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Recent Creator's Gifts
ATI=All That Is
111) The core lifeline of all darkness has been located. Totally extinguished..
110) Many deep roots feeding darkness in the last weeks have been discovered. Extinguished..
109) Darkness embedded in another paradigm messing with ATI. Destroyed..
108) ATI
GROUP 1: imposed the effects of fear onto 80% of people on Earth
GROUP 2: induced to do great dark harm (big pharma, behind the scenes world leaders, Soros, Kim Jung-un, Castro).
GROUP 3: infused with destructive aspects (Obama, Pelosi, Clintons, Trudeau, Queen, Macron, Rockefellers, drug cartels).
GROUP 4: controlled the banking cartel; Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.
GROUP 5: infested Governers, Mayors, CDC, WHO, FDA to impose fearful restrictions on people.
GROUP 6: totally governed Vatican, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Gates, and Hitler.
All of these groups were controled by their ego. Resolved.
107) Multiple items in another paradigm obstructed Paradigm’s cleanup. Resolved.
106) Multiple frequencies are messing with the interconnection with Everything. Resolved.
105) Segments of ATI are being manipulated by dark tech. demolished.
104) Traumas in Paradigm: 1 centillion times itself 150 times. demolished.
103) Multiple sources sending fear throughout Paradigm energized by darkness. decimated.
102) Since the fall of man 13,000 years ago, a lifeline was provided allowing us to return to our true selves as beings of light. A group of dark ravagers using invasive attachments had infused our lifelines devouring humans possibility to return. These have now been eradicated by Creator assuring our return to beings of light.
101) Clones, programs, weapons, arsenal, dark tech, infinite backups, self-contained energy, doing anything nasty desired. extinguished.
100) Unified controlling mechanisms invading sentient beings are extinguishing their critical thinking. Processed.
99) 1 centillion times itself 1 centillion times traumas allowed nasties to mess with ATI. Resolved.
98) Infinite layers enveloping 1 centillion times itself 1 centillion times nasties. Resolved.
97) 1 centillion times itself 1 decillion times traumas allowed nasties to mess with LIFE. Resolved.
96) 1 centillion times itself 1 centillion times layers enveloping 1 centillion nasties. Resolved.
95) 1 quadrillion malevolent items affecting energy of Mother Earth. Resolved.
94) Darkness messing withEarth's Weather Patterns. Resolved.
93) There is a darkness over Canada. Resolved.
92) 1 centillion times itself 275 times, vile affecting heart, soul, spirit, mind, body, energy. Resolved.
91) 1 centillion times itself 200 times, vile affecting love, joy, peace, harmony, happiness, wellness, health, healing, freedom, abundance. Resolved.
90) 1 centillion times itself 10 times, vile affecting heart, soul, spirit, mind, body, energy. Resolved.
89) Multiple energies messing with Life by amplifying their propensity of being a victim. Resolved.
88) Contracts: 1 centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion. All done in fraud. Resolved.
87) Multiple destructive influences are preventing compassion to Segments of ATI. Resolved.
86) Contracts: 1 centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion. All done in fraud. Resolved.
85) Pure evil things are indirectly inflicting pain, torturing SOAC thru minions. Sources, creators and masterminds. Resolved.
84) Multiple cesspools are indirectly messing with humanity’s ability to accept truth. Resolved.
83) Contracts: 1 centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion.
All done in fraud. Sources, creators, masterminds Resolved.
82) Something is immersed in segments of humanity disturbing their critical calculation procedures inducing liberalism. Resolved.
81) Essence of agitation is harming humanity. Resolved.
80) Depression and liberal limited thinking is being caused by a darkness refracting messages coming to the frontal lobe of the brain disabling logical thinking controlled by a dark single source between paradigms. Resolved.
79) Contracts: 1 centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion contracts done in fraud by dark masterminds… resolved.
