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Will Smith on Success
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Work your butt off
The greatest gift that you ever give is your own Happiness. When you are in a state of joy or appreciation, you are connected to the Stream of Source Energy that is truly who~you~are ... and anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention ~ benefits from your attention!!
~~~~Abraham (Esther Hicks)
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. 30 Charles F
30 Craig P
30 Millie-Jo T
30 Tedd P
Level 2 20 Points+
Cash Award of $100,000
29 Arthur V
28 Gideon K
26 Svetlana Y
25 Alan K
25 Dominiqe O
25 Doug L
25 Giglio M
24 Lorna B
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Level 1 10 Points+
Cash Award of $50,000
19 Robb Z
19 Virginia R
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16 Doug L
16 Sandra M
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10 Pauline T
10 Reul & Lisa M
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10 Ronald D
10 Teresa M
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10 Virginia M
10 Willy D
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You cannot get what you’ve never had unless you’re willing to do what you’ve never done.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it - always.
- Mahatma Gandhi
The Lion asked the Wizard one time, "When does a slave become a king?"
"When You start acting like one! "
Otherwise You remain a slave all Your life.
 | World Financial Crisis |
Benjamin Fulford
Benjamin Fulford Update Feb 2/10
Tuesday, 02 February 2010 21:30
Fascists try to grab $250 billion on Dec, 28, 2009 - After the attempt to create a fascist Euro-centric world government failed spectacularly in Copenhagen, the main battlefield in the ongoing financial World War 3 moved to the Philippines. We will report the details of these intrigues below.
First let us re-cap the New World Order moves towards a fascistic world government in 2009. It started with the inauguration of Barack Obama as president. At first everybody was hopeful but, it did not take long for the truth to sink in. Obama was a Nazi puppet who broke all his important promises and refused to withdraw from Iraq, failed to close the Guantanamo torture camp and actually increased the amount of troops in Afghanistan. Later, he attempted to make himself de-facto world President by taking the post of head of the UN Security council, in direct violation of the US constitution. To bolster his position he was given the Nobel “peace” prize.
Meanwhile a Soviet style totalitarian government was imposed upon the people of Europe via the Treaty of Lisbon. A European “President” was then selected without any popular vote.
The final move was supposed to have taken place at the Copenhagen “global warming” summit. The European fascists were hoping to install a global totalitarian government by stealth under the cover of the bogus CO2 reduction campaign.
However, the Black Dragon Society was able to quash this campaign on several fronts. First of all, Russian BDS members hacked the East Anglia University computers and proved the “global warming” campaign was based on false data. Then BDS members in Washington froze an attempt by the Japanese emperor to provide over $100 billion for the cabal to hand over to developing nations in exchange for their acceding to a world government. When the fascists showed up empty anded, they were told to buzz off by the rest of the world.
In the meantime, the Federal Reserve Board and the Bank of England are facing a January deadline to come up with gold to pay their overdue debts to China.
In order to get this gold and keep their privately owned money printing monopoly going, a senior Federal Reserve Board agent in Japan, who we will refer to as Mr. K, went to the Philippines with a high-powered Japanese government delegation led by ruling Democratic Party of Japan number 2 Hajime Ishii. Ostensibly, the purpose of the visit was to play golf and meet with assorted Philippino law-makers.
However, the real purpose was to cash $250 billion worth of 1930’s vintage US government bonds that are backed by Chinese Imperial gold stashed in the Philippines. Their hope is to cash these bonds and use the money to bribe developing countries into accepting the Copenhagen formula for European-led global fascistic government. The Japanese politicians accompanying Mr. K were almost certainly unaware of this secret agenda.
However, the Black Dragon Society also had a delegation in the Philippines with a very different agenda. Their delegation went to a lake near Manila that is the second largest lake in South East Asia. Local officials informed them that Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (an arch-Nazi) and her Philippino cronies were attempting to have the lake declared dead so that they could drain it and reclaim the land. Needless to say such a move would benefit a few billionaire developers at the expense of the millions of poor people living near the lake.
