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The Year of Reckoning!
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Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration Early Signup
Be in the first 500 to join our Victory Receptions: Gold, Silver or Early Bronze. The first week will be awards, meetings and fun; the second week will be all fun events.
Date and location is still being determined but all locations will be sunny. Pack for warm weather!
Only 500 Preferred Luxury Packages are available for each event! It will be first come first served.
What you get…
- Preferred room (size, view and elevation)
- Victory Reception 7-9 PM with leaders
- Music
- Lavish hors d’oeuvres
- Champagne
- Bonus gift
- Photo opportunities
- Free hugs and fantastic memories of our first event
Details and Order here
Email Booster
Frequently Asked Questions

Club Mission
Guide our members to an abundant receiving/giving life of financial, health, emotional and spiritual freedoms through inner awakening and paying it forward.
Will Smith on Success
Trust yourself
Break the rules
Don’t be afraid to fail
Don’t listen to naysayers
Work your butt off
The greatest gift that you ever give is your own Happiness. When you are in a state of joy or appreciation, you are connected to the Stream of Source Energy that is truly who~you~are ... and anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention ~ benefits from your attention!!
~~~~Abraham (Esther Hicks)
Member Mission
Learn, Educate, Release, Accept, Grow, Share, Love
Intro & Prosperity Calls
Member Calls
Quantum Energetics
Study Guides
Take the Winners Pledge
Move Into Your Heart Space
Ambassador Bonus Awards
Ambassador Bonus Awards
Ambassador Commissions
Level 3 30 Points+
Cash Award of $250,000 plus...
$50,000 in prizes
378 Chuck L
349 Harris F
291 Carol D
244 Monica L
227 Terry G
223 Judi H
215 Sandra C
154 Kevin C
153 Carlos P
147 Erika M
129 Christopher W
128 Richard H
104 Michael J
97 Diane & Glenn H
95 Jose T. C
84 Carmen C
84 Tim M
75 Gaura T
70 Henk K
67 Gaetano F
66 Joanne A
64 Marie S
61 Michael H
50 Kenneth N
47 Lois G
47 Ray E
44 Karlton R
39 Dale & Debbie O
44 Mervin O
42 Kevin C
40 Debbie H
39 John P. Y
37 Judy C
37 Vicki S
35 Bridget B
35 Wendy S
34 Flora L
33 Marco B
32 Rillea P
31 Eric D
. 30 Charles F
30 Craig P
30 Millie-Jo T
30 Tedd P
Level 2 20 Points+
Cash Award of $100,000
29 Arthur V
28 Gideon K
26 Svetlana Y
25 Alan K
25 Dominiqe O
25 Doug L
25 Giglio M
24 Lorna B
24 Monica P
24 Vicki K
23 Gordon W
23 Jeanine L
22 Elizabeth B
22 Francisca S
22 Tom L
21 Tom B
20 Beverly W
20 Dennis S
20 Dottie O
20 Fred G
20 Gail S
20 Jeanette M
20 Judith M
20 Kenneth H
20 Lilany R
20 Michael A
20 Randy T
20 Robb Z
20 Zacharias K
Level 1 10 Points+
Cash Award of $50,000
19 Robb Z
19 Virginia R
17 Gerald M
17 Gwendolyn J
16 Doug L
16 Sandra M
16 Marisol D
15 Buena M
15 Claire L
15 Cody B
15 Denise L
15 Dudley M
15 Gerald B
15 Jill H
15 John S
15 Kathy C
15 Linda S
15 Mario G
15 Nik S
15 Paul P
15 Reg D
14 Darlene W
14 Edward L
14 Emma T
13 Janice T
13 Karen T
13 Warren E
12 Chandra A
12 Darlene W
12 Herma G
12 Jeremy D
12 Mary R
12 Milton H
12 Musuai S
12 Robert L
12 Sheldon S
12 Susan D
12 Wilber P
11 Antoinette B
11 John P
11 Maria G
11 Mary R
10 Angela P
10 Bruce H
10 Carmen R
10 Charlene L
10 Cheryl W-S
10 Cindy C
10 Claire L
10 Cora B
10 Dale L
10 Dana B
10 David H
10 Eileen B
10 Frank L
10 Fred & Lorna K
10 George B
10 George H
10 Githa H
10 Harold C
10 Jacques B
10 Jeremy B
10 Jerry E
10 Jerry N
10 Jose G
10 Julio H
10 Julia V
10 Kay M
10 Kenneth S
10 Lilly B
10 Linda N
10 Lucill B
10 Mauro N
10 Marc R
10 Marcus T
10 Margarita R
10 Merv H
10 Murray L
10 Nora A
10 Paula B
10 Pauliasi T
10 Pauline T
10 Reul & Lisa M
10 Roberte J-H
10 Ronald D
10 Teresa M
10 Trudie G
10 Virginia M
10 Willy D
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You cannot get what you’ve never had unless you’re willing to do what you’ve never done.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it - always.
