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The Year of Reckoning!
|---------- Getting Started ----------|
|--------------- Calls ---------------|
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Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration
Victory Celebration Early Signup
Be in the first 500 to join our Victory Receptions: Gold, Silver or Early Bronze. The first week will be awards, meetings and fun; the second week will be all fun events.
Date and location is still being determined but all locations will be sunny. Pack for warm weather!
Only 500 Preferred Luxury Packages are available for each event! It will be first come first served.
What you get…
- Preferred room (size, view and elevation)
- Victory Reception 7-9 PM with leaders
- Music
- Lavish hors d’oeuvres
- Champagne
- Bonus gift
- Photo opportunities
- Free hugs and fantastic memories of our first event
Details and Order here
Email Booster
Frequently Asked Questions

Club Mission
Guide our members to an abundant receiving/giving life of financial, health, emotional and spiritual freedoms through inner awakening and paying it forward.
Will Smith on Success
Trust yourself
Break the rules
Don’t be afraid to fail
Don’t listen to naysayers
Work your butt off
The greatest gift that you ever give is your own Happiness. When you are in a state of joy or appreciation, you are connected to the Stream of Source Energy that is truly who~you~are ... and anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention ~ benefits from your attention!!
~~~~Abraham (Esther Hicks)
Member Mission
Learn, Educate, Release, Accept, Grow, Share, Love
Intro & Prosperity Calls
Member Calls
Quantum Energetics
Study Guides
Take the Winners Pledge
Move Into Your Heart Space
Ambassador Bonus Awards
Ambassador Bonus Awards
Ambassador Commissions
Level 3 30 Points+
Cash Award of $250,000 plus...
$50,000 in prizes
378 Chuck L
349 Harris F
291 Carol D
244 Monica L
227 Terry G
223 Judi H
215 Sandra C
154 Kevin C
153 Carlos P
147 Erika M
129 Christopher W
128 Richard H
104 Michael J
97 Diane & Glenn H
95 Jose T. C
84 Carmen C
84 Tim M
75 Gaura T
70 Henk K
67 Gaetano F
66 Joanne A
64 Marie S
61 Michael H
50 Kenneth N
47 Lois G
47 Ray E
44 Karlton R
39 Dale & Debbie O
44 Mervin O
42 Kevin C
40 Debbie H
39 John P. Y
37 Judy C
37 Vicki S
35 Bridget B
35 Wendy S
34 Flora L
33 Marco B
32 Rillea P
31 Eric D
. 30 Charles F
30 Craig P
30 Millie-Jo T
30 Tedd P
Level 2 20 Points+
Cash Award of $100,000
29 Arthur V
28 Gideon K
26 Svetlana Y
25 Alan K
25 Dominiqe O
25 Doug L
25 Giglio M
24 Lorna B
24 Monica P
24 Vicki K
23 Gordon W
23 Jeanine L
22 Elizabeth B
22 Francisca S
22 Tom L
21 Tom B
20 Beverly W
20 Dennis S
20 Dottie O
20 Fred G
20 Gail S
20 Jeanette M
20 Judith M
20 Kenneth H
20 Lilany R
20 Michael A
20 Randy T
20 Robb Z
20 Zacharias K
Level 1 10 Points+
Cash Award of $50,000
19 Robb Z
19 Virginia R
17 Gerald M
17 Gwendolyn J
16 Doug L
16 Sandra M
16 Marisol D
15 Buena M
15 Claire L
15 Cody B
15 Denise L
15 Dudley M
15 Gerald B
15 Jill H
15 John S
15 Kathy C
15 Linda S
15 Mario G
15 Nik S
15 Paul P
15 Reg D
14 Darlene W
14 Edward L
14 Emma T
13 Janice T
13 Karen T
13 Warren E
12 Chandra A
12 Darlene W
12 Herma G
12 Jeremy D
12 Mary R
12 Milton H
12 Musuai S
12 Robert L
12 Sheldon S
12 Susan D
12 Wilber P
11 Antoinette B
11 John P
11 Maria G
11 Mary R
10 Angela P
10 Bruce H
10 Carmen R
10 Charlene L
10 Cheryl W-S
10 Cindy C
10 Claire L
10 Cora B
10 Dale L
10 Dana B
10 David H
10 Eileen B
10 Frank L
10 Fred & Lorna K
10 George B
10 George H
10 Githa H
10 Harold C
10 Jacques B
10 Jeremy B
10 Jerry E
10 Jerry N
10 Jose G
10 Julio H
10 Julia V
10 Kay M
10 Kenneth S
10 Lilly B
10 Linda N
10 Lucill B
10 Mauro N
10 Marc R
10 Marcus T
10 Margarita R
10 Merv H
10 Murray L
10 Nora A
10 Paula B
10 Pauliasi T
10 Pauline T
10 Reul & Lisa M
10 Roberte J-H
10 Ronald D
10 Teresa M
10 Trudie G
10 Virginia M
10 Willy D
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You cannot get what you’ve never had unless you’re willing to do what you’ve never done.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it - always.
