A message from our Founder.
To our loyal FCUSA members and followers,
In our 17 year history, we have seen many come and go but many more have stayed the course. We were excited to take back what had been taken from us. Freedoms, truth and money. On out journey, I fought the onslaught of the 'system' through 20 personal lawsuit attacks against me personally all ending in corrupt courts siding for the banks. They won the cases but never received a penny do to our effective asset protection. Then came a $750,000 false claim against the club and myself by the IRS for 2 years. After much expense and struggle, I turned to Creator for help and the debt was erased.
At first the interest in the club was all about the AR money, but as the years continued, we became more heart centered and added our Quantum Energetics (QE) program and helped our member with their emotional challenges quickly and powerfully. It worked so well Creator asked me to invite the 'higher selves' of all beings on Earth and then the Universe. The spiritual awakening of FCUSA had begun.
Never did we lose sight of our financial commitment to our members. But trying to take money from the cabal financial system was much more difficult than estimated and has left a trail of dead bodies and no successes. The time was not yet right until NESARA's release. The first attempt at releasing NESARA resulted in 9/11 and the death of 1000's of humans, continual wars and even more controls on the public. We were up against an entire New World Order who killed Kennedy and Reagan (he died and was cloned) who tried to do what we hoped to accomplish as a club. So what would release and remove their stranglehold on the money, courts, military, healthcare and politics?
As we grew spiritually, not all our staff followed and internal greed by former staff members ended their relationship. Then came Obama creating a false complaint to the corrupt SEC. This resulted in a 3 year battle, my arrest for contempt and the shutting down of our facilities and purge of the unloyal. We persisted and opened a much smaller office with a handful of the staff who proved to be in the light and loyal members. The SEC struggle for the last 3 years left us with a fraudulent TRO (temporary restraining order) ending our ability to engage in any way with the AR program while the SEC stole a huge amount of our club funds.
This left us stranded but precipitated the beginning of monthly maintenance, allowing us to continue our mission. Those in hardship could opt out and the dedicated members persevered with us to this moment. We never missed a VIP, Member or Prosperity for our members and prospects in our entire bumpy 17 years.
Then came the RV (revaluation of currencies) and we studied and educated our members of this incredible financial opportunity with no financial advantage to the club but enormously valuable to our members.
Most recently, after Lois (Reiki master) and myself working with Creator clearing harmful energies throughout the planet and Universe, have now offered our members the opportunity to remove these invisible invaders from their essence. Enormous amounts of very harmful entities have invaded each individual, their spouses, children, homes, computers, cars, workspace and create destructive effects on their bodies, spirits and even their souls. Learn more here.
In the past years, we have seen the Federal Reserve being taken over by the US Treasury, the IRS more recently taken over by the Treasury and during President Trump's tenure, the take down of thousands of the cabal worldwide. In other words, we are seeing the incremental implementation of NESARA and the global GESARA and an entire new gold backed financial system out of reach of the cabal.
During our 17 years, we have not only served our members endless education and financial opportunities with LLC protections. While humanity sorts through the final cleanup of the cabal allowing financial programs to process, Creator is providing our loyal members a new program bypassing all current financial challenges and directly gifting FCUSA ELITE MEMBERS.
Your FCUSA club has persevered through endless challenges, just as each of you have. Now, how many of your club benefits are you using and sharing?
May you be blessed..
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Entity Removal Membership
Your founder,
Rev. Tom and our loyal team:
Debbie, Lois, Sandy, Rick and staff
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