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The Year of Reckoning!
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Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration Early Signup
Be in the first 500 to join our Victory Receptions: Gold, Silver or Early Bronze. The first week will be awards, meetings and fun; the second week will be all fun events.
Date and location is still being determined but all locations will be sunny. Pack for warm weather!
Only 500 Preferred Luxury Packages are available for each event! It will be first come first served.
What you get…
- Preferred room (size, view and elevation)
- Victory Reception 7-9 PM with leaders
- Music
- Lavish hors d’oeuvres
- Champagne
- Bonus gift
- Photo opportunities
- Free hugs and fantastic memories of our first event
Details and Order here
Email Booster
Frequently Asked Questions

Club Mission
Guide our members to an abundant receiving/giving life of financial, health, emotional and spiritual freedoms through inner awakening and paying it forward.
Will Smith on Success
Trust yourself
Break the rules
Don’t be afraid to fail
Don’t listen to naysayers
Work your butt off
The greatest gift that you ever give is your own Happiness. When you are in a state of joy or appreciation, you are connected to the Stream of Source Energy that is truly who~you~are ... and anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention ~ benefits from your attention!!
~~~~Abraham (Esther Hicks)
Member Mission
Learn, Educate, Release, Accept, Grow, Share, Love
Intro & Prosperity Calls
Member Calls
Quantum Energetics
Study Guides
Take the Winners Pledge
Move Into Your Heart Space
Ambassador Bonus Awards
Ambassador Bonus Awards
Ambassador Commissions
Level 3 30 Points+
Cash Award of $250,000 plus...
$50,000 in prizes
378 Chuck L
349 Harris F
291 Carol D
244 Monica L
227 Terry G
223 Judi H
215 Sandra C
154 Kevin C
153 Carlos P
147 Erika M
129 Christopher W
128 Richard H
104 Michael J
97 Diane & Glenn H
95 Jose T. C
84 Carmen C
84 Tim M
75 Gaura T
70 Henk K
67 Gaetano F
66 Joanne A
64 Marie S
61 Michael H
50 Kenneth N
47 Lois G
47 Ray E
44 Karlton R
39 Dale & Debbie O
44 Mervin O
42 Kevin C
40 Debbie H
39 John P. Y
37 Judy C
37 Vicki S
35 Bridget B
35 Wendy S
34 Flora L
33 Marco B
32 Rillea P
31 Eric D
. 30 Charles F
30 Craig P
30 Millie-Jo T
30 Tedd P
Level 2 20 Points+
Cash Award of $100,000
29 Arthur V
28 Gideon K
26 Svetlana Y
25 Alan K
25 Dominiqe O
25 Doug L
25 Giglio M
24 Lorna B
24 Monica P
24 Vicki K
23 Gordon W
23 Jeanine L
22 Elizabeth B
22 Francisca S
22 Tom L
21 Tom B
20 Beverly W
20 Dennis S
20 Dottie O
20 Fred G
20 Gail S
20 Jeanette M
20 Judith M
20 Kenneth H
20 Lilany R
20 Michael A
20 Randy T
20 Robb Z
20 Zacharias K
Level 1 10 Points+
Cash Award of $50,000
19 Robb Z
19 Virginia R
17 Gerald M
17 Gwendolyn J
16 Doug L
16 Sandra M
16 Marisol D
15 Buena M
15 Claire L
15 Cody B
15 Denise L
15 Dudley M
15 Gerald B
15 Jill H
15 John S
15 Kathy C
15 Linda S
15 Mario G
15 Nik S
15 Paul P
15 Reg D
14 Darlene W
14 Edward L
14 Emma T
13 Janice T
13 Karen T
13 Warren E
12 Chandra A
12 Darlene W
12 Herma G
12 Jeremy D
12 Mary R
12 Milton H
12 Musuai S
12 Robert L
12 Sheldon S
12 Susan D
12 Wilber P
11 Antoinette B
11 John P
11 Maria G
11 Mary R
10 Angela P
10 Bruce H
10 Carmen R
10 Charlene L
10 Cheryl W-S
10 Cindy C
10 Claire L
10 Cora B
10 Dale L
10 Dana B
10 David H
10 Eileen B
10 Frank L
10 Fred & Lorna K
10 George B
10 George H
10 Githa H
10 Harold C
10 Jacques B
10 Jeremy B
10 Jerry E
10 Jerry N
10 Jose G
10 Julio H
10 Julia V
10 Kay M
10 Kenneth S
10 Lilly B
10 Linda N
10 Lucill B
10 Mauro N
10 Marc R
10 Marcus T
10 Margarita R
10 Merv H
10 Murray L
10 Nora A
10 Paula B
10 Pauliasi T
10 Pauline T
10 Reul & Lisa M
10 Roberte J-H
10 Ronald D
10 Teresa M
10 Trudie G
10 Virginia M
10 Willy D
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You cannot get what you’ve never had unless you’re willing to do what you’ve never done.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it - always.