The society members instead promised to restore the lake to its pristine natural condition. They propose to do this by setting up sewage treatment facilities in order to treat the human waste that is responsible for 70% of the ecological damage to the lake. The society also proposed using Tesla technology involving sending out energy pulses of a specific frequency that kills harmful bacteria. In addition, they propose to use zeolite mined in the Philippines to neutralize toxins that are already in the lake.
The idea was to use the lake as an example to show a fundamental change in how Western Civilization interacts with the planet and its people. It would be used to initiate similar campaigns throughout the planet.
The Black Dragon Society plan for a new financial system was also explained. As we have mentioned before about 90% of all the dollars ever created are not owned by Americans. If these dollars become worthless paper then mass starvation and suffering is almost certain. That is why the BDS proposes to erase all fraudulently created dollars from the books and then back the remaining dollars with gold. The dollar would then be renamed and put under government control. The control would be shared between a new UN based in Laos, a China dominated World Bank based in Hong Kong and a G8 dominated world Economic Planning Agency based in Osaka or Singapore.
The Democratic Party of Japan delegates were very supportive of these proposals. They also expressed strong interest in the proposals for a new financial system controlled by governments instead of a small in-bred elite. However, the trip also helped reveal the real nature of the new “Democratic” Party of Japan. The BDS delegate approached Mr. Ishii, the supposed number 2 in the Japanese government and explained to him that the Yakuza and the Japanese right-wingers wanted to cut off their ties with the Federal Reserve Board crime gang and start to work for the Japanese government. Mr. Ishii’s answer was “you need to talk to Mr. K about that.”
Mr. K (we are keeping his name secret for now in the hope that he will join forces with the Black Dragons) had some very revealing things to say to us. He first approached the BDS when two Japanese agents were arrested in Italy in June carrying $134.5 billion worth of US government bonds. He said, “I guess we will have to work together now.”
He then explained how up until now “Three or four people ruled the country by brainwashing the rest.” The Federal Reserve Board had offered to hand over control of Japan to China by 2011, he said. “As long as me and my wife can live well, I guess that is OK,” he added.
Mr. K is obviously a second-tier power broker who blows with the wind. When the wind started to blow from China instead of the US, he quickly offered his services to China.
What he and other members of the Japanese secret establishment have revealed to us is a high-powered Federal Reserve Board campaign run out of Taiwan, Japan and China. Japanese gangsters and power-brokers go to either Taiwan or China where they receive massive bribes in order to go along with plans for a China led world dictatorship.
One of the key figures in this scheme is Democratic Party of Japan power-broker Ichiro Ozawa. Ozawa only tells his inner thoughts to 2 or 3 people he really trusts, according to a close friend and others.
The fear in Japan is that if the DPJ wins an absolute majority in the upper house elections due this summer, Ozawa will install a totalitarian dictatorship. Ozawa appears to be firmly in the Chinese camp but, things are not always as they appear. This was made obvious by the secret attempt on the part of Mr. K to cash the $250 billion on behalf of the Federal Reserve Board even though he supposedly gets his marching orders from Taiwan.
Black Dragon Society members in Washington have obtained an extensive list of Japanese politicians and gangsters who have been receiving large bribes in Taiwan and China that can ultimately be traced to the Federal Reserve Board. We may make this list public at a future date.
In any case, the story of Mr. K reveals how a person who has never been elected to any public office, who never passed a public service exam and who keeps his name secret is above in rank to the so-called number 2 in the Japanese government.
In the US, of course, a similar structure exists with people like James Baker, Frank Carlucci, George Bush Senior, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, J. Rockefeller etc. having more power than elected officials. In Europe the equivalent role is played by Royal Families and the various branches of the Rothschild dynasty.
Although a majority of people in the Western world and in Japan remain thoroughly brainwashed, a critical mass among the intellectual elite has figured out the fraudulent and unfair nature of this system. That means the system is now doomed.