- Mahatma Gandhi
The Lion asked the Wizard one time, "When does a slave become a king?"
"When You start acting like one! "
Otherwise You remain a slave all Your life.
 | Banister Wins over IRS |
Latest update 9/20/05
Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, C.P.A.
Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent
-For those who are unfamiliar with what has transpired to date in this case, especially the recent acquittal on all charges leveled against me.
-My sincere thanks to those who have prayed for the success of our efforts and contributed to my defense fund. Your continued financial support is enabling me to illustrate, in detail and in a very public manner, that the IRS does not prevail against citizens because the agency adheres to the rule of law, but that the IRS prevails against citizens because the agency ignores the law, twists the meaning of the law, and overwhelms the citizen with economic and legal burdens. In a school yard, such tactics are called "BULLYING". In a government setting, such tactics are called "TYRANNY". This effort is the equivalent of ganging up on the bully and sending him to reform school where he belongs.
Kind regards,
Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, C.P.A.
Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent
June 23, 2005
Former IRS CID Special Agent Joseph Banister Acquitted of Tax Fraud And Conspiracy
Government Unable To Prove U.S. Law Requires Income Tax Withholding or Filing
Video & More Details Tomorrow...
Sacramento California -- On Thursday June 23, a federal jury found former IRS Criminal Investigative Division (CID) Special Agent and CPA Joseph Banister not guilty of all counts alleging criminal tax fraud and conspiracy related to actions he took on behalf of a California business owner who had openly defied the IRS over several years by stopping withholding of all income and employment taxes from the paychecks of his workers.
During the trial the Department of Justice was unable to put forth any evidence that Banister had either engaged in a conspiracy or had acted unlawfully when he shared legal research with business owner Al Thompson concluding that he had no legal obligation to withhold taxes from his workers or when he (Banister) prepared corrected tax returns for Thompson claiming his taxable income was, under U.S. law, zero.
During the trial, Banister's former supervisor at IRS's San Jose CID office, Robert Gorini (who testified via video recording) when pointedly asked, was unable to cite any U.S. law that required Banister to pay income taxes.
Banister, who was forced to resign in 1999, gave Thompson's worker's a presentation in 2000 which reviewed his detailed investigative research of U.S. tax law which concluded that not only did the IRS lack any authority to impose income taxes on the workers, but there was no legal requirement for the business to withhold any taxes from the worker's paychecks.
Banister is part of a nationwide effort seeking to force the U.S. Government to respond to a series of detailed legal Petitions for Redress of Grievances directly challenging the authority of the IRS. Last summer, the We The People Foundation initiated a landmark lawsuit with 2000 plaintiffs against the government because it has refused to answer the Petitions.
The Right-To-Petition lawsuit, of which Banister is a plaintiff, is the first time in history that U.S. courts have been asked to define the meaning of the final ten words of the First Amendment.
Court documents for the RTP lawsuit and scholarly research regarding the Right to Petition can be downloaded from the Lawsuit Information Center on http://www.givemeliberty.org/.
Following the verdict, Banister was greeted by a throng of WTP supporters and many members of his family.
Tomorrow, WTP will publish additional details of this important news and stream video of post-verdict interviews of Banister & several of the jurors.
Support Joe Banister:
Read the May 27th WTP update, "Get Pinned"
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The Truth Shall Set You Free
Freedom Club USA
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