- Mahatma Gandhi
The Lion asked the Wizard one time, "When does a slave become a king?"
"When You start acting like one! "
Otherwise You remain a slave all Your life.
 | Winning |
FCUSA Communication Protocol
The support and administrative staff at FCUSA and Gold Shield Alliance are diligently working to bring you the results that are intended to be the highest and best for you as individuals and the club as a whole. We realize that some people are in very stressful and dire situations that need immediate action. Allow us to remind you that we do not have an exact date for funding or GSA resolution. We initiate your actions in a timely manner on your behalf, but cannot control the timing of the paymaster or courts. We suggest if you are in this situation, it is not proper to verbally or otherwise assault the very people that are trying to overcome all obstacles to help you. Please refer to the Thanks for Being a Winner call protocol. It is the policy of the club that if you have a problem, bring us a solution and we will gladly address it.
Should you be a member who accosts our staff, we will give you one warning notice. Future infractions will result in a $250 fine that must be paid before any of your processes will proceed or be paid. This infraction may also be paid by doing 2 QE sessions followed up with an online response citing the resolution of your actions and sent to resolution@FreedomClubUSA.com. FCUSA further reserves the right to terminate an abusive member at its discretion.
Remember, we are working to benefit all members so we can all rejoice in the outcome!
Thank's for Being a Winner!
We accept only Winners energy as a protocol on all our live calls, phone calls, chat and email communication. Please realize we did not create any of your lifelong issues. FCUSA is here to assist everyone through their issues (financial, emotional or spirtual) with our QE program. Should you discover you are exhibiting "Whiner" characteristics, please sign-up for QE to address the root and release your early life stressors. When you communicate with us, please be courteous. This way, we all win. Thank you for your consideration.
The planet is in the throes of massive change at every level imaginable: physical Earth changes, financial changes, emotional changes, economic and political unrest, religious revelations and even our own bodies are transforming to a lighter energy.
So, how does one deal with massive change as it is now escalating 20 times quicker?
A typical whiner has the following characteristics:
they want to blame others for their problems
they want someone else to fix their problems
they aren't willing to dig in and do what needs to be done
they procrastinate
they are outwardly driven by others, the government, friends, etc.
they do not take responsibility for solving their own issues
they 'hope' rather 'intend'
they look at how things were and resist change
they focus on the problem not the solution
they avoid Prosperity calls, QE and Coaching
A typical winner has these characteristics:
they accept their 'challenges' as an opportunity
they step up and address their own 'challenges'
they are willing to dig in and do what needs to be done
they are pro-active
they are inwardly driven by themselves from the heart
they do take responsibility for solving their own issues
they 'intend' rather than 'hope'
they look at how things can be and create change
they focus on the solution not the problem
they grow from Prosperity calls, QE and Coaching
Founder, Tom
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The Truth Shall Set You Free
Freedom Club USA
Email: contactus@freedomclubusa.com
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