78) Multiple incredibly dark behemoths are infested in everything in ATI and beyond manipulated by a Controller. Terminated.
77) Multiple oppressors using frequencies, vibrations, sound, dark energies, dark tech, arsenal, replicators, programs, automation and shock against ATI. Resolved.
76) Multiple destroyers using dark tech thru devices indirectly on ATI. Resolved.
75) Multiple controllers are messing with segments of mankind from multiple dimensions. Resolved.
74) A vile cohesion of darkness is perpetrating death upon all unvaccinated beings. Resolved.
73) Contracts: 1 centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion contracts done in fraud. Resolved.
72) Contracts: 1 centillion centillion centillion centillion contracts done in fraud. Resolved.
71) Creator has made harmless the DARPA Hydrogel and Lithium as well as any other harmful substances on the nasal test sticks used for testing of the non-existent COVID. Healing has also been initiated for infected subjects.
70) Sources, creators, masterminds, manipulators, destroyers working thru devices with arsenal using dark tech are oppressing truth throughout creation. Resolved.
69) Multiple oppressors using frequencies, vibrations, sound, dark energies, dark tech, arsenal, replicators, programs, automation, shock against ATI. Resolved.
68) Multiple destroyers using dark tech thru devices indirectly on ATI. Resolved.
67) A deep source of darkness affecting the entire paradigm has been Eviscerated.
66) GMO mosquitoes are purged. Annihilated.
65) A vile cohesion of excrement is perpetrating death upon all unvaccinated select beings. Resolved.
64) Multiple controllers messing with segments of mankind from multiple dimensions. Resolved.
63) Sources, creators, masterminds, controllers are harming Everything in This Dimension. Resolved.
62) GMO mosquitoes are purged. Annihilated.
61) COVID masks are being cleansed by Creator of harmful “worms”, nano-bots and carcinogenic items. Resolved.
60) Microplastic particles swirling around the atmosphere are being extinguished by Creator. Resolved.
59) A manifestation left by darkness surrounds human’s “free will” working thru multiple intermediaries producing multiple automated destroyers intimidating the minds of receptive humans. Annihilated.
58) A manifestation left by darkness surrounds the Earth working thru multiple intermediaries producing multiple automated devices inscribing the minds of receptive humans producing discontent and injustice feelings. Resolved.
57) During rDNA vaccine jabs, darkness is entering humanity and emulating what the intent of the vaccine was even though the vaccine has been made harmless. Plus, it has expanded the intent by transmitting harmful esoteric projectiles thru the ether into humans in near proximity (contact to 12 inches). These projectiles change the recipient’s RNA disrupting its function in harmful ways.
Stop all darkness from entering humans during CORONA jabs. Resolved.
Cleanup and repair the darkness from vaxxed humans. Resolved.
Cleanup and repair humans receiving the darkness transmitted from vaxxed humans. Resolved.
56) Something impenetrable is encapsulating sentient beings, dominating the awakening of participant’s sacred divinity. Resolved.
55) Contract: 1 centillion centillion centillion, done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing eternal possibilities to all space and time.
54) Contract: 1 centillion centillion centillion, done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing purity to all that ever existed.
53) Contract: 150 centillion centillion, done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing eternal imagination to infinity times infinity.
52) Master Contracts: 100 centillion centillion, done in fraud but multiple instigators holding control of master contracts. Resolved.
Bringing infinite domain to Creator, Everything within and beyond our knowledge.
51) Contracts: 10 centillion centillion, done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing love to Creator, Everything Creator Created.
50) Contracts: 1 centillion centillion, done in fraud. Purified.
Bringing freedom to Creator, Higher Realms, Kingdoms of Light, All that ever was and ATI, Paradigm, Universe, Mother Earth, All of ME’s Kingdoms, All Planets and Kingdoms, Humanity, Sentient Life, In all Dimensions.