- Mahatma Gandhi
The Lion asked the Wizard one time, "When does a slave become a king?"
"When You start acting like one! "
Otherwise You remain a slave all Your life.
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Liberty Dollar Raid by FBI
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:
I sincerely regret to inform you that about 8:00 this morning a dozen FBI and Secret Service agents raided the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville.
For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that where just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files, all the computers and froze our bank accounts.
We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the US Constitution. We should not to be defrauded by the fake government money.
But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for mint the Gold and Silver Libertys have been taken.
This in spite of the fact that Edmond C. Moy, the Director of the Mint, acknowledged in a letter to a US Senator that the paper certificates did not violate Section 486 and were not illegal. But the FBI and Services took all the paper currency too.
The possibility of such action was the reason the Liberty Dollar was designed so that the vast majority of the money was in specie form and in the people’s hands. Of the $20 million Liberty Dollars, only about a million is in paper or digital form.
I regret that if you are due an order. It may be some time until it will be filled... if ever... it now all depends on our actions.
Everyone who has an unfulfilled order or has digital or paper currency should band together for a class action suit and demand redemption. We cannot allow the government to steal our money! Please don’t let this happen!!! Many of you read the articles quoting the government and Federal Reserve officials that the Liberty Dollar was legal. You did nothing wrong. You are legally entitled to your property. Let us use this terrible act to band together and further our goal – to return America to a value based currency.
Please forward this important Alert... so everyone who possess or use the Liberty Dollar is aware of the situation.
Please click HERE to sign up for the class action lawsuit and get your property back!
If the above link does not work you can access the page by copying the following into your web browser. http://www.libertydollar.org/classaction/index.php
Thanks again for your support at this darkest time as the damn government and their dollar sinks to a new low.
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect
Gold Heist But we neeeeeeeeeed "government" to protect us! From what? How about from armed robbers?
Well, a dozen armed robbers just pulled off what is probably the biggest precious metals heist in this country in a very long time. Somewhere around a million dollars in gold, silver, and platinum were stolen this morning by a dozen armed thugs. Unfortunately, the crooks got away. But don't worry, the government is on the case!
Unfortunately, they're "on the case" going after the VICTIMS of this crime. You see, the armed robbers were agents of the FBI and the Secret Service, and the victim was the "Liberty Dollar" organization--not to mention all the people who rightfully OWNED the stolen property.
I probably don't have to tell you the motive: the folks at Liberty Dollar, by offering an inflation-proof, precious-metals-backed
currency, were messing with one of the tyrants' biggest power games: the robbery-via-"inflation" game. And in the land of the
free, this is what happens when you threaten the megalomaniacs' power. Never mind that the Liberty Dollar is perfectly legal, as
confirmed by U.S. officials. To hell with the law; there is POWER at stake, and you can bet that that "goddamn piece of paper" (as Bush called the Constitution) isn't going to stop Fuhrer W. and his jackboots from living out their little power trip fantasies.
So, are all you "limited government" Republicans proud of the regime you created? Is this fascist empire what you wanted? Let's see: "your" party got the House, the Senate, and the White House. And years later, what do you have to show for it? The biggest federal budget ever? The creation of the biggest federal bureaucracy ever? Wow, good thing the Democrats didn't get into power, or we'd be seeing the growth of "big government."