The owners of the Federal Reserve Board have bought time since they were cut off from new funding at the end of September by selling military secrets, looting everything they can get their hands on in North America and via their world wide drug dealing operations.
However, without the gold in the Philippines, they are running out of time. International law enforcement officials from Interpol have now been given legal jurisdiction in the US. They are busy hunting down and arresting corrupt bankers.
A similar purge is underway in Europe.
Even if the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate gets their hands on the gold in the Philippines, if the Chinese continue pandering to these mass murderers, they will lose the goodwill they have earned over the past two years by standing up to them. That means the gold will remain worthless “black gold” unredeemable for cash as long as it is owned by the Federal Reserve Board.
What the greedy bankers did not realize during their maneuvers in the Philippines is that you cannot eat gold. The sewer water that can be recycled from around the Philippine lake can be turned into fertilizer and therefore into food. You need food to survive. That means the Black Dragon Society members who walked through filthy mud in bare feet in an effort to help poor Philippinos were standing on the true treasure.
In any case, there are many signs of a big show-down in January. There are several important settlement dates in January where the Feds are likely to bounce a check.
The Japanese government, for its part, has been steadily buying up all Japanese government bonds owned by foreigners. That means they may be preparing for a debt jubilee in Japan.
Meanwhile, over 600 foreign IT experts, law enforcement officials, politicians etc. have descended on Washington D.C. They may well be preparing to reboot the dollar system minus toxic derivatives.
We also have a steady flow of truth from the British media, including a BBC documentary stating that Al Qaeda is a fiction. This indicates the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate is becoming isolated even within the Anglo Saxon world.
Finally, Israel has recalled all of its ambassadors from around the world in a sign it clearly expects something big to happen.
It may well be that events predicted for 2012 could start in 2010. Next week, we will try to predict what will happen in what is most certainly expected to be a most turbulent and exciting new year. Our best guess for now is that a system of government that has lasted for literally thousands of years is about to end. Humanity may finally be free of a cruel system based on debt slavery forever.
Secret financial maneuvers fail to save Copenhagen climate summit
Dec. 21, 2009
The Copenhagen talks on combating so-called “global warming” ended in failure last week, marking a bitter defeat for the fascist globalist cabal. The failure became inevitable after a secret financial operation was quashed in Washington last week, depriving the globalists of any cash to hand out to poor countries in order to get their agreement.
The operation last week involved a top level operative reporting to the Chinese politburo, George Soros, Al Gore, the Japanese emperor (operating under instructions from Senator J. Rockefeller) and Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa. They were hoping to cash bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board in the 1930’s that were backed with Chinese imperial gold. The money was then going to be used to promise $100 billion in bribes to poor countries in order to get them to go along
with the creation of a fascist world government. A top Chinese government official was also promised the job of secret world emperor. Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa led a 600-person delegation to China last week as a part of this operation.
The operation was stopped by a secret but very powerful group known as the Black Dragon Society. This group is capable of mobilizing the British Empire, the Vatican, many of the oil producing states, at least half of the Pentagon, the Japanese military/police establishment and the over 50 million people studying martial arts worldwide. It was their allies in the US who froze the funds the Emperor was supposed to release.
Further attacks against the globalist fascists seen during the past week include the announcement by the Gulf Oil Producing states that they will no longer trade oil in dollars. Dubai, for its part, has cut off its ties with the globalists and is now suing Citibank for tens of billions of dollars. Most of the South American nations have also now renounced the use of US dollars for regional trade.
The Chinese have, for their part, made an end run around the US dollar by buying up all the physical commodities in the world. They are now in a position, if they desire, to triple the prices Western countries pay for their raw materials. They are unlikely to do this, of course, because that would amount to a declaration of war against the militarily more powerful Western powers.
Pentagon war-gaming scenarios call for the US Navy to blockade the Persian Gulf while the US army seizes Mexican and Venezuelan oil fields if a blockade is declared against the US.