49) Contracts: 2 centillion, done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing awakening to Creator, ATI, Paradigm, Universe, Mother Earth, All of ME’s Kingdoms, Humanity, Sentient Life.
48) Contracts: 1 centillion. Done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing transformation to everyone and everything everywhere in all dimensions from the beginning of time.
47) Contracts: 500 decillion. Done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing wondrous essences of divinity for Creator, Higher Realms, Paradigm, Universe, Mother Earth, Sentient Life, Mankind, Multiple Dimensions.
46) Contracts: 50 decillion. Done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing delicate heart-centered creations for Everything everywhere.
45) Contracts: 1 decillion. Done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing universal compassion for ATI, Universe, Mother Earth, This Dimension.
44) Contracts: 1 quadrillion. Done in fraud. Resolved.
Bringing love for Creator, Beings of Light, Various Dimensions, Multiple Realms, and Others.
43) Contracts: 1 trillion. Done in fraud. Resolved.
Now brings eradication of fear for Universe, Mother Earth, Humanity.
42) Contracts: 1 billion. Done in fraud. Resolved.
Now brings revitalization for ATI, all that ever was.
41) Contracts: 50,000,000 Done in fraud. Resolved.
Now brings unending possibilities for Creator, higher realms, oneness, spiritual realm, beings of light, essences of light, all seeking light, all light.
40) Contracts: 5,000,000 Done in fraud. Resolved.
Now brings unlimited divinity for Creator, beings of light, multiple realms, multiple paradigms, multiple universes, multiple planets, sentient life, mankind.
39) Contracts: 10,000 Done in fraud, Resolved.
Now brings unending enlightenment for multiple realms, ascended masters, ATI, all paradigms, all universes.
38) Contracts: 500 Done in fraud, Resolved.
Now brings resolution of distress for multiple realms, beings of light, planets, sentient life, mankind.
37) Contracts: 50 Done in fraud, Resolved.
Now brings peace to ATI, Paradigm, Universe, Mother Earth.
36) Universe, Mother Earth, Sentient Life are purging duality.
35) Disenged ATI, Universe, Mother Earth, Mankind from horrific violence.
34) Detachment from darkness is resolving for ATI and this Paradigm.
33) Earth, Universe and ATI are reconstructing to Singularity.
32) Transforming Fear to Love.
31) Resolving Contracts and Agreements by the dark.
30) Transformation of ATI. Precursor to healing at all levels.
29) The end of all harm to humanity.
28) Divine restoration of Earth.
27) Awakening of humanity at all levels.
26) Reconnect with higher-selves and greater-selves.
25) Allowing the return of AWAKENING to ATI.
24) Allowing the return of HEART CENTERING to ATI.
23) Allowing the return of RECONNECTION to HUMANITY and ATI.
22) Allowing the return of GROUNDING to HUMANITY.
21) Allowing the return of COMMUNICATION WITH HIGHER-SELF to ATI.
20) Allowing the return of WELLNESS to ATI.
19) Allowing the return of PEACE to ATI.
18) Allowing the return of HAPPINESS to ATI.
17) Allowing the return of FREEDOM to ATI.
16) Hidden aspects of darkness in sentient life removed.
15) Hidden aspects of darkness in ATI removed.
14) Multiple infused aspects of darkness invading our Universe, resolved.
13) Multiple embedded aspects of darkness invading Earth, resolved.
12) Multiple all-encompassing entities messing with ATI resolved.
11) Multiple blockers inhibiting communications with higher-selves resolved.
10) Residual darkness zapping sentient life resolved.
09) Multiple invaders of sentient life removed.
08) Opened communications with higher-selves.
07) A dark "ether" engulfing ATI resolved.
06) Multiple blockers removed from All-that-is.
05) Sentient reconnected to their higher-selves.
04) Disengage multiple energies interfering with higher-selves.
03) Multiple resistances removed from sentient life.
02) Humanity reconnected to their higher-selves.
01) Weather "normalization" initiated.