Wake up and smell the jackboots.
If you actually support the Bush regime, then put the damn swastika on your sleeve and be honest about it. If, on the other hand, you actually believe in "limited government," and you insist on engaging in the insane ritual of voting, then how about supporting the ONLY one in the presidential race (from either party) who ISN'T a devout collectivist, national socialist? And I don't want to hear any crap about "wasting your vote" on someone who can't win, or down the road, you can proudly tell your kids how you voted for the fascist/socialist who won, instead of the guy with PRINCIPLES who didn't. Yeah, there's something to be proud of. Again, for those who believe in the "election" ritual, you have two choices: Ron Paul, or totalitarianism. I don't know how much more proof of that you could possibly need.
Larken Rose
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:
I sincerely regret to inform you that about 8:00 this morning a dozen FBI and Secret Service agents raided the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville.
For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that where just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files, all the computers and froze our bank accounts.
We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the US Constitution. We should not to be defrauded by the fake government money.
But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for mint the Gold and Silver Libertys have been taken.
This in spite of the fact that Edmond C. Moy, the Director of the Mint, acknowledged in a letter to a US Senator that the paper certificates did not violate Section 486 and were not illegal. But the FBI and Services took all the paper currency too.
The possibility of such action was the reason the Liberty Dollar was designed so that the vast majority of the money was in specie form and in the people’s hands. Of the $20 million Liberty Dollars, only about a million is in paper or digital form.
I regret that if you are due an order. It may be some time until it will be filled... if ever... it now all depends on our actions.
Everyone who has an unfulfilled order or has digital or paper currency should band together for a class action suit and demand redemption. We cannot allow the government to steal our money! Please don’t let this happen!!! Many of you read the articles quoting the government and Federal Reserve officials that the Liberty Dollar was legal. You did nothing wrong. You are legally entitled to your property. Let us use this terrible act to band together and further our goal – to return America to a value based currency.
Please forward this important Alert... so everyone who possess or use the Liberty Dollar is aware of the situation.
Please click HERE to sign up for the class action lawsuit and get your property back!
If the above link does not work you can access the page by copying the following into your web browser. http://www.libertydollar.org/classaction/index.php
Thanks again for your support at this darkest time as the damn government and their dollar sinks to a new low.
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:
I sincerely regret to inform you that about 8:00 this morning a dozen FBI and Secret Service agents raided the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville.
For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that where just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files, all the computers and froze our bank accounts.
We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the US Constitution. We should not to be defrauded by the fake government money.
But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for mint the Gold and Silver Libertys have been taken.
This in spite of the fact that Edmond C. Moy, the Director of the Mint, acknowledged in a letter to a US Senator that the paper certificates did not violate Section 486 and were not illegal. But the FBI and Services took all the paper currency too.
The possibility of such action was the reason the Liberty Dollar was designed so that the vast majority of the money was in specie form and in the people’s hands. Of the $20 million Liberty Dollars, only about a million is in paper or digital form.
I regret that if you are due an order. It may be some time until it will be filled... if ever... it now all depends on our actions.
Everyone who has an unfulfilled order or has digital or paper currency should band together for a class action suit and demand redemption. We cannot allow the government to steal our money! Please don’t let this happen!!! Many of you read the articles quoting the government and Federal Reserve officials that the Liberty Dollar was legal. You did nothing wrong. You are legally entitled to your property. Let us use this terrible act to band together and further our goal – to return America to a value based currency.
Please forward this important Alert... so everyone who possess or use the Liberty Dollar is aware of the situation.
Please click HERE to sign up for the class action lawsuit and get your property back!
If the above link does not work you can access the page by copying the following into your web browser. http://www.libertydollar.org/classaction/index.php
Thanks again for your support at this darkest time as the damn government and their dollar sinks to a new low.
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Freedom Club USA
Email: contactus@freedomclubusa.com
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All rights reserved.