The Russians, for their part, are contemplating forming a Western Alliance ranging from Vladivostock to Vancouver but not including the Nazi US regime. They are allied with the Chinese in the Shanghai Cooperation agreement but they view this as a marriage of convenience designed to counter-act the Nazi US threat. They still have a visceral, historical fear of the “yellow-peril,” meaning the Chinese would be foolish to overplay their hand.
The BDS has put a counter-proposal on the table. They promise to erase from the financial system all the dollars (running literally into the quintillions) created fraudulently by the Federal Reserve Board since the Greenspan/Clinton years. They will then back the remaining dollars with gold. Once this is done an intensive 3-year campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction will be financed.
As a part of this, a top level Japanese delegation led by Hajime Ishii, the number 2 in the Japanese government, will be visiting a site in the Philippines containing gold hoards and discussing the 3-year campaign plans with BDS representatives.
The BDS plan involves firstly an emergency global mobilization to immediately provide adequate nutrition to the 1 billion mal-nourished and starving people on this planet. They will also finance a 2-year stand-down of the world’s deep ocean fishing fleets in order to allow the oceans to replenish. This will be accompanied by efforts to seed the dead parts of the oceans with nutrients in order to vastly increase fish numbers.
The British Empire will form an alliance with the Gulf Oil Kingdoms to use previously suppressed energy technology to remove salt from sea-water and turn the deserts green. The alliance between the Gulf Oil Kingdoms and the British Empire may ultimately involve some sort of marriage based coalition. This may be followed by the alliance of Protestant Christianity with moderate Sufi Islam.
The Vatican, for its part, will mount their own campaign using their own free energy technology to end poverty and turn deserts green. They will also try to deepen their ties with Asia to counter-act what they see as a growing Islamist threat to Christianity.
The BDS allies in the US, meanwhile, plan to return the US to constitutional rule and begin a swords-to-ploughshares transition of the Pentagon. The Philippines gold will be used to write-off US external debts and finance a reconstruction of the US industrial base. The Pentagon will begin allowing the wide-spread civilian use of Stirling engines and other high-technology previously kept from the public for “security reasons.”
The Japanese, for their part, will begin introducing their own suppressed technology in an orderly manner designed to make sure there is minimal social disruption as the oil and nuclear power industries are phased out. They will also be re-integrating the Yakuza and right-wing gangs by converting them into a Japanese version of the CIA/FBI. They will be setting up a massive new martial arts university to act as their headquarters.
In any case, the Black Dragon Society has been contacted during the last week by the Yakuza, the British Royal Family, the KGB, the Vatican, the Pentagon and others in the run-up to the trip to the Philippine gold fields.
The transition away from the post-World War 2 power structure will probably take about 3-years to complete. However, there could be major announcements as early as January. We will report back from our Philippine trip next week.
Fulford #2
Benjamin Fulford Update Feb 4/10
The United States is using the threat of war as its final negotiating tactic against the Chinese following the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board. By sending missile defenses and troop to the Persian gulf, the Americans are saying: we can cut off the supply of oil from the Middle East and create mass starvation. At the same time, by holding military exercises with in Thailand using troops from Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea, the United States is telling China that Asia is not China’s for the taking. The sale of state of the art weapons to Taiwan is yet another signal to the Chinese communists that the US still has influence in the region.
The Russians contacted the Black Dragon Society to figure out what side to take in this show-down. The BDS believes Russia should side with the US but only on the condition that they get rid of the criminal Bush/Clinton crime family. The US also needs to start issuing greenbacks and abolish the Federal Reserve Board.
Once that is done, a global alliance needs to be formed to negotiate with China over the creation of new global financial institutions. They also need to negotiate debt forgiveness for the US once it returns to constitutional rule. The Chinese, for their part know the US would never really choose to start WW3 unless it was given no choice. We really need to announce the new financial system as soon as possible.
Last Updated on Thursday, 04 February 2010 21:14
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