVID Truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 9-13-21
Limited Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
New Additions
We are not born with an ego. Ego is a product of darkness initiated by early trauma (physical harm, emotional upset, mental ordeal, suffering, pain, distress, shock, fear, etc.). These initial disturbances establish a foothold for dark entities and energies to manipulate you the rest of your life. It also leaves the door open for future invaders to continue their harmful control of your emotions.
- SMART METER protection
They emit as many as 14,000 short bursts of intense microwave radiation a day, disrupting cellular electrochemistry and causing health symptoms from migraine to tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, chest pain, palpitations and memory loss. People with smart meters in their homes have reported a sudden increase in dizziness, ear pain, memory problems, heart palpitations, anxiety, and sleep problems.
- Combo (1-5) Includes Total Cleanup items 1-5
- Total CleanuP HOME PAGE New look
- Donation page
The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs – Big Pharma And Anthony Fauci Have Lost A Lawsuit Filed By Robert F Kennedy Jr And A Group Of Scientists!
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from vote fraud and COVID truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
New Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.
Newsletter Signup

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 9-6-21
Holiday Call Week
Tue - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
New Additions
We are not born with an ego. Ego is a product of darkness initiated by early trauma (physical harm, emotional upset, mental ordeal, suffering, pain, distress, shock, fear, etc.). These initial disturbances establish a foothold for dark entities and energies to manipulate you the rest of your life. It also leaves the door open for future invaders to continue their harmful control of your emotions.
- SMART METER protection
They emit as many as 14,000 short bursts of intense microwave radiation a day, disrupting cellular electrochemistry and causing health symptoms from migraine to tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, chest pain, palpitations and memory loss. People with smart meters in their homes have reported a sudden increase in dizziness, ear pain, memory problems, heart palpitations, anxiety, and sleep problems.
- Combo (1-5) Includes Total Cleanup items 1-5
- Total CleanuP HOME PAGE New look
- Donation page
The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs – Big Pharma And Anthony Fauci Have Lost A Lawsuit Filed By Robert F Kennedy Jr And A Group Of Scientists!
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from vote fraud and COVID truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
New Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.
Newsletter Signup

Click for FCUSA Newsletter 8-30-21
Limited Call Week
Mon - Only 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
New Additions
The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs – Big Pharma And Anthony Fauci Have Lost A Lawsuit Filed By Robert F Kennedy Jr And A Group Of Scientists!
Darkness does NOT discriminate.
It invades everyone... even the nicest! Its purpose is to destroy, harm, hurt, manipulate, etc. without conscience. The opposite of love, respect and kindness. None of us have done anything wrong to receive darks fury, darkness is fighting hard to stay in control of everything and is trying everything it can to do so. Cleansing ourselves of the dark entities and energies messing with us is an awesome way to change the world by changing ourselves... the only one we can change. www.BioRenew.com
8/17/21 Update: Recent videos of Afghans fleeing wanting to flood Europe and US is a total fabrication using Advanced Computer System (ACS). Not real Trump, not real Biden, not real Taliban, not real anything... total propaganda to induce fear and take attention away from vote fraud and COVID truth.
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Total cleanup
Billions of Dark Intruders
are Messing with YOU Right Now!
NEW Combo (1-5)
New ultra vpn protection
New cell phone protection
New SMART METER protection
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.
Newsletter Signup

FCUSA Newsletter 8-23-21
Full Call Week
Mon - Wed 9 PM Eastern
Thank You For Your Maintenance Support!
Our Club Continues Only By Your Contributions
Creator continues to end darkness in all-that-is. As changes occur humanity is steadily moving toward the light. Those who are utilizing the "TOTAL CLEANUP" processes below are providing upliftment not only for themself and those they gift, but as an aggregate of rising energy you are helping all of humanity. Change yourself and you change the world. Thank you!
CREATOR'S FINANCIAL GIFTS are NOT a replacement for AR, GSA or RV. It is a gift directly from Creator that does not require the cooperation nor allows any resistance from humans. We have seen the incredible challenges thrown up against current processes so this is relief for FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Members who have completed steps 1-5 TOTAL CLEANUP below and are maintenance supporters (active or hardship), in good standing and have completed the ELITE STUDY GUIDE (in development) are eligible for our newest "ELITE MEMBERSHIP".
As a special thank you for your unending dedication to the truth and awakening, Creator has a very unique financial blessing for our ELITE MEMBERS. To further assist you in your awakening we will be providing you an ELITE STUDY GUIDE of the many truths you have uncovered from our Site, Calls and Earth News.
Upon successful completion of your
A. TOTAL CLEANUP (steps 1-5)
B. ELITE STUDY GUIDE (in development) and
C. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT (active or hardship)
and in good standing, you become an ELITE MEMBER.
Since the fall of the corporate US government at the fake Biden inauguration, the sovereign US government was reinstated. What ensued was the fall of the old bankrupt fiat financial system being replaced by the quantum asset based world financial system. This could extinguish all claims against the previous bankrupt fiat system (AR's and GSA's) but provide compensation from NESARA. We will continue to pursue all available options.
Recognizing this, Creater is providing a very unique financial gift for all ELITE MEMBERS. This will provide substantial funds for all your monthly needs and enjoyment, plus a new vehicle and a new home. It will further grow a subtantial monthly savings account from all unspent monthly funds for your discretionary use. This gift is NOT dependent on any government or financial system or its employees, it is in total control by Creator.
To help others with your benevolent desires, simply enroll others as members with like minds for truth and guide them to learn at our site, calls and Earth News. As they progress, they can complete steps A, B and C above as you did to become ELITE MEMBERS. They too will then receive Creator's blessings as you did.
When one door closes, another opens!
Message from Creator
Suspension of Delinquent Memberships are in Process.
If you have not yet responded to our required Maintenance Process you are subject to SUSPENSION and loss of all Benefits. However, you can still save your membership and benefits by clicking the "3) Maintenance" tab on the home page and select option A, B, C or D.
Read our updated "4) Mission", What you should know about your club.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday and our Member call Tuesday at 9 PM Eastern.
LIMITED CALL WEEKS: Join our VIP call Monday at 9 PM Eastern.
FULL CALL WEEKS: Join our Prosperity call Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern.
Thank you.
Your FCUSA Team: Rev. Tom, Debbie, Lois, Rick, Sandy and your support staff.
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